Part 9

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All I was able to think about was Leo. He was constantly on my mind. I liked that we were together.

I was working from home for the day which meant we weren't gonna be together all day. I was a bit sad about it but I also wanted my own time.

Boredom was getting to me so I messaged Leo to see how he was.

"What's up at the office?"

"I'm so bored without you. He replied and I smiled.

"Come over later."

"See you at six?"

"See you later leo."

Luckily my flatmate was away so I had the house to myself.

I didn't really have anything planned for us I just wanted to see him. But no plans always resulted in one thing. I wasn't opposed to it though.

"Hey I'm downstairs." He said as soon as I answered the phone and I buzzed him in.

"You're late." I scolded jokingly when I let him inside the house. It was 6:30. I could tell he had gone home since he wasn't in his work clothes.

"At least I'm not empty handed." He replied and revealed the food he bought with him.

He pecked my lips and put the food on the counter top.

I laughed and joined him in the kitchen.

After we ate he followed me to my room so we could watch a movie.

Once again, he didn't like what I picked but it didn't phase me.

He sat up against the headboard and I sat in front of him, leaning on his chest. He wrapped his arm over my shoulder to keep me close.

I could tell Leo was getting bored when he started stroking my exposed skin.

"Leo, stop." I laughed and he carried on.

"Leo!" I laughed again.

"Okay." He replied.

Not even a moment had passed and I felt his lips against my neck. My instinct was to extend it. But my words contradicted my action.

"Leo-" I huffed out, feeling myself getting aroused.

"Do you want me to stop baby?" He whispered against my skin giving me goosebumps.

"No don't stop."

"Who are you talking to baby?" He asked. I knew where this was going.

"Don't stop daddy." I breathed out and felt him smiled against my neck.

I was getting wet at his touch.

All I wanted was for him to fuck me. I wanted it rough. I was needy for it. He was hesitant to give it to me even though he liked seeing me marked up and fucked out. We both liked it.

"I wanna fuck you till you can't see straight." He breathed out and rubbed my clothed pussy. I wanted nothing more. He always knew what to say.

"I want it. Give it to me daddy." I replied while trying to stifle my moans.

He moved my underwear to the side and slid his finger through my wet folds. He started fingering my sex and I let out a needy whine. His other hand crept down and cupped my tits. I wasn't wearing a bra and I'm sure he noticed my hardened nipples through the fabric.

He rubbed my nipple teasingly as I sighed at the sensation.

"I love how quickly you get wet." He whispered and kissed my neck. I was slightly embarrassed but too wrapped up in pleasure to even pay his comment any mind.

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