Chapter 18

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Vincent, standing at 6'5 looks at me hungrily as he stands near the bed and watches me clutch my dress and make myself smaller. He places a hand on his belt and as he takes it off keeps his eyes on me. "W-wait, give me time to mentally prepare myself!". My eyes look at him apologetically and with a look of regret for my decision. This man didn't wait for me, My eyes eye him up and down as he pulls onto his tie, I covered my face as he looks at me with a "are you serious" expression, his face smug and proud as he put his hands and knees on the bed, approaching me while being shirtless, if I had to compare him, his body would be a lot bigger than Andrew, similar to Matthew but maybe a bit thicker but not as big as Kaiser, oh Kaiser... his ches- what am I thinking?

Vincent sits on his thighs which spread slightly as he sits upright and caresses his thighs, hinting at something deeper. "Normally, woman would be jumping on me by now", I look at him dumbfounded as I question his words in my own head but decide to speak my mind at long last, "Maybe it's because you are surrounded by weird woman, that's not normal!"

Vincent lets out a groan which was then followed by a soft deeper laugher than his usual deep voice. "I suppose your right", his expression quickly changed to a cold expression "Now, let's get back to the main course". He says in a softer tone as he closes his eyes and opens them slowly, his eyes were dead as he spoke "Strip". His sharp words took me by surprise. My mind blanked out but snapped out of it due to his surprisingly cold bedroom, "W-wait". My hands sweated profusely as I watched him inch closer. "Close that little mouth and strip, that's an order", knowing what this man could do, I really had no other choice, after all I was in the cat's territory and it's his time to play. I did what he commanded me to do, as if I really did belong to him

Think about the money Charlotte, 200k, you can buy rent for weeks for that much!

"Once I'm done with you, I'll make you remember my name and my body" He said with a hint of impatience in his tone, as if he couldn't bear to wait any longer. "I'll make you moan my name to the point that your body will only fit just for me – ill make it fit, so don't look at me like that my little mouse". I didn't believe his word – I literally couldn't, this man is twice my size! Instead of trying to entertain him I quickly closed my mouth so only muffled moans could escape my forcefully closed mouth.

I really don't think it will fit, oh my gosh

As he speaks in his low seductive tone, I fell in an almost trance state and unconsciously turned my face to the door which was...creaking open? My hands release from my mouth from the sudden realisation, "Mph... V- ahh... Vincent"

Vincent doesn't stop, he only just got rougher as I opened my mouth "Say is louder", I couldn't contain my moans... this man definitely has experience. I wrapped my arms around his neck and whisper "S-someone is watching us... ah!", I bury my head into his neck and accidently bite his broad and bare back while wrapping my legs around him tightly.

Vincent, in a low breathless voice, speaks up, making sure the person who was watching us would hear too, 'Ah, so someone is watching us, my love? Then I guess we should give them something better to look at, shouldn't we? Let's give them the show of their lives~,' his deep voice sounded so sexy as he uttered each word breathlessly with kind of... calculated pauses which were then followed by deep moans of pleasure in between each sentence he let out. 'V-Vincent, what are you plan—' Vincent then leaned in and kissed me passionately, his tongue dancing and twirling with mine, our hearts rapidly beating as our bodies intertwined, caressing each other, as we became the torches for each other and were hungry for human touch and as if we haven't eaten for days. This guy was blatantly amazing, to say the least. 'Vi..incent.. not inside,' I somehow managed to let out, catching each breath that Vincent just took away with that mind boggling kiss. But instead, Vincent didn't stop his own body from being one with mine 'Hush, I'll pay extra.' It was almost as if he were commanding me. My words and thoughts were quickly cut off as I watched him lick his lips hungrily, like a lion watching his prey and as if he were savouring every touch. Vincent's tanned skin turning a light shade of red on his cheeks as he embraced me with his big muscular arms.

