Chapter 4

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I didn't think he had moved a muscle since his mother uttered those very words, and I knew he couldn't help me

Call me an idiot for thinking Andrew has a crush on me due to all that blushing but... us being cousins? Seriously?

Silence filled the abnormally large room, which was briefly disturbed by Andrew's heavy breathing. He then uttered something under his breath and finally spoke up, 'Mother, we do not look alike nor share the last name. I feel as though this may be a hard pill to swallow.' Andrew then placed his hand in his pocket and gently fixed his emerald eyes on me, standing with an expressionless face.

It's funny how Andrew talked a lot more politely to his own mother

"And what the hell am I supposed to do with that information? Choke myself with it?" My eyebrows furrowed as I spoke every word with dismay. My lips quivered like a worm, and I gritted my teeth without it showing. "No, honey, please stay with us. It's the least I can do for your mother, my loving sister," she said, placing her hand on her chest as she spoke. "Ah, I'm sorry! I didn't even introduce myself. My name is Alaina Von Claude, but you may just call me Mrs. Von Claude!" She clapped her hands together, and two maids ran to her and bowed. "Yes, Mistress Von Claude! How may we assist you today?" they both spoke together, mirroring each other's every movement. "Hm, please taker her luggage and take her to that room." Mrs Von Claude spoke in her usual tone, but I couldn't help but feel this woman's actions weren't genuine at all, in fact it was quite the opposite. Feeling hopeless with the sudden news, my feelings were jumbled up, which I think I mistook for anger. Whatever this place was, and whatever reason I was invited here for, I knew I didn't want to be int this place any second longer. Standing near the doorway, I angrily grabbed my things away from the maids who were busy carrying my luggage. The maids first resisted me their grips on my own luggage getting stronger, but I wasn't about to back down. For a few straight minutes the Von Claude's watched as we "played" our little game. After a few minutes that honestly felt like hours, the maids finally let go of my luggage, bringing our push and pull game to an end. Yet, their faces looked as if they were offended, probably thinking that someone like me wouldn't believe that two lowly maids were enough to handle my things. I managed to ignore their menacing gazes as I grabbed all my belongings and tried to leave... but... all my bags were surprisingly too heavy for me to carry.

How on earth did these two lanky yet elegant maids even manage to carry this?

With my persistent last-ditch effort to be dramatic, I quickly decided to leave my things and get away from this place. Before I made my move, I watched as Andrew bit his lip while standing on the stairs, his emerald eyes fixed on the ground. My gaze then quickly shifted to Mrs. Von Claude, who still wore a smile that appeared sarcastic and insincere to me. This woman definitely gave me the creeps. I quickly dropped my numerous bags on the floor, bolted towards the fancy doorknob, and turned it. The large double doors, which were twice my height, swung open as I made my getaway. The golden doors closed behind me as I escaped, and the creepy woman cried out to me.The evening sun quickly set, and the moon slowly made its appearance, its light falling gracefully on my face. After what felt like running a marathon and tripping over countless obstacles, it wasn't as fun as it seemed in the movies. My sweat beaded on my forehead and dripped onto the ground. The worst part was figuring out where the heck I was, but I somehow managed to stumble upon a shabby-looking apartment—just my luck! I approached it, my face still dripping with sweat, and the city lights glistened in the darkness, leaving me in awe, struck by their captivating beauty. Keeping my eyes on the lights that illuminated the entire place, I slowly took out my phone without a second thought and snapped a selfie.


I could've sworn a shadow passed by me so quietly and swiftly that my stomach churned, sending shivers down to the core of my body. I wondered if perhaps I was just hallucinating because this eerie yet beautiful scenery was making me quite scared. I brought my hands up to caress my arms as I quickly made my way into the apartment and checked in. But before I entered my apartment, I glanced in both directions, and when I felt that the coast was clear, I finally stepped inside, my heart racing, and a sense of safety washing over me.

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