Chapter 20

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That man – Kaiser, was not only my ex-boyfriend but also used to be part of our trio, and I thought Elizabeth and I were best friends...? I tried not to think about how dreamily she was looking at Kaiser with his revealing body in that compression shirt. Elizabeth was basically undressing him with her eyes. I looked at the other sisters, who then bit their lips as Kaiser and Andrew helped each other out. Andrew and Kaiser may hate each other, but when it comes to gains, they seem to be best friends, huh...? "The fact that Andrew is so handsome and has the perfect body." Emilia and Eli said, their eyes rolled around in please as they both spoke at the same time, "He's slim but has meat in all the right places. But why did Kaiser have to wear long sleeves? Show it off like Andrew~" I looked at both of the sisters and Elizabeth with worried expressions and felt like maybe – just maybe, they were crossing the line and should just workout. God, this should be a crime!

"G-Guys, can we just work out?" My words were all over the place, filled with worry and embarrassment. Yet, their eyes never left the boys as they spoke in an almost sarcastic tone. I really couldn't tell with them, "Only if they help us out." Eli said, her smile was only growing as she eyed them up and down along with the other two. I rolled my eyes in disappointment as I reached out for one of the pieces of equipment to actually start working out. "Look! I-I think they are looking at us! Guys, act normal!" The three girls wiped off their saliva as they sweat profusely, but they were smart enough to play it off as if they had been working out the whole time and were taking their clothes and rubbed their foreheads as they breathed heavily. The boys looked at us with puzzled expressions while they fixed their clothes, but Kaiser looked at us cockily as he wrapped his arms around his perfectly built chest, as if he could read through us. Unlike Andrew, who had the cutest innocent expression, which was the polar opposite of his well-toned, slim, and elegant body. Just then, several heavily armed men rushed into the room. 'Vincent Vi Salvator has reserved this gym for the rest of the day. If you wish not to get hurt, please leave immediately,' he declared. After he finished speaking, the perfectly tanned mafia member stepped out of his elegant black G-Wagon which caught the attention of everyone walking by. He then stylishly removed his sunglasses upon entering the gym and neatly fixed his 2 pieced black suit. For a moment, didn't pay any attention to us. Vincent muttered under his breath as he sighed, his deep voiced grew lower 'I knew I should've brought either my McLaren Elva or my Rolls Royce, gosh.' His cold eyes scanned the room, and his unwavering gaze landed on me. His dark, cold eyes met my ocean blue ones, but his eyes slowly turned warmer as he approached. 'I'm giving everyone one minute to leave, but my little mouse can stay.' Vincent said coldly as he death stared the strangers with a disgusted look, as if he didn't want to breathe the same air as them.

My eyes fixated on him as everyone left the gym. Elizabeth tugged onto my arm as she shook with fear, and I felt eyes staring down at both of us, only to find Kaiser at the back, death-staring Elizabeth as if she were an alien. 'Hey, Blondie,' I said, 'I told you to leave, not to act like a hopeless idiot.'"

Elizabeth fluttered her eyes open and looked around the room. "Who? Me?" Elizabeth started biting her nails, as if she were on the edge of her seat and tugged onto me even more. I wrapped my arms around her to comfort her, but even I didn't have the courage to defend my own best friend right now. "Yes, you. Did you not hear me?" "Ah, I'm sorry. You want me to leave?" Vincent grabbed her chin and pulled it towards him. "Let me break it down for you before I break you: Get out of my face. Unless you want your family to dance with mine, trust me, you really wouldn't want that." "Right, sorry, I'll take my leave." Vincent roughly let go of her chin as she stood up, her legs still shivering from fear. "Goodbye, Charlotte." "Now, Andrew and... No, I really don't care who the other man is. I bought this place out, so you need to take your leave." Andrew scoffed and tilted his head, leaning it against Kaiser, who was busy rolling up his tight sleeves.

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