A few hours passed, and slowly his maid came into his room with a gloomy expression and saw me on Vincent's bed, watching him work while he paid no attention to us. For some reason, that maid outfit gave off weird vibes, not fit for a maid. "Hi...?" I said awkwardly as I held Vincent's pillow closer to my chest. The maid, still holding some food, looked at me judgmentally with an unwelcoming "tch" as she walked by me. The maid's hands were filled with a plate of fruits and sweets. The tension was through the roof, and this maid just made it worse. I get it's her job to feed this man, but she made this situation all the more uncomfortable. I looked at her and covered my mouth with the shirt Vincent provided me. Vincent sat on the side of the room, quietly sitting behind his desk with one of his legs on top of the other, his thumb on his chin, and his index finger curled onto his lips, flipping through documents. His eyes were focused only on the documents with an indifferent expression that I couldn't read, but I just knew he was in his comfort zone. "Just leave it there," he said, his eyes never leaving the documents he was flipping through. The maid nodded her head as she looked around his room with many different pieces of furniture, mostly painted red and black. Finally, she let out a low sigh as she cleared her throat. "M-master..." Vincent let out a harsh groan in return. "I saw... what you guys did a few hours ago... I mean." "Oh yeah?" Vincent's face remained unfazed, and his voice was filled with no interest, unlike mine, which froze up in an instant.

"Was I not enough for you yesterday?" her gaze dropped down to the floor in an instant. "If you mean your job, then no, but I do need more than one woman, know your place." Vincent's eyes were still plastered on his documents. A blush formed on my face as the sun hit his tanned skin, almost making him look as if he were glowing. 'But what does that woman have that I do not have, master?' The maid uttered those words so confidently, her fake lashes jumping up and down as she pretended to act innocently - but girl to girl, I could see right through her fake act. I accidentally muttered under my breath, 'A personality.' I quickly covered my mouth with four fingers and darted around the room to see if they heard my disrespectful comment. The maid looked at me with a menacing glare. She didn't have big ears for decoration, huh? 'Th-the hell, bitch?' The maid quickly walked towards me in a fit of rage. Before she could act on any ideas, Vincent slammed the table, silencing both of us instantly. I gulped hard on my saliva as Vincent spoke up, his eyes lazily shifting from the maid to me. 'Run your delusional mouth again, and I'll give you something to dream about. You're just some plaything. It's adorable that you think you have a chance; there is no competition. Didn't your parents teach you not to play games you will obviously lose in? Get over yourself, don't get it twisted, honey.' Vincent's voice was sharp, which then turned sweet, as if he were her boyfriend or something. His gaze scanned her up and down, as if she were an item being displayed. The maid stood before me, her hands shaking uncontrollably. Her eyes were bloodshot red as she gritted her teeth in dismay and clutched her fists, which turned a disgustingly red colour with every movement. I mean why wouldn't she? She was literally shamed by her own master in front of a nobody like me. Her face darkened as she weakly walked towards me, her eyes filled with tears, as if her whole being was being boiled alive. Her movements went from a slow zombie - Ish walk to a sprint and jumped on the bed. With a sudden burst of anger, she raised her hand and swung her hand that landed straight to my face which was then imprinted on my cheeks. I grabbed my cheeks that were now sore and her unusually large hand imprinted on my face. I couldn't help but glare at her with disgust and hate. "No, you fucking didn't?!" I screamed so loud in a fit of rage

Vincent's eyes snapped away from his cluttered papers, and his perplexed, piercing expression fell onto the maid and me. "What is this behaviour, my little maid? Did I not teach you better than this?" I glared at Vincent, who seemed to be entertained by this situation. "If you can't teach her, then I will." I met his entertained eyes with my enraged and determined look. One thing I don't stand for is someone still sitting on his bed. I calmly but forcefully clenched onto the maid's bun and pulled her onto the mattress. Then, I crawled on top of her and held her body in place with my own weight.

The maid's defiant eyes locked with mine as she tried to resist my every grasp, but I wasn't going to let her get her way again as I grabbed her by the jaw and added as much pressure as I possible could, my hands then raised and slapped her, making the bed shake in impact, leaving the quiet room echo the sound of the satisfyingly loud slap. But I didn't just stop with one slap, I threw a couple more slaps on her until I was satisfied, and my anger boiled down. I roughly let go of her jaw, only after nudging her on the mattress and roughly got off of her. My eyes collided with Vincent's as his smirk rose from both sides of his lips. 

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