
10 1 0

Warnings: Grief, loss

When he died I was a mess

A bomb with human skin

The smallest thing could set me off

Combusting from within

Until they came and kidnapped me

They stole me in the night

They carried me off bodily

With a great silent might

I stared down Denial and

I spat right at her face

I tried to run away from her

But somehow she kept pace

I growled at Anger and his smile-

Almost scratched his eyes out-

But he held me gently, warmly,

Leaving me with much doubt

Bargaining came to me next

She said I'm not to blame

I staid that he would still be here

If I'd not called his name

Depression did not say a word

As drops fell down his cheeks

It was, perhaps, his quiet strength

That caused my own tear streaks

I heard the door creak open but

I did not lift my head

I felt my control slipping now-

Hanging by a thread

"Please don't make me give it up."

I whispered in the dark

"It's how I know that he was real

And that he left a mark.

If I let go of all this pain

Then he is truly gone-

So please don't try to tell me that

I simply must move on."

Silence rang throughout the room

I could not hear a sound

Though such mercy for my mind

Was still not to be found

Her hand was warm but calloused as

It lifted up my chin

And the first thing I noticed was

All of her wrinkled skin

"My child, you've been led astray,"

She murmured with a frown

"Your heart is not a monster that

You should let simply drown.

Your grief has long been soldered in

It keeps your heart together-

Without it you would surely break,

For grief acts like a tether.

With time it will not hurt as bad,

But please just let it cool;

To mess with it while it still burns

Would be both dumb and cruel.

I am not here to steal him, dear-

That simply isn't true. 

In fact, I am here to ensure

That he stays close to you. 

So take my hand now, little one-

Let me guide you home.

Just know that I'll always be close

No matter where you roam."

Acceptance walked me home that day

As night turned into dawn

But as soon as I reached my house

I turned and she was gone

The light still shone on empty frames

Your chair still gathered dust

The walls still held the echoes of

All that we had discussed

Yet I breathed in, held out my arms-

I welcomed in the grief

And for the first time in so long

I felt some small relief

I don't know where this came from, but it felt very...soothing, I guess, to write and then read over. Hope you enjoyed, and if you felt similarly, let me know in the comments!

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