Chapter 11

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"HEY, YOU, COME BACK!" one of them called out to me. I couldn't help but laugh at the man, my laughter echoing through the whole neighbourhood. "Screw you, honestly, Victor or whatever your name is. If you really have all that money like you act like you do, then please, do us women a favour: pick up a book and read about how a real mafia should act. Maybe then you would know which personality to adopt and use that card of yours." The man scoffed, which made me grit my teeth in annoyance, but I didn't stop running. I ignored the sounds he made and kept my eyes on my goal.

His men took a few steps towards me, but the leader snapped his fingers, causing them all to freeze as if he possessed some kind of power. "Men, she's just a girl. Let her be," he nodded his head and let out a little laugh. "Let the mouse run around for a while, only then will they let their guard down and lead us right to their hole," he crossed his arms, tasting his own lips as he stood tall and proud. One of his men's eyebrows twitched in confusion, momentarily forgetting that his opinion didn't matter. "S-sir Vincent, are you sure?" The rest of his men coughed behind him and nudged his arm; the man looked around; his expression even more perplexed. Vincent's laughter faded into a cold, emotionless gaze as he shifted his attention to the man, his eyes radiating an intense threat. "You dare question me?" The man, drenched in sweat, lost his usual composure, overwhelmed by Vincent's words. It was evident that they had shaken him to his core. "S-sir, no sir!" The man trembled, anticipating the imminent punishment. Elizabeth, her tail figuratively between her legs, fled from the approaching mafia with tears in her eyes. "Charlotte, wait for me, sissy! This Vincent guy is terrifying!" Elizabeth cried as she followed me, a few steps behind, creating quite a commotion.

And that's how Elizabeth and my afternoon ended—annoying some rich kids. The dark night had finally settled in; my eyes were about to doze off as I stood outside the Von Claude's mansion. I opened the door to their home with a face full of defeat. The only thing that could probably cure me would have been a long night's rest. 'I'm home...' my hoarse voice echoed through the empty, yet fashionable house.

For the first time, I realized how beautiful the interior of their house actually was. Now, I was finally able to take in their rich aesthetic environment with all my senses. Their beautiful three-story house was covered in all white, and it had huge white stairs leading to the upper levels. The house featured black handles and flowers made of real gold, along with chandeliers larger than the one we have at school. The chandelier descended all the way down, casting its golden light throughout the entire house, creating a sense as if it were a gateway to heaven itself. To add to the pure ecstasy, these people even had their own arcade and various other games typically associated with the wealthy, which I had never seen before in my life. However, they were all adorned with fancy names and rules, something that never sits well with me. Especially the one room that was practically dripping with money - a whole room dedicated to all sorts of cars, each of them unique with different names, colours, and sizes. These were the only things I had time to explore while living in such a beautiful house, not to mention their three swimming pools!

"Ah, Charlotte dear, welcome back". Your room is just upstairs, Andrew dear!" Mrs. Von Claude didn't even have to raise her voice to get her son's attention; instead, he came to his mother's aid blissfully. One hand in his pocket and the other hand touching his thigh, he spoke with respect. "Yes, mother?" His innocent visage looked majestic as he locked eyes with his mother, showing unconditional, unwavering attention to her with such high regard. "Please escort Charlotte to her new room," Mrs. Von Claude sipped her tea as Andrew nodded his head at her. "Of course, mother. Leave it to me." He turned his body to the opposite side and didn't even bat an eye at me, as if he were calling out to a ghost. He said one word 'Come.' His eyes never left the floor as he escorted me to my room, looking as if he were sickened. We walked through the long hallways to find my room, while Andrew's eyes only had attention for the floor he was stepping on, as if it were the most interesting floor he had ever seen in his life. He kept his fingers interlocked, with his thumbs out, which he constantly rubbed together. "Ahem," Andrew cleared his throat with a soft scoff. "So, if you go through this hallway and turn right, you will find your room," he said, still keeping his eyes on the ground. He then turned around and took a few steps away. But before he left my view, he uttered a word that sounded like an apology. My ears couldn't believe what they were hearing, making my head turn in surprise. However, before I could say anything, Andrew had already made his way downstairs. His cold behaviour consumed my heart, but I couldn't bring myself to do anything about it.

Two can play that game!

