32 - The Greatest Gift

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I heard her screaming in the room as I continued to pace in the hallway. The doctor had been here for a little bit and I was kicked out of the room when she was going to start pushing. It was the middle of the night or early morning, I couldn't tell anymore, when she started pushing.

I stopped pacing when the screaming stopped. I was waiting for a baby to cry but nothing, the only crying I heard was Mavis sobbing and muttering something to Suzanne. The door cracked open and Suzanne saw me.

"She is asking for you Lloyd. She said she needs you." Suzanne said and I sighed and shook my head.

"I can't Suzanne, I can't I'm sorry." I said and she groaned.

"Fucking asshole." Suzanne said and slammed the door. I just stood with my hands on my hips and hung my head. What was my fucking problem?

I heard Mavis scream again and I couldn't take it anymore. I busted through the door to the room.


"Did you ask him to come in?" I asked as Suzanne shut the door and she nodded.

"He said he can't. I'm sorry Mavis." She said and took my hand and with her other dabbed my forehead.

"Mavis, I need you to push on the next contraction." The doctor said and I felt it coming.

I screamed and clamped down on Suzanne's hand. As I cried out the bedroom busted open and Lloyd came rushing over to me and I glared at him. I stopped pushing and he took my hand.

"You said you couldn't come in." I mocked.

"You need me Mavis, I'm here." Lloyd said and kissed the side of my head.

"Okay a few more pushes and we should have a baby." The doctor said and I shook my head.

"I can't..." I said looking at Lloyd.

"And why cant you?" Lloyd asked.

"Because it hurts and I don't want to do it alone." I said and Lloyd sighed.

"You're not alone, we're all here for you." Suzanne said and I smiled at her and she looked at Lloyd. "All of us." She stated more gruffly and he nodded.

"Okay Mavis one more time." The doctor said and I screamed and bore down. The next sound filling the room was the baby crying.

"Congratulations Mavis, you have a son!" The doctor said handing him off to the nurse he brought with him to get him cleaned. He went back to working on me. Lloyd kissed the side of my head. Soon I was being handed the baby and I smiled and looked down at him. I looked at Lloyd and Suzanne.

"A son." I said and Lloyd smiled at me. I couldn't read his expression, it was hard to read.

"A son." Lloyd repeated. I looked at Lloyd.

"Do you want to hold him?" I asked and Lloyd looked nervous.

"I don't know, don't you need to bond or something?" Lloyd asked and I groaned.

"Lloyd, hold your son." I said and I easily handed him over.

The room was silent as Lloyd stood there holding our son.

"Do you have a name picked out?" The doctor asked and I looked at Lloyd.

"I had a name in mind, do you want to hear it?" I asked and Lloyd just half nodded still looking at the baby in his arms.

"What's the name?" The doctor asked. I knew he was working filling out paperwork since I was taken care of.

"Ryder Lloyd Hansen." I said. Lloyd snapped his head and looked at me.

"Mavis..." He said and I shook my head.

"He should have some piece of you Lloyd." I said he just sighed and nodded. He looked at the doctor who was looking at him for verification.

"Whatever she says goes." He said.

"And is Mr. Hansen the father?" The doctor asked and I nodded.

"He is." I said. Lloyd seemed to change instantly. He walked back over to me and handed me Ryder.

"How soon can she be moved?" Lloyd asked the doctor.

"Probably a few days...I can be back in about 5 days and check on her. The labor was slightly difficult so I would like her to be careful." The doctor said and Lloyd growled.

"Well I'll be out of the house in the next few days, I have a job to go on. I will leave the chef and the maid for you." Lloyd said and walked out of the room. I looked at Suzanne then went to the doctor.

"I need to be moved and home as soon as possible. I can't stay here." I said and he sighed.

"Well like I said I can be back in 5 days." He said and I shook my head.

"Make it 3." I said and he sighed but nodded.

"Fine 3 days." He said and gathered up all of his stuff and leaving after leaving me some instructions and saying the nurse would be sticking around to help.

💢 💢 💢

It had been a few days, and I was back at my house with Suzanne, and we were just going through the motions of taking care of Ryder and having a baby in the house. I had just finished feeding him and I was working on burping him.

"So can I ask a question?" Suzanne asked and I nodded.

"Of course." I said.

"I know you didn't plan on going into labor at Lloyds but you asking him to come in the room and having him hold the baby...was it in hope he would come around?" Suzanne asked.

"It was, I was hopeful...I guess too hopeful." I said and she sighed sitting next to me and taking the burping cloth from my shoulder then taking Ryder. I smiled, she was so good with him and could easily get him to burp.

"He might eventually come around." Suzanne said and I shook my head.

"No, I just have to get used to the fact that the great love I have for Lloyd Hansen is over all because he and I both fucked up and I got pregnant." I said. I looked at Ryder as Suzanne burped him. "He is never a mistake though, he is the greatest gift Lloyd could have ever given me."

Suzanne smiled with a small nod in agreement.

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