11 - Lilacs & Peonies

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It had been a few days and Lloyd, and I were ignoring each other as much as we could. I would either eat in my room or in my office as I worked. I didn't want to be bugged by Lloyd or even see him.

I was in my office going over some expenses and saw some things that were concerning so here I was, walking to Lloyd's office to talk to him about these to see how to file them. As I was about to knock on the cracked office door I heard him on the phone, and someone was on speaker phone.

"Yeah, everything is set up. The plane departs tomorrow headed straight for Berlin. Don't worry the job will get done. May take a couple days, you know I like to play with what I catch." Lloyd said.

"Just make it clean Hansen." I heard the voice on the phone say.

"When don't I?" Lloyd asked.

"Just don't get caught, okay? I mean I would hate to think of your little castle there going unoccupied. Hell, maybe I take it over." The voice said. I couldn't place it as anyone I knew so I knew it was one of his shady dealings.

"Listen just get me a location on him and then you're work is done. A few days he will be gone and dealt with then I will be back in my castle drinking the very expensive scotch that your money will buy me." Lloyd said and I sighed shaking my head.

He was leaving soon and was going to be gone for a couple days. Was he ever going to tell me? I groaned forgetting about the papers in my hand. Walked to my office and threw them on my desk and then went upstairs.

"Mavis..." I heard Lloyd say my name from the doorway to his office and I kept walking. I walked into my room slamming the door shut and locking it. I heard Lloyd cuss downstairs and then come up and try my door finding it locked. I rushed into my closet and used a belt and hanger to jam the door so it couldn't open either. I wasn't sure if he would try the tunnel, but I needed to be prepared. I was mad and it seemed like he had known about this trip for a while, was he ever going to tell me? I kicked off my heels and changed into some leggings and an oversized t-shirt. I grabbed a book and curled up on my bed just to read and relax.


I wasn't sure what time it was I was awoken by someone knocking on my door. I noticed it was dark outside my windows and sighed.

"Yes?" I asked.

"It's Fran, Mister Hansen insisted I bring you dinner. He knows you skipped lunch." Fran said and I sighed.

"Is Mister Hansen in the hallway? Don't lie to me either."

"No Mavis, he is the tech room, watching something on coms." Fran said and I unlocked the door and let her in with the tray. She set it on the table, and I smiled at her.

"Thank you." I said as she went to walk out.

"Mister Hansen did say he would like to speak with you." Fran said.

"Tell Mister Hansen to fuck off." I said and she half nodded, and I closed the door, locking it again. I was looking at the food I was giving when I heard Lloyd yell.


I smiled knowing I was getting under his skin and just went about eating my dinner. Once I was done, I walked to the big window I had that led out to a small balcony and walked outside. I took a deep breath and breathed in the fresh hair. There was a knock on the door.

"Mrs. Carmichael, Mister Hansen said get back in the room." The guard bellowed outside the door, and I threw my book at the door making a huge bang.

"Don't call me Mrs. Carmichael!" I yelled.

"Sorry Mavis, Mister Hansen said to say it." The guard said. I went inside and then went and grabbed my book then getting back on the bed.


I woke up the next morning when I heard a helicopter landing outside. I got out of bed and looked out my window and then I saw Lloyd leaving the house. He looked up at me standing on the balcony.

"Get back inside Mavis." Lloyd yelled.

"Fuck you, Lloyd." I said and walked back inside and closed the window.

I knew I wouldn't stop him from leaving if I locked myself in the room but I was hoping he would have busted down my door or something to get in. I knew he had keys to all doors so he could have gotten in whenever he wanted but he didn't even try, he was letting me be a baby. I laid back down in bed and stared at the ceiling.

"Please be safe Lloyd." I said in a whisper.

I drifted back off to sleep fighting off all negative thoughts of things that could go wrong while Lloyd was gone.

I wasn't sure how long I had been asleep when I woke up and saw a vase of flowers sitting on my nightstand and I didn't know when they got here. I saw they were lilacs and peonies...he remembered this?


The news of Denny and I being engaged had been taken well by the group or they were all putting on a good face for me and Denny. Denny insisted on being involved in every aspect of wedding planning so today we were at the flower market, and I was walking hand in hand with Denny as Lloyd followed us around. That was the other thing Denny insisted Lloyd be around all the time, dangling him in front of my face.

"You have anything in mind?" I asked Denny, he shook his head, and I sighed as we walked around. I then saw some flowers and squealed in excitement.

"Peonies and lilacs. My mom had a bush of both of these when I was growing up and they were always my favorite flowers! Oh, Denny please can these be the flowers?" I asked and Denny shook his head.

"Hell no, they're hideous." Denny said and I looked at him in shock.

"Denny, please...if I get anything in this wedding..." I said and he glared at me, turned to me gripping my chin and got in my face.

"Denny..." Lloyd growled but he was ignored.

"I said no to the damn flowers Mavis, get the fuck over it. We will do roses, go classic. Let's go." Denny said. I just nodded knowing I had no fight in me for this.

"Roses it is." I said and I heard Lloyd sigh behind me. Denny walked away and I just looked back at the peonies and lilacs and sighed as tears filled my eyes and followed Denny.


I sat up and smelled the flowers and smiled. Lloyd remembered my favorite flowers and got me a bouquet of both. I grabbed the card that was sitting beside the vase.

I hope you enjoy the flowers. Your favorites, right? I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was leaving, I know that's why you were mad. I will be home in 3 days, tops. Behave while I'm gone.
With Love and Caring, Shnookums-

I smiled at the card. He was trying...was it enough to make up for everything recently?

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