As I walked through the hallway, it revealed two rooms right next to each other. My head tilted in confusion, and feeling a bit stuck, I tried to recall what Andrew had said. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't remember him mentioning two rooms. Maybe I just had a bad memory. I gritted my teeth in annoyance as I thought of his annoyingly beautiful face, the one I could never get angry at no matter how hard I tried. 'If his job was to give me directions, he should've been more specific. Gosh, he is so childish!' I huffed as my gaze pierced through the doors. In this very moment, I really wished my eyes could do such a thing!

I walked into the first room that caught my eye, not expecting such a simple action to have such draining consequences on my eyes. I opened the door without a second thought, with no reason to reconsider. My eyes widened as I pushed the door further ajar, and my jaw dropped as though I were seeing an alien for the first time. What I saw was a man with beautiful golden blonde hair, touched with hints of brown, and sky-blue eyes. He was slowly taking off his shirt. Time seemed to intentionally slow down, just enough for me to savour every glimpse of his perfectly sculpted body. His chiselled abs acted on me like a drug.

He slowly slipped off his black shirt while the light danced perfectly across his skin, complementing his lovely, coloured eyes. His sky-blue eyes wandered from what he was doing, then suddenly made contact with my ocean blue eyes. We were like two sides of the world, an ocean looking up at the sky, while the other, with its tall frame, looked down upon me with the softest gaze. I snapped out of my fantasies and delusions, and I reluctantly covered my eyes with my hands, overwhelmed by the embarrassment building up inside me. Shit, I was caught.

"Uhh, hi?" the boy, who appeared to be 6'1", said with a perplexed expression, revealing his perfect white fangs. He bore a resemblance to Andrew, albeit with a slightly darker skin tone and a larger physique. The man shook his hair, which now fell neatly just below his eyebrows. "H-Hey, I can explain. I was trying to find my own room, but I got lost, and..." My words were all over the place, and it didn't help that my voice also stuttered, as if I had some other intentions. But I really didn't! The boy narrowed his eyes, which then turned into a small giggle. He slapped his shirt onto his large golden bed with hints of silver, making it stand out perfectly against his white walls and floor. On the ceiling, there was a golden chandelier with smaller chandeliers attached to it, all painted in silver and with a touch of gold. The unknown man then bit his bottom lip as he eyed me in a friendly manner. "You sure seem sorry. Well, no need to apologize." I lowered my gaze as he stood there shirtless, my cheeks flushing red. "I'm bad with directions," I said nervously. I squeezed my eyes shut in embarrassment when he looked back at me, still with a slight smile plastered on his handsome face.

I noticed his eyes roamed around his room. He then put a hand on his waist as he looked up at something. 'If you want, I can give you a map from the top shelf. It might save you a bunch of time,' he pointed up at his baby blue walls, which held a rack filled with stacks of all types of books. I narrowed my eyes, determined to get that map so a situation like this wouldn't arise again. 'Do I just go up and get it from your shelf? Is that okay with you? You know, with you changing and all...' My face was sweating profusely; I didn't want this man to know that I found him attractive. I didn't even know one thing about him! But that smile... that damned smile of his reminded me of a golden retriever. His sharp fangs revealed themselves, his smile so wide, and the way he spoke was no different from fresh honey dripping with every word he said. 'Of course, it's okay!' The mysterious man then brought a ladder for me to climb. Not waiting for him to say anything else, I quickly ascended the ladder without hesitation. While climbing the ladder, I saw the map of the house he had mentioned. It was a small, modern-looking piece of paper, but it contained all the details of the house, from the three-story structure to the fountain and even the abnormally large backyard waterfall. 'G-got it!' I called out to him just in case he had any doubts about my intentions. "Alright, pretty lady, be careful now," I couldn't help but scoff at his words, but when I looked down at me, he looked genuinely worried for me and watched my every movement carefully. While trying to descend the ladder, I turned my attention towards the mysterious heartthrob. His looks, once again, caught me by surprise with his beautiful sky-blue eyes and gorgeous blonde hair, complete with golden brown ends. The light streamed through his window, illuminating his perfectly light-coloured face. The view was absolutely breathtaking from where I was standing. His awkward smile was adorable when he caught me looking at him, causing my leg to skip a step on the ladder, and my heart skipped a beat simultaneously. I moaned in surprise as I slipped off the ladder. "Watch out!" the man called out to me, gritting his teeth.

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