20 - Trackers All Around

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I was searching the entire castle for Assassin for about 20 minutes. It was time to feed him, and I didn't need him in Lloyd's way. I looked in his office knowing Lloyd wasn't in there, but neither was the cat. I then went to the tech room where Lloyd was, but I knew there was a chance he was in there.

I opened the door, Lloyd was sitting in his chair watching the big screens.

"How hard is it to shoot someone?!" Lloyd groaned. "Right Assassin? It's not that hard..." Lloyd said and was talking to the cat that was laying curled up in his lap, sleeping and purring as Lloyd stroked his head. I just crossed my arms and looked at him.

"Lloyd..." I said when he finally looked at me.

"Hey cupcake, you want to watch me track down a stupid guy who thinks he can outrun my men?" Lloyd asked as I walked over to him and leaned down and passionately kissed him.

"No way, I was looking for the cat so I could feed him. What is going on here with you two?" I asked and he just looked down at the cat.

"Well, he wouldn't stop following me this morning, so I fed him and then he came in here, jumped on my lap and started purring when I started giving orders to my men. I think he is a mini killer." Lloyd said and I just groaned.

"I would like a non-murderous cat, thank you." I said taking the kitten from Lloyd lap and went to leave the tech room.

"Cupcake..." Lloyd trailed off and I turned to look at him and he beckoned me back to him with his finger, so I obeyed. Once I reached him, I leaned down, he gripped my chin and passionately kissed me.

"I love you." Lloyd said.

"I love you, go get your man. Once you are done, I will be in the bedroom, waiting for you." I said and Lloyd growled.

"That's my cupcake." Lloyd said. I left the room and went to the kitchen to feed Assassin. Once he was fed, he followed me to the bedroom where his cat tower was, and he loved being on since it was by the window.

I got undressed and put on some lingerie I knew Lloyd loved and wouldn't ruin. I laid in the bed knowing he would be upstairs soon, so I just grabbed a book and waited.

About an hour later, the bedroom door opened, and Lloyd came walking in seeing me lying on the bed reading.

"Cupcake..." Lloyd said, and I smiled.

"You get the man?" I asked and he was undressing as he walked to the bed.

"You know I did, you going to reward me?" Lloyd asked.

"You know I will if you would just get on this bed." I said and Lloyd growled as he continued to undress walking to the bed. He was nude by the time he got in bed. I pushed him down and straddled him. I passionately kissed him. I then started kissing down his body and I heard him growl as I reached his hard member and I licked the tip of it, cleaning off the precum that had escaped.

"That's it..." Lloyd said, and I smiled up at him. I then placed him in my mouth and slowly slid down on him. I felt Lloyd hand on the back of my head. He was grunting as I bobbed on him suctioning my cheeks.

As I was working on Lloyd the bedroom door opened.

"What the fuck?!" Lloyd yelled throwing a blanket over my head. I groaned and went to get off of him, but he pushed me back down.

"Sorry boss but we have intel you may want to see. It's on Mr. Carmichael." The guard said and I stopped bobbing on Lloyd, and he growled.

"As you can see, I'm busy, hold on to the intel." Lloyd growled, they nodded, and I heard the door shut. I started working on Lloyd again although I wasn't feeling this anymore, there was info on Denny and Lloyd wasn't concerned. Lloyd threw the blanket off of me and I looked up on him.

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