Part 16

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Leo and I were on our way to his parent's house to celebrate his birthday. Leo hated celebrating his birthday so much that he wouldn't even tell me when it was. I had to search for it on the system at work which he forgot I could do.

It was my first time meeting his parents in person and I was ecstatic. Parents loved me. I was also a little nervous, however. His family home was huge to match his wealthy family background. He grew up on the outskirts of the city in this large country-esque home and money. His family was loaded. Which explained why he knew how to spend lavishly.

I gave Leo his gift that morning since I didn't want him to be embarrassed or shy having to open it in front of his family but the reaction I got made me happier than ever.

"I know you said you didn't want a gift but I couldn't not get you one," I smiled and handed him a gift bag. I sat beside him and watched a smile form on his face.

"Babe you really didn't have to," he spoke and kissed me.

"But I wanted to," I responded and placed my hand on his thigh. "Open the bag," I instructed and he did so while still looking at me. He took the box out and placed it on his lap before opening it. Inside the box was a bottle of his favourite whiskey, personalised. "I know you like whiskey a lot," I started and he cut me off with a kiss.

"Wow baby thank you," he smiled and took the bottle out to get a good look at it.

That was in the morning.

We arrived at his parents' house early and I was a little nervous but more so excited. Their house was huge and in a gated area. I knew his family home would be nice but I didn't think it was this nice.

The door swung open as we got to it. It was his mother. She was happy to see Leo. Especially since he was good at dodging visits.

"Good evening guys, come in." She rushed us inside and took our jackets. "I'm so happy you could both come, it's a pleasure to finally meet you, Ava," she spoke and hugged me. She was already making me feel so welcome. "Gosh you're even prettier in real life," she smiled and I blushed.

"Thank you for having me," I smiled as she pulled away and she matched my expression.

"And happy birthday Leo," she said and hugged him too.

"Thank you, Mum," he replied and held my waist as she stood back.

"Well I don't want to keep you guys waiting here let's go to the living room," she suggested and we followed her there. Leo's dad emerged from his study and smiled as we made our way to the living room.

"Happy birthday son," he simply spoke with a subtle smile and shook Leo's hand.

"Thank you, Dad," he responded and sat down.

"And it's a pleasure to meet you, Ava, Leo's told us so much about you," he said to me and shook my hand also before sitting down. His family seemed to be lovely. And the pictures of Leo in his youth didn't fail to put a smile on my face.

We sat in the living as his parents questioned me which was understandable because this was their first time meeting me. Suddenly Leo's mother excused herself to check on the food.

"I need to run back to the kitchen guys," she said and off she went.

"Take your time, I think I'm gonna take Ava on a tour," Leo responded and stood up. He took my hand and walked us out of the dining room where his dad stayed.

"Leo I can't believe you grew up here, your house is fucking huge," I whisper shouted and he laughed.

"Thank you," he breathed out as we walked out of the living room. He took my hand and began his tour. He showed me the dining room and the kitchen where his mum quickly shooed us away when we offered to help.

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