1 - Run

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"Mavis, is dinner ready yet? They will be here any minute!" My husband Denny said coming into the kitchen as I rushed around trying to finish.

"I have the side dishes and appetizers done. This roast is taking forever." I said panicking. Denny growled and walked up to me stopping me from rushing around. He gripped my chin tightly.

"I told you to start earlier." Denny said.

"You were the one who wouldn't let me start Denny. You didn't want me out of bed or out from under you." I said. He grimaced at me and smacked me hard across the face. I heard the crack then a ringing in my ear.

"If you can't perform your wifely duties to me in the bedroom and cook for a dinner party, why did I marry you and keep you around?" Denny asked. I didn't answer him fighting off tears. He smacked me again on the other cheek.

Before I could say anything, the doorbell rang. Denny looked at me trying not to cry.

"Get you shit together, compose yourself and keep cooking. I don't want you out of this kitchen until the food is done." Denny said. He then gripped my chin again and roughly kissed me. Denny walked to get to the door, and I started breathing hard trying to compose myself.

I was used to this side of Denny. He didn't show it in college when we met at Harvard, and he didn't show it while we dated. It wasn't until we got married did his true colors start to show.

I heard the door open and Denny talking to two people as they came in.

"Where is that worker wife of yours? She finally wise up and leave you?" I heard a female voice ask. I knew it was Suzanne. I gave a small smile.

"She is in the kitchen, knowing her place. Like you should." Denny said and she groaned.

"I'll just go say hello." Suzanne said.

"Don't bug her. Dinner isn't ready because if her. She will end up paying the consequences if it's not ready soon. Let's go in the living room and get a drink." Denny said.

I heard them all just talking in the living room as the oven timer went off. I pulled the roast out and smiled when it was done. I started getting everything ready and placing it on the dining room table. Once everything was set, I walked to the living room.,

"Mav...what did I say about coming out?" Denny said and I started shaking.

"I just wanted to tell you dinner is on the table and ready. The roast just needs carved." I said in a small voice. I looked at the floor not making eye contact. Denny clapped his hands together in a loud smack making me jump slightly.

"Let's eat!" Denny announced. Suzanne walked past me first, placed a hand on my arm and gently squeezed, I gave her a small smile. The other dinner guest was Lloyd Hansen and when he walked past me, he gripped my chin.

"Such a good little wife Denny. How did you get so lucky to get her in college? I mean if I would have known she was like this, I would have snatched her up first." Lloyd said.

Denny came over and smacked Lloyd hand from my chin.

"Don't touch my wife, Lloyd." Denny said. He leaned down and placed a small kiss on my lips.

"She is a pretty obedient wife though." Denny said. Once everyone sat down, I got back up and started filling everyone's glasses.

Dinner was finally underway. I stayed out of the conversation since I knew they were talking about work.

"So, Denny, when are you and Mavis going to have little Harvard babies?" Suzanne asked. Lloyd nearly choked on his food and Denny on his drink. I kept my face down since I knew what was coming.

"You put her up to asking this?!" Denny yelled. I looked up at Denny. Before I could answer Suzanne spoke up.

"No, she didn't. I was just wondering. I mean you have been married for 3 years. Babies should be right around the corner." Suzanne said.

"Not in this life. She got the implant right before we got married. Get it changed in 2 years. We don't want children. Isn't that right Mavis?" Denny asked. I just gave a small smile.

"No, we don't. This isn't the life for children." I said. Everyone thought I meant Denny's job, but I knew I meant the abuse.

"Damn Mavis, you do speak! I almost forgot what your voice sounded like." Lloyd said. I saw everyone was finished so I stood up and started clearing the table. Denny followed me to the kitchen. He placed plates in the sink.

"Dinner was amazing. I have some work to do with Suzanne and Lloyd in the basement office. You going to be okay?" Denny asked and I gave a fake smile and nod.

"I will put away the leftovers, do the dishes then go upstairs and fold some laundry." I said and Denny smiled. He leaned in and passionately kissed me.

"If I get them out of here at a decent hour, I expect you in that pale pink lingerie set and, on the bed, waiting." Denny said once we broke apart.

"You can count on it." I said. Denny gave me another small kiss as they headed to the office in the basement. I started putting everything away silently crying.


When Denny came up from the basement once Lloyd and Suzanne left, I was punished because I wasn't waiting for him in the bed. After Denny slept with me then beat me, I made him a drink when he asked. I just added some crush up sleeping pills in it so I knew he wouldn't wake up.

That night as Denny slept, I easily got out of bed, I looked in the mirror at my bruised and bloodied face and I knew some ribs were broken. I got dressed and grabbed my already packed suitcase from the hall closet. Once I was dressed and had my bag, I quickly left the house and left Denny, never to be his wife and punch bag again. It was time to go.


I woke up the next morning with a ragging headache. I had too much whiskey last night, never make that mistake again. I noticed Mavis wasn't in bed beside me and I smiled knowing she was up making me breakfast.

I didn't like how I acted last night but it got her in her place. I went to get dressed for the day and noticed Mavis' clothes were gone.

"Mavis?!" I yelled and rushed out of the room. I searched the whole house, and she was gone. Her car was still her, but she was clearly gone.

I pulled out my cellphone and dialed a number.

"Do you know what time it is Denny?!" Lloyd growled.

"Mavis ran. I need you to track her and get her back here!" I growled into the phone. I heard Lloyd chuckle.

"Why? You're a free man now." Lloyd said.

"Can you find her or not Lloyd?!" I asked.

"I'll find her and bring her back." Lloyd said.

I hung up and growled punching the wall.


I got out of bed, got dressed and went to my tech room. Denny's little wife decided to run, this made me laugh.

I knew Mavis, we all were in Harvard together. She had a head on her shoulders, head of our class and numerous job offers. Even to be in the CIA but she got mixed in with Denny and she gave it all up to be his girlfriend then, eventually, wife.

She had been his girlfriend entirely too long, but she would never leave him, watched him rise in the CIA and stayed by his side the entire time.

Once I arrived in the tech room, I smiled seeing all my techs at work.

"New target!" I yelled and they all looked at a put her picture on the screen.

"Facial recognition software. Everyone will search for Mavis Carmichael." I said and sat in my chair watching them work.

After a few hours the alarm started to sound from the system.

"We found her! She is in Portugal." A tech said.

"I got you cupcake." I said with an evil smirk. 

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