16 - For Your Own Good

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Before I could leave Lloyd insisted on sitting together one last time for lunch together, but Suzanne was left to her own devises as Lloyd, and I went up to the bedroom without lunch to spend some time together.

Lunch ended up just sitting on the table as Lloyd and I were tangled up in each other not knowing how long we would be apart. Once we were done, we laid in bed to cuddle for a little bit while the cabin got cleaned and ready.

"So, I was thinking..." I trailed off as I laid with my head on Lloyd's chest, and he traced small circles on my back.

"What about?"

"So, I was thinking about having my IUD removed." Lloyd just looked down at me as I looked up at him.


"Yeah, well...I mean I was forced to get it by Denny, and I never wanted it to begin with. I have everything I ever wanted in my life again...all except a family." I rambled.

Lloyd sighed and just held me a little tighter.

"You're more than welcome to do whatever you want to do but just know cupcake, I won't be bagging my junk for us to have sex, nor will I be cutting sex out." Lloyd admitted and I laughed.

"I would never want to cut out sex Shnookums. Maybe have the IUD removed but get the birth control shot. That way it's over and done for 3 months at a time." I said and he nodded.

"I think that could work. When would you want to get it removed?" Lloyd asked.

"Soon, although I do need to ask you...would you ever consider have a family with me...Eventually..."

Lloyd took a deep breath and then blew out the breath he just took in a heavy sigh.

"Cupcake, this life -..."

"Yeah, I know I heard it before." I said and got out of the bed and started grabbing my clothes from the floor.

"Mavis...get back in this bed." Lloyd demanded and I shook my head walking over to the table once I was half dressed in my bra and underwear, I grabbed a piece of food from the plate and ate it.

"It's fine Lloyd. I should have known it would never be an option as long as I stayed with someone in this life." I admitted and grabbed a little bit more to eat. I heard him growl, then throw the blankets off of himself and start getting dressed. Once he was dressed in his pants, he walked over to me, gripped my hips and spun me to look at him.

"What you need to understand cupcake, is that my life was never meant for a wife and kids. I never thought I would have it and now that it's an option with you I don't know what to think. Can you just give me time?" Lloyd begged slightly.

I nodded knowing I didn't want to speak or say anything at the moment. I would go through with my plan of having the IUD removed and getting the shot. We could go from there. Lloyd finished getting dressed as his cellphone rang. Once he answered it, he said a few quick words and then hung up.

"Time to go cupcake." Lloyd announced and I sighed with a nod.

I finished getting dressed as we headed out of the room. Once we were downstairs, I saw Suzanne standing waiting by the door talking to Felix.

"Try not to kill Suzanne while I'm gone." I requested in a low tone and Lloyd huffed a laugh.

"I make no promises."

Lloyd placed his index finger under my chin making sure I was looking up at him and he leaned down and gave me a passionate kiss. Once we broke apart, I looked at Felix.

"Let's roll!" I said making a circular motion in the air with my finger causing Lloyd to laugh. He then looked at Felix.

"Guard her with her life." Lloyd commanded.

"Yes sir." Felix said and we walked outside, Lloyd watched me get in the SUV and pull away.


I watched the woman I swore to protect leave the safe confines of my castle and knew she would be in the hidden mountains of Croatia, away from all harm.

"You are really sure about this?" Suzanne questioned.

"About being with Mavis?" I asked.

"Yes, Lloyd, being with Mavis."

"Never been so sure about anything." I answered, pulled out my cellphone and made a call.



There was silence.

"You sent me divorce papers." Denny spoke up.

"Technically Mavis sent them to me, and I just forwarded them."

"Then you have to know where she sent them from." Denny growled.

"If I knew that, don't you think I would be going to find her. She sent them with no return and there was no postmark, they were just dropped off by a courier at my gate." I explained. Suzanne just looked at me shaking my head.

"Yeah, well I'm not happy."

"You made the clear when you killed my guard."

"I may have overreacted."


"Suck it up Lloyd, you heartbroken about it?" Denny quipped.

"No, just annoyed. It's not easy getting guards in this life."

"Whatever, just know I'm on my way to you. We really need to buckle down on finding Mavis." Denny said and I groaned.

"Listen, there is no need to come here. I have everyone looking for her and we are checking every safe house we know about. We will find her Denny."

There was a sigh on the other end of the phone. I knew he wasn't on the plane yet, I had people watching him giving me a play by play of where he was and if he thought I didn't have him under surveillance he was severely mistaken.

"Fine, just I expect daily updates on where your progress is." Denny said and I silently groaned.

"Daily is extreme. I will update you when I have something." I answered. When Denny went to retort I just hung up.

"This can only end badly Lloyd." Suzanne spoke up and I just ignored her.

"Can you just leave." I said and walked away, into my office and slammed the door closed.

As I sat at my desk, I watched the surveillance in the SUV that was taking Mavis to the cabin. She was sitting in the back and had 2 guards on either side of her as Felix drove.

"It's for your own good cupcake." I solemnly said and then closed down the screen. 

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