30 - We Will Be...

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I was sitting in the room that was going to be the nursery folding clothes and then I started looking through everything.

"Suzanne!" I called out and she came walking in.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"Those onesie's I order a week ago, did they ever come in?" I asked and she shook her head but then pulled up tracking.

"I don't think so even though they should have." Suzanne said and I nodded. She groaned when she was looking at the tracking.

"What?" I asked.

"It was delivered but the address somehow reverted back to the old address." Suzanne said.

"Old address?" I asked.

Before I could get an answer, the doorbell rang. Suzanne sighed and started to walk to the door.


I walked to the door and looked through the peephole and groaned.

"Go away." I said.

"Come one Suzanne, open the damn door." Lloyd said. I opened it.

"How did you find us?" I asked.

"You think I wouldn't find you when I have the best tech guys?" Lloyd asked. I saw he had a box in his hand.

"You bringing that by?" I asked.

"Yeah." Lloyd said and I went to take it from him but he wouldn't let me.

"I want to give it to her myself." Lloyd said.

"She doesn't want to see you."

"You sent me the ultrasound, you wanted me to see if for a reason and now I want to see her." Lloyd said and I groaned.

"Fine, but the minute she says leave, you leave." I said and Lloyd nodded.


"Follow me." I said as we walked to the nursery.


I stayed in the room, not knowing who was at the door still going through the clothes we bought.

I heard Suzanne walk but up to the door, I didn't looked up at all.

"Who was at the door? Was my package finally here?" I asked.

"Hey Mavi." I heard the voice say. I didn't move from where I was or look up. I didn't want to believe he was here. "Mavis, look at me." Lloyd said in a commanding voice. I huffed a laugh.

"I love how you think you can command me to do anything." I said looking at him and he just sighed.

"I just want to bring you this." Lloyd said and handed me the box.

"Thanks." I said and I saw it was open. "You opened my box?!"

"You had it sent to my place cupcake. I had a right to look." Lloyd said.

"Note to self, send a bomb next time." I said.

I walked into the room and set the box down. I turned and looked at Lloyd.

"Was that all?" I asked and Lloyd groaned shaking his head.

"I would like us to talk." Lloyd said. I saw him look down at the small bump I had that was now showing. I placed my hands protectively around myself. Lloyd noticed.

"Leave." I said.

"Alright, you heard her." Suzanne said to Lloyd.

"No, Suzanne, you leave...please." I said and she sighed but half nodded.

"Call if you need me." She said and I nodded as she walked away. I looked at Lloyd and he fully walked into the nursery and saw everything was a neutral color.

"So do you now know or don't want to know?" Lloyd asked.

"I don't want to know." I said and Lloyd half nodded.

He walked over to me and I took a step back.

"I'm not going to harm you Mavis." Lloyd said.

"Never said you would, I don't trust myself around you." I said and Lloyd smirked.

"What don't you trust?" Lloyd asked.

"I don't trust my will to not to fuck you right here on the floor of the nursery. My hormones are all over the place and you look so fucking good I could take you right here without a care in the world." I said.

"Cupcake, you act like that makes me want to keep my distance." Lloyd said.

"And you should! Lloyd, I don't want to be around you! You don't want me or this baby. I don't know why you don't want children or me but why would you want to fuck me and leave me again? I don't need that kind of relationship. I deserve to be loved, my baby deserves to be loved." I snapped.

"I do love you Mavis! That never changed!"

"Then why can't you love the baby too?! It's the best part of you and I Lloyd!" I asked pissed off.

"Because I will be a shit father! Is that what you want to hear?!" Lloyd yelled.

I just looked at him in shock.

"Lloyd..." I said and he shook his head.

"My parents didn't want children, my parents didn't want me. When I was born and for my whole childhood I remember always being with a nanny, my parents were either out at parties or just not wanting to be bothered with a child. I wasn't loved by my parents until I was old enough to take care of myself and make my own life but even then they didn't care. I don't know how to love a child." Lloyd said and I couldn't fight it anymore and walked up to him. I cupped his face in my hands.

"Lloyd Hansen, you listen to me right now. I love you and you love me. The love we have for each other will transpire into love for our child. You may think you wont know how to love a child but you would be surprised what changes in a man, most men, when they have children. I wont force you into this Lloyd, you don't want to have kids, you don't want to be involved or a part of this kids life, that's fine. I can do it alone. I don't mind doing it alone. You just have to make the choice. You don't want this kid, then you don't want me." I said. I dropped my hands from his face and he just looked at me, he was hurt.

"But I want you Mavis, I always have."

I placed a hand on my stomach.

"We come together Lloyd." I said causing him to sigh. He knew we would but he didn't know what he wanted.

Lloyd just stood there. He placed a hand on my stomach and I felt my heart skip a beat. I watched him and looked at him. He then dropped his hand with a head shake.

"I can't, I wont disappoint you or the baby Mavis, I'm sorry." Lloyd said and walked out of the nursery. Soon I heard the front door open and close.

I sat in the rocking chair in the room when Suzanne walked in.

"You okay?" Suzanne asked.

"We will be..." I said as I wiped away the few tears that were falling. 

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