Chapter 22

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 I could see the man's familiar, piercing red eyes in the reflection of the window as I tried to fight back, but to no avail. My efforts were useless against this man, my stalker for all this time. I was foolish to think I was finally off his radar, but I wasn't going to allow myself to be taken advantage of without fighting back. I was determined to make this all the more difficult for this man. I pressed my fangs onto his finger, which was wrapped tightly around my mouth. The man let out a small, muffled groan as my grip on his finger intensified. I was literally like an animal, clinging onto him. My mysterious attacker then forcefully pushed me onto my couch, and I landed face-first into the soft material. It actually hurt because of how much force this man put into throwing me into this place. I instinctively grabbed the flowers and prepared to defend myself as he loomed over me. I seized the opportunity when he stepped closer with such confidence, which not only scared me but also infuriated me. I raised the bouquet of flowers above my head and forcefully collided it with his own. I continued to strike this man as I adjusted my position, preparing to escape. As I attempted to get off the couch and make a run for it, the man grabbed my hand and threw me back onto the couch. He was insistent on keeping me there; why was he so persistent? His lean legs pressed against mine as he straddled me. His soft pants brushed closer as he leaned in and said, 'Please don't resist.' I struggled beneath him, still attempting to resist, when suddenly, footsteps leading into my room were heard.

"Someone, please help me! I'm being attacked in room 37!" The man's eyes narrowed as he clenched his teeth. He then brought his hand closer towards me and shoved it into my mouth before I could process what he was doing. I gagged relentlessly while trying to bite his fingers, which were still exploring my throat. His long fingers attempted to go further down. He sneered, "See? If you keep resisting by shouting, I'll go in like this, and I'm more than happy to do this all day. So hush and be a good girl." His fingers rubbed against my tongue as he grabbed it with a sadistic smile. I sweated profusely as my body began to shiver. However, my gaze turned to the door as I saw Kaiser running towards the man. His rough hands struck straight at my attacker. I coughed rapidly as the man freed his fingers from my mouth, stammering, "K-Kaiser?"

Kaiser didn't react when I called out to him; instead, he kept his eyes on my attacker. He then jumped on the man, kicking his shin repeatedly and throwing a few blows to his face as well. So, it really wasn't Kaiser all along? Kaiser sat on the floor as he watched the attacker, who was now on the floor and barely able to move. "I can't hurt him further, or he will die. It's best to call the police and let them deal with it," he said. My eyes softened at his words but turned sour. How could this man help me after everything I did to him?

"Kaiser... I'm sorry, I'm sorry for thinking you hurt me. I should've known better. We were together for so long, and-" Kaiser watched the attacker knocked out cold as he let out a giggle. "Nah, it's alright. That kind of shit is expected from an ex, right?" His gaze looked almost... sad. He then grabbed his phone, which I assumed was to call the police. Just for a second, our eyes left my attacker; my focus was too busy being on Kaiser as he was on the phone, explaining everything. "Alright, they are on their way." My smile grew a little, knowing it's all going to be over soon. But just then, I heard something that sounded like a knife. My gaze quickly turned to my attacker, who was now fully conscious. He had a big knife in his hand as he charged at Kaiser, with eyes filled with the intent to kill. "K-Kaiser! Watch out!"

Kaiser turned around at the sound of my voice, but it was too late. The stalker pierced the knife right through his chest. Kaiser stood in silence and fell to the ground, as if his own body couldn't bear his weight anymore. I jumped on the mysterious man, pulling him off Kaiser. I didn't even dare to hurt him, but instead, I wanted to be by Kaiser's side and just... be with him. He breathed heavily, his gaze fixated only on me, not on the man who had just stabbed him. Just for a moment, my eyes looked outside and saw the police arriving. My attacker, no longer wasting time, with his long legs, quickly covered ground and managed to escape.

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