Chapter 12

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I fell off the ladder, my weight dropping to the floor as swiftly as the wind that surrounded me just as I was about to plummet to my demise. I closed my eyes, the only way to keep myself from freaking out while I accepted my impending defeat. My body braced itself as I curled up, holding onto my own body with my small arms. When I landed, I felt two strong arms instantly wrap around me instead of the cold, hard floor. I opened my eyes, and to my surprise, the unknown man had managed to catch me. Our bodies were pressed close to each other, almost inviting us to explore one another further. My hands found their place around his neck, pulling him closer into my embrace, and my legs wrapped around his waist. I could immediately tell he worked out, but not to the extent of someone like Kaiser. To be fair, Kaiser is practically a bodybuilder and has the kind of body most guys dream of. I quickly snapped out of my own thoughts and daydreams of Kaiser. 'Ah, that was close! Are you okay?' The man's breath grazed my lips as he uttered each word breathlessly. I nodded, though my mind was elsewhere—maybe it was the fact that my legs were literally wrapped around his naked waist, feeling his... presence, right beneath me! My cheeks turned red as I felt his chest against mine, hoping he wouldn't hear my heart beating louder and louder. "I think so," I sighed and moved my upper body away from his face, looking down at my shirt with my hair facing him as I did so. My body tightened up as I felt it again once more, caressing me down there. I couldn't tell if it was his normal size or if he was turned on because of how big it seemed; his pretty innocent face made me think a bit less of its size. But I knew now, he could make any girl a woman with that weapon. Looking back at the unknown man with my cheeks flushed red, his face turned into an awkward smile as we stared into each other's souls.

"Matthew!" the door swung open, revealing Andrew standing near the doorway with his lips parted, stunned by what he had just walked in on. His surprised eyes roamed up and down, not hiding his dismay, as he eyed us down like an eagle looking at an alien. "Ah, hello... Matthew," the man slowly brought his attention back to Andrew. "A-Andrew!" We quickly separated and tried to explain ourselves. Well, I didn't say a word, but Andrew didn't pay heed to any of our excuses. Instead, he cut us off with his cold words. "It's time to eat; hurry up and get dressed. Charlotte, your room is the other one," he said, looking at Matthew with a straight face and then back to the ground as he spoke. "Right next to Matthew." Andrew didn't even turn in my direction or acknowledge my presence, as if I didn't exist. He couldn't even see me. Instead, he shut the door in our faces and walked away quietly.

It was an awkward dinner, to say the least. The sounds of forks and knives clattering against each other grew louder as dead silence introduced itself into the room and took a seat at the table, lingering for a long, long time. I looked around, waiting for someone to break the thick ice that was forming far too quickly, and to my surprise, someone did. 'So, I see you've met my youngest son, Charlotte, dear?' Mrs. Von Claude asked sweetly. 'Ah, Y-yes!' My words with her were always to the point; for some reason, she gave me all the right signals not to trust her. My eyes observed her broad smile that reached the corners of her eyes as she spoke. 'I hope you two get along just as well, isn't that right, Andr—' Mrs. Claude's sentence was interrupted by Andrew's deep voice, cutting her off immediately. 'Mother, regarding my trip to France, is that in two days?' Andrew answered, his voice distant, as if avoiding us and the question his mother had posed moments earlier. His mother had a hint of surprise in her eyes as she fixed her gaze on Andrew. Before she spoke, she composed herself and cleared her throat. 'U-um, yes, dear.'

I tried to keep my inner thoughts to myself but couldn't contain my excitement for Andrew. 'Wait, Andrew is going to France? That's so cool!' I lightly tapped the table as I stood up, but Andrew ignored my words. He kept his eyes on his plate, playing with his food using his fork, and his other hand was cupping his cheek. His behaviour made me feel uncomfortable, so I sat back down, biting my lip in the awkwardness and embarrassment of the situation. Their mother gave me a disapproving look, then turned to Andrew. Matthew, who was sitting next to me, leaned closer and whispered in my ear, 'Hey, let's leave these two and get out of here.' He moved away from my personal space as I turned to face him, now with a slight smile on his face, and he gestured toward the door with his head. I smiled back and nodded in response

When we made our way outside, without them noticing us too much, this boy did everything right, but I couldn't help but be reminded of Kaiser, the man who made all the little things count. His grey, dog-like eyes always left a sweet taste in my mouth, just like how Matthew somehow made me feel right now. Matthew and I left Andrew and Mrs. Von Claude at the dinner table, escaping the heavy atmosphere, and quickly jumped into his G-Wagon. We left the house and joined a lively carnival while the night was still young. The carnival was filled with joy and laughter, and its lights had the power to brighten even the dimmest person – for example, me.

