Chapter 13

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Okay, I understand that this is a romance movie, and people might be inclined to be intimate, but in public? What has the world come to? I squeezed my eyes shut and then opened them, attempting to refocus my attention on the movie and ignore the sounds from behind me. However, the more I tried to disregard it, the louder it became. At that moment, I felt a gust of wind right next to my ear. Instinctively, I moved forward and turned around. The sight I was met with was nothing less than disturbing. I thought it might be my stalker, the man whose parted lips were moaning in pleasure right in front of my face, and he was looking at me with lust. His hot breath felt oddly gentle. In that moment, my gaze shifted to his glowing red eyes. My attention dipped a bit lower to his lips. For some reason, they appeared so kissable. The fact that I could see such tantalizing lips in this dim light baffled me.

Is it because of the movie?

Our faces, which were just inches apart, moved even closer as he narrowed the space between us. I felt as if we were lost in the moment. My gaze fell on his hands. I think he was touching himself, but I couldn't be sure. It was too dark for me to make out his exact movements. His breathing was heavy, and his attention seemed to waver, along with his loud breathing and strange sounds. "Charlotte, please, please don't do this to me, mmpphh~" his moans only grew louder. Somehow, Matthew, who had finally noticed us, looked at the man and me blankly but quickly snapped out of it. "Charlotte? Do you know this man?" His sharp tone took me by surprise. Those words spun through my head, and clearly, my brain wasn't ready for this unexpected confrontation.

"Uh, um, I..." I couldn't give a straight answer, but Matthew, who instantly read the situation within seconds, locked my hand with his and pulled me towards him. "Come on, babe, let's head back." Matthew stood up and fixed his clothes, then turned to look at the freak with eyes that could kill. "And you, if you ever touch my woman again, I'll make sure you don't use those hands of yours." Matthew got off his seat and pulled me with him. But my eyes, which were literally glued to the red-eyed freak, finally fell on Matthew. His cool hands were delicate and soft but had a slightly rough texture on his palm. Gosh, what a looker. Yet, I could still feel my stalker's glare on me, a frightening feeling I could never shake off lingered deeply once again.

We walked right outside of the movie theatre, still shaken up. Our eyes turned to the lonely night sky. Matthew asked me if I was alright, and his gaze conveyed his genuine concern for my well-being. However, I also detected a hint of guilt, as if he thought what had just happened was his fault. Matthew's lips pressed together like crumpled paper, and he let out a deep sigh. Then, he met my eyes and said, 'I... uh, I'm sorry. I should have taken better care of you.' He scratched his head and looked down at the floor, disappointed "And, unlike my brother or anyone for that matter, I can't act scary... I'm just not used to it, I guess"

"No, you're fine, and you did really well acting!" I murmured, my eyes falling to the floor, mirroring his own posture. I couldn't help but notice the difference in our heights; this man was indeed a bit larger than Andrew, but he seemed younger, huh? Despite all that, my mind easily wandered to thoughts of that mysterious man. I could tell that beneath that hooded mask, there was a beauty; his features were remarkably refined. My reverie was quickly shattered when the Ferris wheel's lights lit up, capturing everyone's attention. Its sheer beauty brought nothing but happiness. The cold weather finally arrived and enveloped us; the chilly air brushed our cheeks gently, as though coaxing us toward the Ferris wheel. The wind must've been my wingman! Matthew took a deep breath, and as he exhaled, the cold air escaped his slightly pink-tinted lips.

"I know how I want today to end," Matthew smiled brightly, looked straight ahead, and pointed. I followed his finger, and right ahead of us was a Ferris wheel. Maybe even someone as good as him has desires no different from a commoner. He may have the status of a prince, but perhaps he is just like me, a human, a normal person. Matthew's mischievous smile perfectly revealed his fangs, making him even more attractive yet still reminding me of a little puppy. We slowly ascended the Ferris wheel and took seats on opposite sides of each other.

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