Chapter 17

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I look at him blankly, his words had a demanding tone to it, as if it's almost trying to seduce me, but then again, I am kinda delusional. My heart couldn't help but skip as beat as my eye's traces Vincent's every feature – from his beautifully dark coloured eyes and hair to his crisp tanned skin and his scar on his left eyebrow. Vincent towers over me as he scratches his head and closes his eyes, obviously annoyed, but somehow not catching me as I glaze on him. Vincent inches closer to me and grabs my wrist roughly and yet his eyes only filled with rage even more. My heart finally cools down and I shrieked as his grip onto my hand only gets stronger, "L-let go" I whimper, my voice shaking to the core, trying to stop the constant change in my heartbeat as it quickly starts beating faster in fear of what would happen next. "Hush, my little mouse", his other hand started to roam around my torso which finally sat on my hips as he leaned into me ever so slowly and whispered, "let me do the talking". Before our lips could touch, we heard a loud knock with a sense of urgency, "Sir, sorry to disturb, but the meeting with the black knights will be started in 15 minutes... its best if we head back now".

Vincent gritted his teeth in annoyance and finally released his big, perfectly tanned hands from their grip. Veins stood out on his forehead as he swiftly turned around and threw a card at my face. "Take this. Contact me whenever you leave the prince's castle," he said, his voice filled with sarcasm as he made his way out of my room. I lay back on my bed, realizing that now that everyone was gone, living their own lives, I felt kind of lonely. "I wonder what Kaiser is up to right now." I opened the chocolate he had bought for me and popped it in my mouth as I glanced at Vincent's phone number and almost—almost thought to call him.

In that moment I swore to not call that phone number, I refused to be one of his side chicks that he could just... use. W-well that's what I swore to do um... until I got a message saying I have to pay for my apartment rent. Which I had not a penny for.

Good grief

Ah, should I just ask Andrew? We are on good terms now. No, maybe Matthew instead?" My eyebrows furrowed as I entered deep thought, considering all my options, which made me sigh. All the choices seemed to lead to the same outcome – a darn headache. What on earth could I possibly do now? But then it hit me; that's it! Vincent's offer of 200k to let him "have" me. I quickly tumbled off my bed, reached for his number neatly placed on a small desk next to my bed, and dialled it without hesitation, not knowing what future events had in store for me, yet to unfold. My gut feeling told me it would either work for or against me, but I was ready to seize this chance head-on

Dang, gotta find my self – respect after this one.

The other line picked up, and a voice on the other end said, 'Hello?' My heart fluttered at the sound of his voice; his deep, demanding tone stirred emotions within me. 'Um, hi,' I replied, struggling to find the right words to begin a conversation like this. But before I could come up with anything, he broke the silence, saying, 'Ah, my little mouse has already decided to call back so soon?

I stuttered before I said anything, "H-hey, I'm just in need of money, s-so, is the deal still up?" My voice went lower as I continued each word, losing confidence with every word I was saying, but to my surprise, Vincent let out a small chuckle. His giggle sounded so attractive through the phone, or am I just seeing him in a different light and point of view? I must be losing my mind! Vincent's voice pulled me from my deep thoughts and quickly back to reality. "Of course, I just didn't expect you to call me so soon, but don't worry, I'll treat you how you want to be treated." Why is he so dreamy to me all of a sudden? "I'll give you a ride; just pick your choice of transport - oh wait, never mind, your ride is already here." I look outside of my house and see an orange Koenigsegg Jesko; it looks magnificent, each side dripping with money. I get that he is a mafia and all, but how rich is this man really? Is there even a limit to this man and his potential to always somehow surprise me? I stop my intrusive thoughts, flipping my brunette hair in the process. I then walk down the stairs as I make my way outside. Before I reach the car, one of Vincent's men, with beautiful brown hair and sharp dark eyes, suddenly gets up and opens the door. He then takes a step back and bows with grace. The man who never even bothered to introduce himself instead points at the car and speaks up. "Ma'am, Sir Vincent Vi Salvator said you are required to wear this dress as well as use this blindfold once you get into this car." The young dashing man then lifts his head up, and his pitch-black lifeless eyes once again collide with mine. "It is obligatory for all outside of the Mafia when entering any Vi Salvator property." He yet again points to the fancy back seat in Vincent's car. I agree and quickly put on the dress. Time is ticking, and I need to claim that money; it shall be mine to use! The dress is a long, beautiful emerald, green dress. Its similar colour reminds me of Andrew's own eyes, and I can't help but think of his dreamy features while looking at myself in the dress. The back of the dress has a slit that reveals some of my back to the world; its light fabric makes me feel one with the wind. To be honest, this dress is usually something I would never go for; it was a little too revealing and bold for a low-status woman like me yet, it felt quite right wearing it right now for him.

