3 - Better Idea

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It had been 2 days, and I was in Paris, I felt safe here, I felt free. I had found a small place I was able to stay in and even flirted with the landlord, so he lowered the rent. I paid for at least a month, I was sure I was going to have to run before then. Lloyd is good at what he does but he knows I was better.


"Hansen! Greer!" We heard the trainer yell for us.

"Sir." Lloyd and I said.

"Top two in hiding and staying hidden. Let's see who can be found. Go hide somewhere in the facility and we will try to find you. Go!" Our commander said. I looked at Lloyd.

"Make you a bet Greer...$100 to whoever can stay hidden longest." Lloyd said sticking out his hand and I shook it.

"Hope you got the money Hansen." I said and ran in one direction. I wasn't sure which way Lloyd went but I went and hid in the facility. I waited and waited, stalked around making sure not to be seen.

"HANSEN HAS BEEN CAPTURED! FIND GREER!" I heard the commander yell. I knew I had to get back to the training room to be safe...I had to win this. As I went to turn a corner Denny's back was to me. I quickly held my breath and hid again. I had nowhere to hide, I needed to get past him. He wasn't playing fair and blocking my only exit.

I looked around for something, some way out and smiled when I saw the hall light switch on the opposite side of the wall. I hit the lights.

"What the fuck?! Mavis!" Denny yelled. I was able to sense him as he walked towards me. I stayed against the wall and got past him no problem and by the time he turned the light on I was gone. I made it back to base and the commander was looking at me.

"You all lost! Greer is back at base!" He yelled into the walkie talkie. I looked and saw Lloyd sitting at the table and he just shook his head and gave a slight nod.

Denny came walking in a few minutes later and just looked at me and I smiled at him.

"The hallway?" He asked me and I smiled.

"Always feel along both walls Carmichael. I snuck right past you." I said and he growled but I could see a small smirk on his face. Once everyone was back, we went through some more training techniques then we were done for the day. Denny, Lloyd, Suzanne and I all went out for drinks afterward.

"So where do you hide where you can stay hidden from everyone?" Lloyd asked and I just shrugged as Denny brought us our drinks and sat next to me.

"Why would I tell you Hansen? I like where I hide and not being able to be seen or caught." I said and Denny huffed a laugh.

"You could have let me find you though. I needed brownie points with commander." Denny said. I looked at Suzanne and we laughed.

"Why do you think I would do that Denny? Because we sleep together? Because you have a crush on me? Because you want to look superior with commander? Hell no! I'm here for myself and to make myself look good." I said.

"Wait! You two are sleeping together?!" Lloyd asked shocked. We all looked at him in shock as well.

"How the hell are you going to be agent and you couldn't see that?!" I yelled and he growled.

"I just didn't know that was your type."  Lloyd said.

"And what type is that, Lloyd?" Denny asked and I groaned knowing this wasn't going to go over well.

"Pompous jackasses that only got into the academy because daddy made a call and made a huge donation." Lloyd said and I looked at Suzanne for help, but she looked like she was willing to let this go on. Denny clenched his fist, and I knew his anger was taking over.

"Hey, no, come on. Let's go." I said pushing Denny out of the booth we were sitting in, and I pushed him outside.

"Why did you do that?! Out us like that?!" Denny asked pissed once we got outside.

"Because I'm tired of hiding us, Denny! You want to be with me, then be with me!" I said. Denny didn't say anything, and I just walked away in the opposite direction.

I knew Denny didn't follow me, but I could hear someone following me and I knew exactly who it was.

"Fuck off Hansen." I said not stopping nor turning around.

"Come on, talk to me." Lloyd said and I groaned and stopped walking, he caught up.

"I'm sorry about the bar." Lloyd said.

"Are you though?! You said what you really thought of Denny. I get it I know you don't like him, but you really are attacking me and my judgement when you go that far. Denny likes me, Denny cares for me..." I said.

"And where is he now?! Letting you walk alone!" Lloyd said as I started walking again. Lloyd grabbed my arm and pulled me back to be flush against him.

"Lloyd." I said.

"Why did you pick him Mavi?" Lloyd asked in a low tone, very close to mine.

"I haven't picked anyone Lloyd. I'm just fucking Denny. He is there, he was the opportunity at the time." I said. Lloyd didn't say anything and just released me.

"Good to know. Have a nice night." Lloyd said, placed a $100 bill in my hand and walked away. I just stood there in shock. What the hell had just happened?!


I was sitting at a café enjoying a cup of coffee when the cellphone I had just bought started ringing and I groaned since the number was private, but I knew who it was.

"Lloyd?" I asked and he chuckled.

"Smart cupcake." Lloyd said.

"How did you get this number?" I asked and he laughed.

"Come on Mavi, you know what I do, you know how I work. You think I wouldn't be able to get your number?" Lloyd asked and I sighed.

"Well after this call I'm getting rid of the phone. I don't want to be tracked." I said and went to hang up.

"That's all well and good cupcake but I actually have a question before you go." Lloyd said.

"What?" I asked.

"Do you know if the pastries at the café you are sitting outside of are any good?" Lloyd asked and I panicked as I started to look around. As I turned to look behind me I saw him sitting at a table, sucker in his mouth, yellow and brown polo, with tan pants. I sighed hanging up.

"You found me..." I said as he walked over and sat at the table I was at.

"I did..." Lloyd said. I dropped my head and took off my big sunglasses so Lloyd could see the black eye that was healing my eyeball being bloodshot as well. I swore I saw his hand on the table clench into a fist.

"I can't go back Lloyd. Please just let me go, you didn't find me. I can disappear..." I said and she sighed.

"Denny did this to you?" He asked and I nodded.

"He isn't a loving husband and I just want out Lloyd. Please just let me go, let me have a life." I said and Lloyd sighed.

"I have a better idea. You want to hear it cupcake?" Lloyd asked.

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