Chapter 24

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I hate this

I hate this

This feeling... of being useless

I hate it.

I absolutely hate it.

My body moved of its own accord as I couldn't stop myself from running back downstairs. I stopped on the staircase and watched the two men brawl from the sidelines. Matthew stood near the doorway as he wiped his sweat away. His left hand bore minor scratches, yet he still refused to harm his own enemy with anything other than his fists and self-defence. His eyes were determined not to become like the man he was up against. The stalker – Killer – still had that knife on him, his head bleeding, and his eyes dozing off every few seconds. That head injury must be affecting him. They both narrowed their eyes at each other. The lights flickered on and off. 'D-don't let the lights turn off! Sh-' the killer repeated a couple of times. Matthew and I just looked at him, wondering what he was talking about. I ignored the words this man was muttering under his breath, but then, finally...


The electricity suddenly went out. Despite the darkness, I could make out a faint outline of the man, his creepy smile stretching from one end of his face to the other, as if he had adopted a completely different persona, treating this situation like some twisted joke. Instead of heading straight for Matthew, his steps echoed through the quiet room, and I felt him inching closer, ever so slowly. In response, I took a few steps back. This man exuded a completely different aura. "M-Matthew, he's on the stairs! Arh—" Before I could cry out for help, the man rushed toward me and covered my mouth. My nails dug into his skin as I struggled to break free, but it was in vain. I could only emit muffled sounds. "Please... don't fight back," he whispered. His left hand moved away from my mouth, tracing a path up and down my thighs with his soft skin. His hot breath brushed against the back of my hair and ear before his roaming hand settled on my waist. "Charlotte? Are you alright?" I heard Matthew call out to me, but all I could manage was a muffled "Mmmhph." The man grinned at my distress, licking his lips in amusement. "Ah... that's it, my good little girl." In response, I bit down on the man's hand as hard as I could. He let out a soft moan of pain and quickly released his grip on my mouth.


The door suddenly falls down as the light flutters on and off, faintly revealing several men in front of our doorstep. The lights finally stabilize, shedding their bright light across the whole room. Our positions were finally in view. Matthew stood near the doorway with a knife in his hand, several men still standing near our doorway as if waiting for a signal to finally make a move, while the man and I were pressed up against each other on the stairway, finally realizing the attacker had a knife near my throat. "I – I... plea-please don't move; he didn't mean to..." the man stuttered, stumbling on his own words.

"Oh? Threatening my mouse, are we?" The voice sounded distant as several men moved to the side of the doorway, and Vincent revealed himself, standing dead centre among them. "V-Vincent!" I called out to him, almost relieved that he had come. "Vincent Vi Salvator? What are you doing here?" Matthew asked, almost as surprised as me. Vincent ignored Matthew and his question. "Now that you've attacked my property, I have no reason to hold back. Shoot." With his command, the men fired at my attacker, but I wasn't surprised, nor did I stop them; I had full trust in Vincent. The guns collectively made a loud bang as they fired at the man, but he still didn't let go; he was persistent. His grip on me tightened as the bullets pierced through his skin, leaving faint scars. His face was bloodied and soaked in blood; the man who killed Kaiser was getting what he deserved. He removed one of his hands from my waist and slowly took off his mask. The mask was finally removed from his face, revealing his rosy lips, jet-black hair, and his very familiar piercing emerald-green eyes.

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