Matthew and I couldn't help but be immersed in a feeling we were experiencing together for the first time. 'It's not my first time being here, but I've never felt like this in my whole life!' I no longer cared about being unladylike and instead smiled, showing my teeth, as the breeze carried my happiness toward Matthew, who was standing a few steps behind me, leaning against his car. 'Well, my lady, you might've had your first for this, but...' Matthew swiftly jumped off his car and made his way to the entrance of the carnival, extending his hand toward me. 'I want my first to be with you, that's what my heart is telling me.' Matthew's smile, no different than a puppy's, grew even bigger as I reached for his hand and followed him into the carnival.

Why does he remind me so much of Kaiser?

His smile was still painted on his face, his eyes peacefully shut, with that same innocent grin on his face, fangs showing and all. He opened his sky-blue eyes, which I could get lost in for hours. "Hey! Let's try that, Charlotte!" Matthew, without hesitation, grabbed my hand and navigated me through the crowd of people swarming every inch of this place. I was a bit hesitant because I hated crowded places and just being around a lot of people in general. I called out to Matthew, "M-Matthew, w-wait," but before I could say no, he easily picked me up and threw me into his strong, muscular arms. I couldn't stop thinking about how his skin felt as our bodies touched. His arms were warm but a bit hard, and I could feel his chest and abs against one side of my body. "Now, we won't get lost, and this is a faster way of traveling!" Matthew seemed so naive; I didn't know if he was doing this on purpose or if he really didn't know.

My heart was literally pounding out of my chest as he carried me in front of all these strangers. Their eyes lingered on us for way too long with shock, and some even laughed at us. Matthew slowly put me down as we passed by the waves of the crowd. The aroma was no longer of people but vast amounts of food, from popcorn to cotton candy.That day, I was basically forced into everything Matthew wanted, but I couldn't help but enjoy myself. His easy-going, friendly smile and his slightly higher-pitched, extroverted voice were something I could hear on a nice hot summer day, a day on which his eyes could put a spell on me as they matched the sky, and his hair seemed to twin with the sun, except for his golden-brown ends around his hair. He and Andrew are very alike and different at the same time. They both were like two sides of a coin, contrasting yet very similar. 'Come on, my lady!' His soft voice broke through my thoughts in an instant, and I was quickly thrust back to reality, the reality with Matthew. I was basically babysitting him, a man whose looks and status were no different from royalty, while being subjected to watching a romance movie with a woman like me. Ah, what is God trying to play at here?

"I just wanted to watch a movie, so I got whatever was on... I'm sorry, Charlotte!" Matthew bit his lip in anticipation, keeping his eyes locked on the screen. "I didn't know it was a romance movie of all things!" I could tell he really meant it; his eyes looked like they wanted to burst at any moment because of how much regret he had in him. Honestly, in that moment, I wanted to hug him as I checked his every inch as much as I could without his knowledge, of course. His flushed cheeks were so adorable that I couldn't contain my laugh any longer and finally let out a small giggle.

"This won't hurt that much, right?" I relaxed myself and sank into the seat. Just as the lights turned off, the movie started with a bang. It just so happened to be a sex scene. I immediately regretted everything I had said up until this point, and my cheeks flushed red. Matthew stretched out his hand a little and covered his mouth. I could see a part of his lips shaking, and then he completely gave up, lifting his knee and burying his face in it. My attention was now on Matthew and how adorable he looked. However, the sound of the movie was hard to hear because someone from the back row kept making noises that sounded more like moans of pleasure.

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