Part 14

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"Baby, it's almost your birthday. What do you want as your gift?" Leo messaged me as if he wasn't in the same building as me.

"Um I don't know. Let me get back to you on that." I really didn't care for presents as long as we spent time together, I knew we'd have a nice day but I knew that response wouldn't fly with him.

"No seriously." He replied and I smiled.

"Leo, you don't have to get me anything I swear. Let's just go out to dinner or something." I texted back and put my phone down.

I suddenly heard the door to my office open and I looked up.

"I'll plan it all, don't worry about it." Leo smiled with his head peering into my office. I laughed at him and nodded.

"Alright, just nothing too fancy okay?" I replied knowing he has a taste for the finer things in life.

"See you for lunch?"

"See you later." I smiled and watched him leave.

The two weeks leading up to my birthday were full of anticipation. I was never really excited about my birthday after I hit my twenties but this time I was.

Every time I asked Leo what he had planned I was met with the same answer.

"It won't be a surprise if I just tell you."

"Not even a hint?" I pouted and he smiled.

"No not even a hint." He responded and I rolled my eyes playfully.

The night before my birthday, Leo stayed over and we just watched movies until we fell asleep. Luckily my birthday was on a weekend this year so we didn't have to go in.

I woke up on Saturday morning feeling excited. Leo was already up and out of bed. I walked to the kitchen to see him preparing breakfast. It was honestly a shocking sight. What shocked me more was the fact that he was shirtless, exposing his perfect body.

Although we had been together for a while, seeing his body still drove me wild. I couldn't get over it.

"Good morning birthday girl." Leo smiled and I walked towards him and leaned onto the counter. I saw roses in a vase as I tried to hide my smile.

"What's all this?" I asked smiling widely. I could contain it anymore.

"Breakfast." He responded and leaned over to kiss me. "Happy birthday baby." He spoke against my lips and slowly averted his attention back to the food.

"Thank you." I smiled and sat down at the counter. "What's on the menu?"

"I'm glad you asked." He smiled and showed me. "I made a full English, and French toast." He was so proud of himself. "Also-" he smiled harder and showed me a plate of pastries from my favourite bakery.

"Oh my goodness." I exclaimed. "How did you know?" I asked as my eyes lit up.

"You thought I wouldn't notice you walking into the office with that paper bag in the mornings?" He asked and I hid my face in my hands.

"Thank you Leo, for all of this." I spoke and looked up at him.

"Oh this is just the beginning, my love. Just wait till you see the rest." He smiled and I took a deep breath.

"Hey I said nothing too fancy." I reminded him.

"Don't worry, it's not out of your comfort zone." He reassured as he plated our food.

Breakfast was amazing. I was impressed by the food since I would usually take charge when we cooked. And he unfortunately put a shirt on to eat. I got up to take our plates away but he quickly stopped me so he could do it himself.

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