23 - Denny's Back

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I walked into the maze, and something seemed off already. I wasn't sure exactly what, but something just seemed off. I got to the center of the maze and smiled seeing the fountain and knew I could be at peace to sit and reflect about the news of being pregnant. I wasn't sure how Lloyd was going to take it, but I hoped he was going to be a little happy because if he wasn't I didn't know what it could mean for us.

It wasn't like I got pregnant on purpose. Lloyd and I were stupid, we knew we needed to use protection for that week, but it slipped my mind every time that man wanted me. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I would not worry and panic about this now, I would just take everything as it came.

I laid on the edge of the fountain like I always did on my back and opened up my book. I loved being here, alone. Now I was just waiting for Lloyd to get home, and we could discuss everything.

As I was laying on the fountain, I heard some leaves rustling which confused me since the only leaves were the hedge maze. I sat up and started looking around. I knew I could call for Felix and maybe I should, but I didn't want to seem like a baby for a noise being made by an animal or something.

I stayed sitting up, but I went back to reading. I heard the gravel crunching behind me and I smiled thinking Lloyd was trying to sneak attack me.

"I hear you, it's a gravel pathway Shnookums." I said with a small giggle.

"Who's Shnookums?" I heard the voice ask and it sent a chill up my spin. I closed my eyes not wanting to believe this was really happening. "I asked you a question." The voice commanded.

"The guards." I said. "They annoy me." I said and finally turned around to see Denny standing there. He was in all black clothing, and I sighed.

"You miss me Mavi?" Denny asked walking over to me, reaching for me and I backed away from him trying to leave distance.

"NO! I sent you divorce papers you psycho." I said, I heard Denny growl.

"Oh, I got them. Killed the man who delivered them. Even told Lloyd I was on my way here. He told me it wasn't necessary which is when I knew he had to be holding you here and knew I had to come and find you." Denny explained.

"How long have you been here?" I asked.

"A while, since you were in the cabin. I saw you fucking Lloyd the day he came to pick you up." Denny said and I gasped.

"I knew I saw you in the woods that one day!" I gasped remembering when I thought I saw him in the woods.

"You did, we made eye contact." Denny said and kept moving towards me, so I just kept moving around the fountain. I just needed to get back to the opening and I could run through the maze praying I could outrun Denny. "It would have been so easy to shoot you that day. I thought about it." Denny said.

"Why didn't you? No one would have known it was you." I said and Denny just shrugged.

"I figured something like this would be more fun. Get you alone...stalk you...torture you..." Denny said, and I groaned.

"Denny please just leave. I don't even have to tell Lloyd you were here. Just go." I said and he just laughed.

"Why would I go Mavis? I have you right where I want you. Alone and no guards which was really stupid on your part." Denny said.

"I have a guard right outside. All I have to do it scream." I said and he laughed.

"They would never get here in time. I could kill you and be gone before they got here."

"So, you want to kill me? Fine...do it!"

"Why so eager?"

"Because if you kill me then Lloyd will make it his mission to hunt you down and kill you. It will be painful and slow too." I said and Denny chuckled again.

"Lloyd will be glad to be rid of you. I can only imagine you have worn out your welcome which is why he is fucking you. He is just finding a reason to use you and keep you around." Denny said.

We walked around and my back was to the opened, so I started backing up. I just needed a good jump ahead of him.

"Where are you going Mavis? I can't let you leave..." Denny said rushing me. I started running and as I went to scream, I felt a hand over my mouth as Denny pulled me back and I started to struggle. I couldn't scream, I couldn't do anything. As I struggled, I dropped my book and Denny started dragging me back through the maze.

"Stop fucking struggling! You are my wife, I'm just taking back what is mine!" Denny growled as he pulled a cloth from his pocket. I tried fighting him off, knowing what he was planning on doing. I couldn't be drugged, I had to fight this. He replaced his hand over my mouth with a cloth. I knew it had something on it and I knew I couldn't breathe it in. I tried holding my breath, I was still fighting using all the combat training I knew but the problem was Denny knew how to block everything.

Not thinking I took a deep breath, and I was met with the smell of chloroform. Fucking hell. With the big breath I took it was enough to start to make me sleepy. I was falling under so not thinking I kept taking breaths and I felt Denny kiss my cheek.

"It will all be okay once we are back home." He whispered in my ear as I went under and that was all I remembered.

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