Chapter 5

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"Arrgh! Kaiser! Let go!" I squealed as his grip on me tightened while we ventured deeper into the alley. It was becoming increasingly difficult for Kaiser to ignore my pleas, his face faltering every few seconds. We finally stopped in the middle of the desolate alleyway, and the quietness added an eerie feeling to the place, along with the dim light that stood alone at the alley's exit. Kaiser broke the silence with his deep yet tense voice. "What do I need to do to take you back?" Kaiser asked confidently, with a hint of worry on his face. I could tell that his usual facade was breaking, and this sudden vulnerability in him made me burst into laughter. I had no desire to hide how funny this whole situation was to me; it felt like the dog that had run away had found its way back to its owner.

Is this man serious? If that's the case, well, I might as well play with him

I closed the distance between us with a feigned confident look, but in reality, my heart fluttered with each moment our eyes met. "If you truly desire me, then beg," I said, placing a finger on my lips as I playfully smirked. I knew that what I asked for from a man of his status was nearly impossible, yet Kaiser always managed to surprise me in every situation. "Is that all?" Kaiser inquired, his expression all too familiar; this man was serious. His comment caused my confident facade to crumble entirely, and I stumbled back, but Kaiser closed the gap I was creating with his perfectly chiseled body. "I said, 'Is that all?' His grey eyes narrowed as he searched my eyes, which had now returned to their acting. 'Yes, get on your knees and beg for me... darling.'

I had to admit, I was a little excited to watch this situation unfold. Our cheeks turned red from all the hot air we both generated. Kaiser gave me a smug grin as he got on one knee, baring his blunt fangs. "Charlotte, I can't hold on any longer. Please, let me devour you!" his breath grew heavier, almost making me want to burst into laughter, but I managed to suppress that urge. Kaiser continued, his eyes boring into my soul. "I've missed you so badly, oh god, please take me back." But something in me switched, and my face twisted into a disgusted expression as I exclaimed coldly, "No." His eyes doubled in size, his lips shaking uncontrollably, in a battle to stay on top of each other. However, I had the urge to rub salt in the wound even more. "Did you not hear me, dog? I said no." My words didn't seem to hurt him; they had the opposite effect, making his cheeks flush even more than before. "Damn, you just reminded me of the reason why I love you."

My sharp eyes twitched at his words. 'Just because I told you to beg, I never said I'd say yes.' My words made Kaiser grin, his blunt fangs reappearing once more as he whispered under his breath, 'This isn't over yet.' He said, but his expression was quite playful as he softly held my hand, brought his soft lips closer to it, and slowly kissed the back of my hand.

This man resembles a dog, just way too much

Just as Kaiser got back on his feet, sirens around the corner seemed to grow louder, and cars came to a stop in the dead center of the road, blocking the way for the rest of the vehicles. Several police officers immediately ran out of their cars and toward us, moving swiftly through the streets, fully armed. The police officers surrounded us, while another one held me in place. "Let go! What the hell is going on?" I questioned the strange man's behavior. "Ma'am, let us do what we came here for!" the leading officer retorted to my question without providing any context. Instead, the men jumped on Kaiser and attempted to pin him down. Kaiser, looking confused, managed to fight back easily, given his larger build. However, he couldn't overpower the police officers who had him pressed down to the ground. After struggling for a while, the men finally handcuffed Kaiser without a moment's notice, leaving Kaiser with wide eyes filled with shock and rage.

"What the hell is this?" he shouted, demanding answers, and appearing ready to pounce at any moment with his body language. Amid the crowd, the man at the center finally stepped out of hiding, revealing himself to be Andrew. "Who the hell do you think you are, touching her like that, you filthy dog?" Andrew threw one hand into his pocket as he approached us. His confident strides left us on edge. We watched as his free hand reached for his tie, straightening it as he drew near with a dissatisfied expression and darkened eyes. "Andrew, let Kaiser go this instant!" I called out, but my plea fell on deaf ears. The tension between the two men only grew stronger as time passed.

"C-Charlotte, p-please! This man seems like bad news," Andrew's cold façade shattered as he faced me with his honest eyes. I knew he only wanted the best for me; those eyes never lied. But I still wanted Andrew to stop whatever scene he was causing at this moment in time. "Andrew, let go of him now." I still couldn't fathom what was going through Andrew's mind for doing such a thing to Kaiser, even after what he did to me. My eyes didn't back down to Andrew's menacing glares. Andrew sighed, his hot breath becoming one with the surroundings, and turned toward Kaiser with a dirty look. "Men, you heard her. Let him go." Kaiser groaned in agony, pressing down on his lower lip with his blunt fang as Andrew's men let go of him roughly. Meanwhile, Andrew walked toward his car and stood in front of it, turning his pale body toward me.

'Get in, I'm taking you home' Andrew commanded, his eyes as sharp as ever, his emerald gaze fixed on me, scrutinizing my ocean blue eyes like an open book. Afraid, I decided to follow him back to my apartment. Indeed, the boy left me with no choice, not with those menacing eyes; his sharp emerald eyes had a mesmerizing beauty that could manipulate anyone. No matter how much I turned to Andrew, the boy who usually stumbled over his own words was no longer in sight, no matter how many times I tried to search that pretty face of his. Andrew, probably still upset about what had happened with Kaiser earlier, didn't even acknowledge my presence, making the ride back to my apartment an awkward one, to say the least. The pouring rain outside made his actions toward me feel even colder.

"The rain is quite heavy today, isn't it?" Andrew remarked, attempting to initiate small talk with me. Instead of replying, I simply nodded in response. Andrew clicked his tongue, displaying a hint of annoyance, as one of his veiny hands rested against his thigh. His fair skin appeared even more breathtaking due to the misty atmosphere created by the rain. Andrew gazed out the window as the car came to a stop in front of my apartment. His expression shifted from his usual demeanor to one of curiosity, and his lips, no longer pressed tightly together, were slightly parted, with one corner of his mouth tilting upward to reveal his white teeth. "Is this the apartment?" he finally inquired in an underwhelming tone. I couldn't resist rolling my eyes at his arrogant comment, even though I knew he didn't mean anything by it. "Oh, indeed. Fun fact, not everyone has money to throw around," I retorted as I made my way out of his limousine. Rather than offering a snarky reply as the wealthy boys at my school often did, I received Andrew's charming smirk as he extended his pale yet soft hand toward me.

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