13 - The Truth

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Ever since Lloyd and I made the deal about staying away from each other we hadn't even had breakfast or any meals together. If I had to ask him questions about work, he would answer but that, was it.

I was sitting on a bed a week and a half after we weren't talking, and I was looking at the divorce papers in front of me. I sighed when there was a knock on the door, I figured it was Fran with lunch.

"Come in." I said and I didn't even look up, my eyes stayed on the papers. I didn't look up until I saw his hands on the footboard on the board and he was leaning over to see the papers.

"Everything on those, correct?" Lloyd asked and I sighed with a nod.

"Yeah, everything is in order." I said.

"So, sign them..." Lloyd said.

"I can't..."

"What?!" Lloyd asked in shock standing straight up, confused.

"Lloyd...what if I just went back?" I asked.

"What the fuck are you talking about Mavis?!" Lloyd asked.

"Let's face it Lloyd, sending him these papers isn't going to go well. He is going to go fucking bananas. Maybe I will just go back. I mean I know he will kill me but seriously he finds out you're helping me and have helped me he will kill you. Your life is worth more than mine." I said and Lloyd huffed a laugh.

"How the fuck do you figure Mavis?!"

"Come one Lloyd be real! I know you kill people for a living, I'm not dumb! Even though that's your life you are helping someone somewhere! What do I do? Cause issues. I have been a thorn in your side since you came and got me to bring me here." I said.

"A thorn in my side?! MAVIS, I BROUGHT YOU HERE!" Lloyd yelled. I didn't even flinch. He took a deep breath to calm down. "If I didn't want you here or want you safe, I would have done my job and returned you to Denny so he could do whatever the fuck he wanted to do with you! I couldn't do that, I couldn't put you in that situation." Lloyd explained. I sighed and ran my hands through my hair. I had tears in my eyes knowing what I was about to do could either make or break this entire situation with Lloyd either good or bad.

"I need to tell you something..." I said and Lloyd just looked at me. "But I want you to sit down here with me so I can tell you rationally." I said and Lloyd just sighed but sat across from me on the bed.

"What Mavis?" Lloyd said and I sighed and looked down at the papers.

"When I was sleeping with Denny at Harvard...there was a point in time I wanted to get out, I wanted to move on. I started to grow feelings for someone else. I didn't think Denny could tell, I didn't think it was obvious to anyone but me. I mean Denny and I were just fucking it was never supposed to be anything serious. I mean we know how he reacted when I said we were a couple. So, one night Denny and I were lying in bed together he asked me what I would do if he asked me to marry him. I told him I thought we were just screwing around, and I didn't think marriage was an option. He called me out though and said he knew I had feelings for someone else. He told me if I didn't agree to marry him, he would kill the person I had feelings for, making me watch and then kill me. I couldn't let that happen. I just had to make sure everyone would be alive and safe." I said and Lloyd looked at me confused.

"Who was it, Mavis?" Lloyd asked and I just looked down at my hands in my lap. "Mavis?" Lloyd asked.

"You, I wanted to be with you Lloyd, I wanted to come to you. I couldn't let you die for me Lloyd I couldn't let anything bad happen to you. I wasn't going to let that happened because I loved you then and I still love you now." I said. Lloyd just looked up at me.

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