Chapter 1

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Year 11 was a nightmare that ended in disaster, the most significant breakup of my life, a public humiliation stunt. My now ex-boyfriend humiliated me during the entire assembly while delivering his speech to become the school captain. That day, the air was chilly, but his words burned me to the point of no return. The burning sensation couldn't compare to the humiliation, guilt, and betrayal I felt. I lost not only the love of my life but also a friend. The sun stood high and mighty in the sky, seemingly mocking the tears I shed that day—the day I promised myself I would never return to. As a result, I ended up being labelled a lone wolf, perhaps as independent as a bird flying solo through the sky. That was nearly a year ago. Year 12 quickly crept by, and today, I happened to find myself near the Silverknight family graveyard, still haunted by the tears I seemingly had none left to shed. The name "Charlotte" was given to me.

"Charlotte...!" a dark figure shouted. "M-Mom?" I begged for an answer from the mysterious voice, but to no avail, as the clock jolted me awake. I lazily opened my eyes, and my gaze fell onto my alarm clock. "Gosh! 8:30! I'm already late!" I didn't have time to lick my own wounds, I quickly brushed my brunette hair, threw on my white shirt along with my red miniskirt, tossed the famous deep blue blazer on top, and raced out of the house. This is the story of my next chapter, Year 12, which already seems so devastating. I ran out of my door, holding my food in my hands as I brushed my hair with my free hand. After a long run, I managed to arrive at school on time, at least enough time to take in the beautiful scenery. My ocean blue eyes twitched at the sight of the sun shining through. Mordridge High, a beautiful rich school, not fit for a person like me. The school was literally a castle, filled with bodyguards and tall towers, while the surrounds outside of the school were all filled with large trees with different shades of green. In this country, if you have a first name and last name, you're basically a commoner and people would just leave you to rot, while people with a first, last and middle name, were regarded as gems to be protected, and those gems, always end up in this prestigious school. The only reason I'm here? Simple, scholarship.

"Oh, hey Stacy," a strange-looking redhead said sarcastically to another girl with a beautiful dark shade of brown. The brown-haired woman replied with the sweetest smile, saying, "Hello!" Their voices turned into loud murmurs as they swiftly passed by me, giggling as if they were long-lost friends, but everyone knew the truth. "Aren't those the same girls who fought each other for the same guy last year?" For me, it was hard to understand these high class people which I thought they were quite unusual, but to them, I'm the unusual one. "Gosh, everyone is so fake," my face crumpled into a sour expression as I watched them walking so close to each other but decided to just ignore it and keep walking to where I'm supposed to be. Throwing my view to the ground and watching every step I take on the beautiful white coloured cement. Just then, I heard footsteps following my same rhythm. Usually, this would be normal, but this time I had a nerve-wracking feeling, something was not right. This could be anyone, but—no, never mind, it must be another student. I slapped my rosy cheeks as I shook my head and decided to shrug it off and thought it was all in my head. So, I walked further away, yet the same figure still followed me.


I swiftly turned around in a flash, the breeze gushed harshly and slapped my face in return, but the strange inanimate figure seemed to have escaped and was no longer in my view. Noise overfilled the room by our school security guard interrogating a student who seemed to have forgotten their student ID, which then sounded like mumbles as I made my fast getaway with a bittersweet smile. I would call myself crazy but that sure was weird. Just as I passed by a herd of girls, their loud, girl - ish squealing filled the room. They started buzzing around like bees as they only grew louder as if they were seeing an angel. "OH wow, who is that...?" the girls were in awe with what they were seeing and questioned the handsome young man while others... well... "Shut up Jennifer, I claimed him first! Don't be such a homewrecker" this guy really was breaking friendships too. "Dang, that guy is tall" one of the boys said in a low tone, trying to differentiate himself from the girls. Their voices filled the already loud walkway, the large chandelier gazing down at everyone as it sits perfectly above us and on the white ceiling

Whats going on this time? It's the first day and my peaceful life is already destroyed right before it even started!

I couldn't see much; the only staggering thing in my view, besides a bunch of swarming female ants, was the back of a tall man with beautiful black hair. His hair stood out against the white walls he stood in the center of, as he tried to calm the various women down. But, as he did, the girls only got louder. It was pretty funny to watch, actually. Thankfully, the bell went off and saved me a lifetime. It rang infuriatingly, announcing it was time to get back to class. I swiftly ran away from the women, who were blocking nearly everything in my way, and opened the door to the classroom. My homeroom teacher, Miss Makenzie greeted me as usual as I took my place to sit. Slowly all the students entered the classroom, whispering and gossiping about the new kid. It seems he was the talk of the school. Miss Makenzie demanded everyone to settle down and spoke in her usual raspy voice. "Good morning all, I hope you had a great holiday, because everything from now on will just get worse for you" she giggles as she eyed us down with her innocent but dominant stare and continues "We now have a transfer student. Yes, it is pretty late in the year but..." Miss Makenzie didn't have her answer when trying to reason with her statement, instead brushed it off "you may come in". As she said those words, a tall boy- and a handsome one at that busted through the door, his piercing emerald, green eyes roamed around the room as if he were looking for someone, but quickly locked with my own ocean-coloured eyes... and he smiled at me...? His rosy lips looked so kissable and smooth... oh gosh. It was hard to keep the eye contact any longer, because of how fucking tall he was, maybe at least 6'3? The boy who seemed to have just walked out of a Disney movie just came into my life without warning. "Um..." The boy uttered, his lips clasping towards each other as we looked at his every visible movement. His adam apple moving up and down as he talks and gulps nervously. Everyone just stared in awe as his voice deepened even further, just by him talking could make any girl fall to her knees and down in his own voice.

M-my name is Andrew Von Claude. I just moved from America as a transfer student. I- I look forward to this y-year!" Andrew blushed, his face turning peachy red in response to the girl's reaction. He grabbed onto his tie, revealing his veins ever so faintly from his pale skin, with perfectly shaped nails and a neat uniform tightening around his chest, which then loosened further down but was tucked into his beautifully ironed pants. His deep blue blazer dressed on top like a cherry on a cake. Dark black hair fit just nicely on the boy, it seemed like he ran all the way here, or is it because he's nervous? I couldn't tell, but his mildly wet hair brushing against his eyebrows complemented his features all too well. The girls sat there as their jaws dropped to the floor. While some of the boys just side-eyed us and seemed to hate the sweet, innocent Andrew. The boys crossed their arms as they narrowed their eyes at us. Gosh, jealousy is such an ugly look on the boys. The first two sessions went by with the focus of everyone's attention being Andrew, but Andrew himself didn't seem to take notice of our wandering eyes landing on him every second as he studied

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