Chapter 14

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I lightly tapped my hand on his pretty little hand, feeling proud of my little joke, and then removed my hand from his. To my surprise, the little smack left a pink bruise on his delicate hand. My eyes widened, and I couldn't help but close my eyes and laugh with a big grin on my face. "You bruise so easily, like a princess!" Matthew covered his lips, trying to stifle his loud chuckles. My cheeks turned red in embarrassment, and I nudged him with my shoulder as I cried out, "Ah, it's not funny!" he cried out as I ran a few steps away from him. "Whatever you say, princess!". Matthew laughed as he removed his hand from his mouth and started chasing me. We spent a hot moment running around, laughing until we cried, finally settling near a bar at the corner of everything else as if hiding from any passersby.

The night was dark and somber, but our giggles brightened the streets, and the lights of all the rides and people made it feel like the day was still young. I turned my attention back to the bar. 'You drink?' I asked. Matthew looked down at me and followed my gaze. 'Ah, not yet. I'm still 17,' he replied. Our gazes collided, and I couldn't help but smile as I looked into his sky-blue eyes, which no longer matched the night sky, and his radiant blonde hair with hints of brown at the ends, no longer resembling the sun. Gosh, he and Andrew really are different. I grabbed his large hand and slowly intertwined our fingers. 'Welp, more for me!' I said as I hopped into the bar with Matthew, dragging him along. The bar had its walls and floors painted brown from top to bottom. Taking a seat, I drank like there was no tomorrow and was about to slowly doze off when Matthew called out to me hysterically. 'Charlotte, wake up! Oh crap, big bro! I need your help!' My eyes still slightly open, I watched Matthew, who had a phone near his ear, when suddenly, someone turned off the lights.


Before I closed my eyes, my gaze fell upon those two menacing, red, yet familiar eyes once again. 'Wh..y?' I muttered before losing control of my legs and collapsing onto the cold, hard floor. I heard the sweet sound of Matthew calling out to me, and slowly, his voice grew more and more distant. 


I blinked sheepishly, trying to regain my senses and focus, as the voices of two individuals approached from a few steps away. 'I don't think she's going to wake up anytime soon,' one voice, loud and dominant, sounded very familiar. Whispers and hisses filled the room. 'Ah, b-but are you sure we can do this?' The other voice was lower compared to the dominant one, filled with urgency as each word was spoken. 'It's not like she's looking,' one said, but the other disagreed. They hurriedly moved around, their loud footsteps filling the room. 'Ahhh, d-don't touch me!' His screams were the key to opening my eyes. The sun's light shone through the window. I turned my head away from the window in response to the lively atmosphere and shifted my attention toward the people standing in the room.

To my surprise, I found Kaiser and Andrew there, both shirtless, wearing only towels wrapped around their waists. My eyes wandered around their bodies and finally landed on Kaiser, who had his usual cocky smile, but this time, it was a bit smugger, while Andrew had his face filled with surprise and embarrassment as his back leaned against the wall. Andrew's cheeks flushed red at the sight of me staring down at their every inch of their bodies with a puzzled look. I really can't be blamed for staring; I mean, two men, half-naked, one against the wall while the other leaned on him with his hands on his waist, come on! Kaiser had his hands on Andrew's bare V-shaped waist, quickly removed them, and wiped his hands on his pants. He then turned his body toward me and scratched his hair, giving me a clear view of his bare upper body. Kaiser then opened his lips and spoke up with a rigid smile on his face, with an innocent expression as if he didn't do something questionable moments ago. 'Yo!' he called out to me, revealing his fangs along with the rest of his teeth. He let go of his grasp on his hair and placed his hand on his waist."

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