Part 3

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"Okay next rule." I sighed out and shifted my body so I was facing him.

I was at Leo's house again. We were discussing rules for our little arrangement. So far we only had 2 rules, no feelings and no jealousy.

"You're gonna have to start wrapping it up." I said and pointed at his crotch. His smile dropped.

"Hey! Why?" He asked and pouted.

"Because I don't wanna get pregnant. You already came in me twice, you're not doing it again." I argued and leaned back on the sofa.

Thank god for the pill hey?

"Okay point made." He huffed.

"We have to be completely transparent about our sex lives okay?" He asked and I agreed.

"I'm definitely the only sex you're having anyways." I teased and he lightly tapped my arm. I was acting as is that wasn't reality for me. But the fact that he didn't agree nor disagree confused me a bit.

"Also no romance. That would cause feelings and we already said we don't want that." He stated.

"We're purely fucking. Nothing else." I added and he nodded.

"So who else are you fucking?" I asked and he smiled mischievously.

"Hmm are you jealous?"

"No I'm just asking." I contested and he smiled a bit harder.

"No one." He said smugly and took a sip of his beer.

"So I was right." I teased.

"You know that smart mouth is gonna get you punished soon." He spoke out and i almost choked.

Elaborate. I needed him to elaborate. I knew what he meant deep down but I wanted to ask anyway.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked and smiled innocently.

"I mean I'll fuck you till you see stars if you keep being smart."

So it turned him on when I mocked or teased him? I made sure to keep that in mind.

"Sounds more like a reward to me." I said and shrugged."

"Oh it's not." He said and took another sip of his beer. My eyes fixated on the veins on his hands wrapped around the bottle.

Why did I want him in that moment? Why did I want him to show me where my mouth would land me if I ever spoke to him like that? Fuck.

"Hmm you sure about that?" I asked and that's when the flip switched for him. I saw the lust in his eyes.

He stood up and moved to stand in front of me. He took my chin and lifted it to look up at him.

"You wanna play this game? Let's play." He said and swiped his thumb over my bottom lip. I didn't suck it like last time. Instead I let in rest there for a moment and when he got the hint he moved it.

He began to undo the buttons in his jeans and all I could do was stare.

When his dick was revealed to me my breathing became heavier. He was so big and he wasn't even fully hard.

I grabbed his cock in my hands and started to pump up and down while looking up at him. His lips parted slightly and I bit my lip.

I licked the tip before taking him in my mouth fully. He placed his hand on my head as I bobbed up and down.

"Fuck." He groaned lowly and I closed my eyes. I was getting wet already.

I started going faster. My hand and head moving in coordination to fully pleasure him. He suddenly placed both hands on my head and started fucking my throat.

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