Part 2

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It was Monday morning. I hadn't seen or heard from Leo since Saturday morning when he left my house after breakfast.

The words "hmm it was bound to happen..." rang in my head over and over again. Even though I was drunk I could remember a fair chunk of the night. He was good. Dare I say the best I'd ever had.

Luckily my roommate and best friend was away for the weekend otherwise i would have received the scolding of a lifetime. When she got home Sunday night I told her everything.

She was proud yet anxious for me considering we hadn't heard from eachother since the day before. No texts, no calls. Not even an email.

"Should I call in sick?" I asked Rhys and she got ready to go to work.

"No. You should go see him. Also you have no sick days left remember?" She replied in a hurry. She was always late.

"Fuck. Whatever I'll go in. But only because I can't miss another day and not because you told me too." I responded and she laughed.

"Okay I gotta run. I love you!" She said half way out the door with a coffee and a book in hand.

"I love you too. Bye!" I shouted out and she was gone.

I took my time getting ready for work. Part of me was anxious but another part of me was almost excited to see him for some strange reason.

I dressed a little better than usual which was completely out of the ordinary. I never dressed up for work. I even managed to convince myself it wasn't for him. Wow.

I made it to work about 30 minutes late and went straight to my office. I wanted to do everything in my power to avoid this but deep down I ached to see him.

On my lunch break I stayed in my office. I ate alone rather than with Leo because I was too afraid to face him.

He walked past my office 3 times and my lower region literally fluttered every time. God help me.

Usually I got off work at around 5 but tonight I needed to stay late to get some work finished. I thought everyone was gone so I went to the kitchen to see what snacks were there.

That's when I bumped into him.

"Oh hi." He said and smiled.

"Hi." I replied and tried to walk back to my office. I don't know why I guess it was instinct.

"How have you been?" He asked.

'You saw me two days ago... and aren't you gonna compliment my outfit?" I replied in my head but I didn't wanna sound standoffish.

"I'm alright, how are you?" I responded and looked away.

"I'm doing great. You look nice today." He said and I smiled shyly.

"Look things don't have to be awkward between us okay?" He reassured me and I half smiled at him.

"When I asked you if you found it weird you said it was bound to happen. What did you mean?" I asked him and he looked taken a back by my question.

"We'll I mean we have this chemistry between us don't you think?" He replied and stepped a little bit closer to me.

"I mean yeah," I replied and didn't move away.

"And we did have fun didn't we?" He asked and I nodded slowly. Allowing myself to get wrapped up in the memories of what had happened on Friday night.

I wanted him to kiss me. I wanted him.

I bit my lip and he leaned down to kiss me. He claimed my lips with his and he kissed better than I could remember. He placed his hand on my throat to control the kiss and I moaned quietly.

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