Chapter 3

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"What?" I said sharply, unbothered by what had just happened. My demeanor was extremely calm, as if what had occurred mere seconds ago was nothing to bat an eye at. I flipped my hair to fix the strands that had wandered onto my face. "U-uh, n-nothing," the boy stammered, stumbling over his words. However, he looked at me as if he were determined to say more. His eyes flickered from his intertwined fingers. "Spit it out," I sighed as my gaze fell to the ground, and I scratched my hair – which was not appropriate for a female student in such a prestigious school. But this was also a way of trying to escape because I didn't want to deal with his cutesy façade. Then again, it looked good on him

"I'm here to pick you up for the, uh... The tea party," the pretty boy said, his eyes glimmering with excitement. I didn't understand why this guy was doing something that was so beneath someone of his high status. My understanding is that rich people have everyone but themselves doing their own chores. I lightly clicked my tongue in slight annoyance. "Don't you have maids for that?" My eyes fell back on him as I spoke, and I looked at him a little perplexed. "Y-es, I-I do, but" he blushed as he brought a finger to his rosy-tinted cheeks and caressed it softly. "I... wanted to see you." As he spoke, his cheeks flushed even more, yet I couldn't care any less and looked at him dumbfounded as my jaw dropped to the ground in disbelief.

This guy cannot be for real right now

Andrew gestured to me to follow him. At first, I was skeptical because he seemed a little too excited for me to do so, raising a red flag. However, I knew I had to heed the principal's request. I swiftly followed Andrew, standing a few steps behind him as we navigated our way through the opulent white halls of Mordridge High, which, once again, felt like an eternity. We finally exited the gates of this school that resembled a castle, and there, we found a luxurious black limo waiting for us right outside. Several maids and butlers were standing not too far from the limo. As they saw us stepping out of the school gates, they almost immediately bowed to Andrew with great respect.

"Master Andrew" A young red-haired maid called out to the unreal looking perfect prince, the maid then closed her eyes and bowed to Andrew, her "master". Her deep brown eyes then only opened after she called out to Andrew name dripping with respect with every word. "Uh y-yes Stella?" Andrew said nervously and in such a sweet delicate tone not befitting of his high title which really went against all stereotypes of rich men I had in my delusional mine, yet I wasn't ready to face the facts.

They are all just kissing his ass at this point

I couldn't help but eye Andrew and the maid down with disdain as they stared at each other with respectful gazes yet, I could see the maid with a hint of longing for Andrew in her pupils, or perhaps I was reading too much into it. I stood behind them with a sour expression before I quickly spoke and unconsciously rolled my eyes, my gaze falling on Andrew who seemed to not notice my disrespect to such a king like him "You call them by their names? I never expected that" My eyes fell from Andrew standing near his maid and to the beautiful blue painted sky with the sun shining perfectly towards us. "Well, everyone is their own person," Andrew said, his voice growing fainter as he looked up at the sun, which was smiling down at him. Andrew then ran a hand through his hair and smiled back at it. He pulled his gaze away from the captivating scene unfolding in the skies and turned his attention towards me with a smile. "I don't see them as just... workers," Andrew exclaimed, wearing a faint smile, but I couldn't help feeling sad and sorry for him. To be honest, I knew that smile all too well; it was anything but genuine. Was this man lying, or was he genuinely being truthful? I ignored Andrew's heart touching story and made my way to his expensive fancy looking limo as passerby's watch with jealous eyes.

As soon as we hopped into the car, Andrew removed his blazer and loosened his tie, exposing his prominent Adam's apple, which was now much more noticeable. I almost mistook it for something else. While he did this, his pale, tender neck was just inches away from me. He unbuttoned his shirt and ran a hand through his wavy, fluffy hair, which used to rest just above his eyebrows but now lay slicked back. Andrew, this living prince, was sitting right beside me, his posture less rigid and more relaxed. It honestly made him look a lot more attractive and confident. He leaned his head against the headrest, biting his rosy, pink lips and flashing a smile as he caught my gaze, his tongue still slightly protruding."

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