Chapter 6

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As soon as we entered, I took a less-than-ladylike seat on the couch, eyeing Andrew as he stood in front of me. Just as I did, he bit the inside of his lip and tightly clenched his tie, slowly loosening it. He looked even more attractive as he effortlessly slipped off his tie. I settled into the couch, making myself even more comfortable as I secretly observed everything unfolding. Andrew held his neck and tilted his head up, preparing for whatever he was about to do. But the only thing that caught my eye was his sharp jawline, which could cut me to pieces.

Stop it, charlotte, he is your cousin!

Andrew then takes off his shirt and throws it against the couch, nearly scraping me, which makes me squeal in surprise. His beautifully colored abs are revealed, with water dripping down his perfectly sculpted midsection all the way to his pants. He bites his rosy lower lip and grabs a towel to dry off his jet-black wavy hair. The difference between the pale white towel and his skin is minimal, and his drenched eyelashes that protect his heavenly emerald-green eyes make me want to give in to my intrusive thoughts. But I decide not to let those thoughts win. "What the heck are you doing?" I asked in an appalled tone. It's practically criminal how much this man gives me heart attacks. My voice cracked for a split second, but to my dismay, I was met with confusion from Andrew. "What?" My squeals fell on deaf ears as Andrew stood there with his 6'3" frame and a cute little pout on his face, something that didn't quite suit his chiseled six-pack body. "You're undressing in front of me!"

Andrew let out a light scoff "It's all right, isn't it? After all, you are my cousin," Andrew tipped his head to the side innocently as he stood in the center of the room, his abs fully on display. I felt as if I had walked into a strip club rather than an apartment. Andrew offered me a slight smile as he moved closer to me. His bold move made me stumble back, accidentally turning off the light switch, setting the perfect mood. He licked his lips in excitement, seemingly pleased with my actions, and inched closer to my face, putting us in a position where we exchanged each breath. His rich cologne tantalized the tip of my nose, almost like a drug. At that moment, I thought I saw his eyes change from their emerald green to a somewhat darker hue, or was it because his words suddenly dripped with honey? "I know you want me," Andrew's voice felt like a melodious tune in my ear. It was so deep as he spoke in a low whisper, just enough for me to hear. Andrew then lifted my chin and panted heavily, slowly edging closer to my ear. "It's okay to want me, just give me the order, my princess," his voice felt as though he were trying to seduce me, while his Adam's apple bobbed with each word. To enhance the seduction, Andrew held onto a strand of my hair, caressing it gently and wrapping it around his long, pale finger, which he eventually tucked behind my ear softly. His voice left me in a dazed state, and I hardly realized that one of my hands had accidentally landed on his soft, delicate abs. I tried to pull away quickly, but my eyes widened in surprise as Andrew held my hand tightly and brought it closer to his chest, licking his lips as he traced my every curve. "Please," he pleaded with me, his eyes displaying such a soft expression, causing my heart to crumple with butterflies fluttering in my stomach. I knew I couldn't resist this beauty any longer, and just as I was about to give in, my hand accidentally switched on the lights.

The bright room made our eyes flutter simultaneously, our pupils accidentally colliding with each other, igniting a burning sensation in my heart like never before. Andrew looked at me, puzzled, realizing where he had placed his hands had caused him to blush even harder in utter disbelief at his own actions. Quickly, Andrew removed his hands and apologized apologetically in a sweet, soft, yet almost seductive tone. His deep voice always made me think he was insinuating something sexual, but that same voice jolted me back to the tearful reality. "A-ah, I'm sorry," Andrew distanced himself from me and placed a hand near his pants. "I'm going to take a bath." It was clear that Andrew was trying to change the subject, but his words were all jumbled up, making me giggle like a little child. My laughter quickly came to an end when I started hearing a zipping sound, which seemed to be coming from in front of me, easily capturing my curious gaze. Little did I know that the outcome would be quite... pleasant. Andrew was taking off his pants!

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