No Love Lost

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I think it sad when people say

That there is no love lost

Between one person and another

A bridge that can't be crossed

For long ago I met a man

When were were at our worst

And still I look back and I think

On that day we were cursed

We argued loudly in the street

'Til both our voices died

Yet I cannot remember now

A single word I cried

From then on we were enemies

Bringing each other pain

We were filled with malice that

Mere words cannot explain

Our hate-filled battle lasted years-

It waxed and waned with time

There were ruined mail boxes

And shoes covered with grime

Neither of us had happy lives

Both married and divorced-

Photo albums filled with smiles

We can tell are forced

Perhaps the cruelest twist of fate

Is realizing too late

That what I thought an enemy

Could have been a soulmate

I'm sitting now in front of him

In an old nursing home

And as he gently combs my hair

I let my aged mind roam

We've been together for a month

Which may not seem like long

But he makes each day feel like 

I am living in a song

Could this have been the life I had

If we had let hate go?

Is it better that I do

Not ever get to know?

Mayhaps it is foolish to grieve

The life we never got

Or wish that we just had not met

In that horrendous spot

But I can't have either one

And so instead I'll mourn

All the love we lost that day

When our hatred was born

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