14 - Beginning of the End

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A few days after Lloyd and I slept together we never really left each other side, except for today. He had some work he really had to get done. He let me go outside though, said I didn't need to be kept inside anymore. The divorce papers were signed and on the way to Denny. They just had to get signed by Denny and filed with the judge.

I took a book outside with me and walked halfway through the hedge maze Lloyd had on the property. I knew there was a fountain in the middle, and I wanted to sit there and read. I was lying on the edge of the fountain when someone came up and took my book from my hands.

"Hey!" I said and saw Lloyd standing there. "Hey Shnookums." I said and he leaned down to give me a passionate kiss and I bit his bottom lip. He growled as I did.

"Not nice cupcake." Lloyd said and helped me sit up.

"You took my book." I said and he laughed.

"Well, I thought you would want some lunch. You haven't eaten since breakfast and its already 2 in the afternoon." Lloyd said and I smiled and stood up. I wrapped my arms around his mid-section.

"Can I have you for lunch?" I asked and he groaned, throwing his head back. I kissed his exposed throat giving a small bite.

"You kill me cupcake. I can't today though, we have plans once we eat."

"We do?!" I asked excitedly as he took my hand and we started to walk out of the maze.

"We do." Lloyd confirmed.

"Can I know what?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Just a little surprise for you." Lloyd said and kissed the side of my head.

We were silent as we walked to get out of the maze.

"Do you ever feel like things are going too good right now?" I asked and Lloyd stopped and looked at me a little upset.

"Cupcake...?" Lloyd asked and I sighed.

"Well, it's just Denny should have had the paper by now, we sent them a few days ago. Why is it taking so long to even hear from him?" I asked.

"You think we'll hear from him?" Lloyd asked as we continued to walk the maze and I sighed.

"I'm sure of it. He may not know I'm here, but he knows you sent the papers. Oh god what if he is on his way here?!" I asked and Lloyd stopped me again and wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him.

"He doesn't have the papers yet, trust me. And if he were to come here, we just show him you're mine now." Lloyd said and I smiled as he leaned down and kissed me gently.

"Oh Shnookums." I said, he growled, and I laughed. We took each other's hand and walked out of the maze.

"What the shit is going on here?!" We heard a voice yell behind us as we walked to the main door to the house castle. We turned to see Suzanne standing there. "Mavis?!"

"Suzanne..." I said and looked up at Lloyd then back at Suzanne. "Is Denny here with you?" I asked tightening my grip on Lloyd's hand.

"No, I came alone. He said he needed to be home for something." Suzanne said and I sighed.

"What is going on here though?! How long have you been here?!" Suzanne asked and I looked at Lloyd who growled.

"Let's go inside." Lloyd said as we walked inside and into Lloyd office.

"So, what's going on Lloyd?! Denny is going to kill you for her being here." Suzanne said as Lloyd poured himself a whiskey.

"No, he won't...he isn't going to know she is here." Lloyd said and then looked at Suzanne.

"Lloyd, he is tearing the world apart looking for her. What's not to say I won't tell him she is her?" Suzanne said. Before I could even comprehend what was going to happen Lloyd was across the room and had Suzanne by her throat against the wall. She was gasping for air.

"LLOYD!" I yelled.

"You even thinking about muttering one word of her being here to Lloyd, I will have you floating in the Potomac. You understand me?!" Lloyd growled and she nodded. "Verbal confirmation bitch!" Lloyd screamed.

"Got it." Suzanne muttered out and Lloyd let her drop to the floor. I walked over to her and crouched down.

"You can't say anything Suzanne, I can't go back to Denny. I don't love him anymore." I said and I helped her stand up.

"Mavis, you need to tell him though."

"He isn't going to let me go easily. Lloyd and I worked it out though and he will be getting divorce papers soon." I said and Suzanne then looked between Lloyd and I.

"Are you two...?"

"So, what if we are?" Lloyd asked. Suzanne huffed a laugh.

"You both are dead. He will kill you both." Suzanne said.

"He threatened me with that once when I told him I loved Lloyd. Not scared of it anymore. I can't help who I love." I said.

"Love?! Are you crazy?!" Suzanne said and I wasn't sure what came over me, but I backhanded her across the face.

"I love Lloyd, never loved Denny. I was made to marry Denny. I wanted to be with Lloyd, but Denny was a jealous prick!" I said and Suzanne just held her cheek.

"You two deserve each other, you have no problem wanting to hurt people." Suzanne said and I sighed.

"I'm sorry I smacked you." I said.

"Never apologize cupcake." Lloyd said coming up and stand beside me and placed a hand on my hip.

"So why are you here?" I asked.

"Well, I told Denny I would come and see if you had any leads since, he couldn't leave. I just showed up not knowing you would be harboring Denny's wife." Suzanne said and I went to hit her about, but Lloyd held me back.

"Soon to be ex-wife." I said she groaned.

"Whatever." Suzanne said and huffed a laugh. She had her doubts, I knew she did, they were the same as mine. Lloyd decided to change the subject.

"We were just about to sit down to a late lunch. Join us, won't you?" Lloyd asked and Suzanne nodded and walked out of the office in front of Lloyd and me. As we left the office, we were stopped by a tech coming out of the room.

"What?" Lloyd asked.

"They are about to drop the papers off, and we have video footage. You said you wanted to watch." He said and Lloyd smiled at the guy then at me.

"Thank you." Lloyd said.

"Let's go watch the beginning of the end of this cupcake." Lloyd said giving me a small kiss as we walked into the tech room and Suzanne followed. 

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