Once ready to go, the men covered my eyes with a black cloth and took me to the man who will make me a "real" woman. Soon enough I hear the car stop and the doors open, the men then take off my blindfold while the other escorts me out. I step out of the car with the assistance of his servant and am greeted by a giant pool that beautifully reflects the sun, its luscious blue colour nearly matching my own. A bit further in the distance, beyond the pool, there stands a huge three-story mansion, radiating with golden lights. The scene feels as if I'm in a movie, my long brunette hair dancing with the wind, only making my smile grow wider—a true blissful moment. For a moment, I forget why I'm really here—to sell myself to a deranged man. On both sides of the pool, there are flat rocky walkways that lead up to the breathtaking mansion. It exudes an elegant, futuristic vibe, accompanied by a greenhouse filled with roses of all kinds in various colours and variations. It's a delightful surprise. I'm taking in the view until I spot Vincent. A small smile creeps onto his face as our gazes meet; he appears exceedingly proud. Vincent is dressed differently from his usual classic suits. This time, he's wearing a three-piece suit with a silver chain adorning his upper chest and arm. His shirt is white, while his blazer and tie are the blackest shade possible. These are paired with long black pants and shoes. He raises his hand and beckons me over, like a dog. Who does this man think I am?

Still complaining and contemplating my decision quietly, I obey his orders and walk towards him. Feeling a little sassy, I flip my hair... which accidentally hits one of Vincent's men in the face—oops. The victim, who just got whacked by my hair, suddenly slows his pace and starts to walk behind me. I feel his fiery eyes burning into my bare back. Feeling embarrassed, I sneakily look at Vincent with my cheeks flushed red. Vincent's lips seem to fight each other as he keeps his eyes down. I can tell this mafia boss is laughing at me!

Vincent then grabbed my waist and carried me in his big arms before I could even react. His arms were warm, his chest was even closer to me than I had imagined, and I could almost take in his every scent. Vincent's rich cologne teased the tip of my nose as I faintly blushed. I could tell Vincent's men were perhaps accustomed to this sight as they just looked down and ignored my almost-cry for him to let me go. 'If you're going to act like a princess, I'll treat you like a princess, my dear little mouse,' his large hand gently held my shoulder while the other was under my thigh. I knew this man was strong enough to hold me for hours, but I just didn't trust myself. All the things I could do to this man! I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly as he led me to his room. Vincent laughed smugly at my little gesture as he looked at me with his dark-coloured eyes. 'Trying to flirt, are we?' He flicked his head to remove his pitch-black hair that had fallen over his face and I could see his scar on his eyebrow a lot easily.

Instead of trying to defend myself against his snarky comment, I decided to do something unusual – literally dig myself into his suit. Vincent's face turned cold, yet he couldn't help but chuckle at my sudden shyness, unlike my usual tough demeanour that I try to maintain when it comes to him. 'Let's see how you ignore me in a few minutes,' Vincent let out a deep breath as he pressed harder behind my thighs as we slowly reached his room, which screamed 'emo rich man.' The walls were a perfect shade of brown, which matched the red-blooded floor. His bed was the darkest shade of black and red, with two large separate windows covered with red curtains that had hints of gold. On the side of the room, there sat a fireplace near two large red sofas, while his lights resembled mini flowers. He then suddenly throws me on his beautiful red coloured bed so easily as I accidentally let out a soft groan. 

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