Chapter 16

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"Oh? Is my little mouse already so sleepy this early in the morning?" a deep voice uttered. Not sensing the direction of the voice, my eyes fluttered at its unfamiliarity. Ocean blue eyes scanned my room and fell upon a tall, handsome man with beautiful, tanned skin. His eyebrow bore a slight scar, which only enhanced the majesty of his black eyes and pitch-black hair. His shirt lightly grazed his waist, faintly revealing his V-shaped body, as if teasing any wandering eyes. "I heard you were sick from one of my men," his smile grew a little more. "So, I thought my little mouse needed a taste of me." The man softly closed his dark eyes and ran a hand through his vibrant yet pitch-black hair. His body leaned against my doorframe, almost seductively, his 6'5" frame challenging the door itself in height.

"H-HOW THE HELL?" I gritted my teeth right after shouting those words, having no remorse for his ears. Instead of telling me to shut up like I thought he would, he chuckled in a low tone. "Calm down, my little mouse," he slid his lips against each other smoothly, and his lips made a sound before he spoke again, revealing his perfectly white teeth. "Don't ask such stupid questions to someone who knows the ins and outs of this country." My eyes twitched at his words. Mafia? I guess the rumours were true, huh? My sweat dripped from my forehead and down the rest of my body as I asked slowly, "Who let you in?" The man didn't answer me but instead smirked slightly as he pulled his hand closer to himself and bit his finger, which was covered by his black gloves, with his mouth. "Can you just leave me alone, Victor?" My voice was filled with slight annoyance as I spoke.

"The name's Vincent Vi Salvator, if you can't remember it now, force yourself to remember so you can moan my name when I end up doing you" Vincent's smile was faint as he fixed his collar with his black gloves. But my vibe was completely off compared to him, and my eyebrows furrowed as my words fell out of my mouth without thinking, "What the actual hell is wrong with you?" my voice were filled with genuine concern as I watched him with my curious eyes, but my heart couldn't help but flutter internally. "Come on, my little mouse; don't act like you don't enjoy the mafia's attention," he said. He rolled his eyes but, not out of frustration, quite the opposite, in fact. "You're not special. I could have any woman who is far more attractive than you." He turned his attention from his glove back to me, his cold, undeniably beautiful eyes capturing my attention. Vincent spoke again in a low, expressionless tone. "But I just want to show you who you belong to." His cold gaze could freeze my entire room, his eyes never leaving me for a second. "I'm not an object for you to possess," I said steadfastly, battling his cold gaze with my own death stare. Unfortunately, I had picked the wrong fight and found myself in a losing battle. "That's what they all say at first, and yet, look at you with all these men." My eyebrow twitched at his words.

What was this man trying to get at?

"They are just my cousins if you really want to know, but they do not concern you" my voice filled with urgency to make this man leave as quickly as possible, "Oh? Cousin?", Vincent said in a sheepish voice as he looked at me smugly and reached for his belt "No worries ill make you mine in no time, I'll make that body remember me and fit me and only me, my little mouse." My eyes widened and sweat dripped down my face "W-what are you d-doing...?" my voice trembled, and my words couldn't roll off my tongue smoothly like usual, this man made me feel things. I started coughing but still couldn't turn my head away from this man's big, tanned hands from reaching his belt, setting the perfect mood for some action.

Just then Andrew bolts through the door, face sweaty and breathless, every breath he tried to take in would make a sound... that was so darn attractive and so were his pants which were slow yet suggestive moans. Andrew held onto the doorknob as he bent down, still catching his breath, he then slowly picked himself up, fixing his tie with his shimmering pale hands which in turn yet again, revealed his veins. He gasped for air one last time, hot air escaped from the boy's rosy lips and became one with the rest. Andrew's lips then curled up to a bittersweet smile as he gaze instantly locked with Vincent's and my own.

Andrew's calm, emerald-green eyes pierced our view. They were the polar opposite of Vincent's cold, emotionless black eyes. With his hands still on his belt, both of them had black hair that formed a striking contrast to my plain white walls adorned with various shades of pink and red roses, some of which perfectly matched Andrew's rosy lips. However, his lips were livelier and plumper. Meanwhile, my single golden chandelier shared the same shine and beauty as Vincent's many golden and silver rings on his left hand.

How can this man, Vincent, turn from a man trying to pick me up to... this?

I watched Vincent carefully as he showered his attention on Andrew, his left eyebrow with his deep scar lifted upwards as his beautiful dark lashes flickered near his tanned skin and dark eyes. 'Ah, it seems the prince has finally decided to return to his own castle,' Vincent said in a sarcastic tone but with the same eyes that could kill. Andrew gave back Vincent's stare with his own and glared at him. Yet Vincent could only let out a small 'Tch' sound to Andrew's sudden attitude. But Andrew didn't care for Vincet who was sceptical about him, instead, his slim muscular legs moved elegantly toward me with the softest eyes. 'C-Charlotte... I came here as fast as I could. Are you alright, my cousin?' His eyes were filled with honesty and worry; it was honestly cute. I coughed a little before I spoke. 'Andrew... ah, why are you here? What about your trip to France?' Andrew's face started sweating profusely. 'W-well, I heard y-you were sick, s-so I decided to get off the jet and come to check on you.' His face flushed red, no different from a child. 

'ANDREW, YOU REALLY DID THAT? But you were getting ready all week for that flight, and, and...' Andrew just smiled, his head resting against his shoulder. "Charlotte, do you have any idea what you're saying? You mean so much more to me than a trip to a different country. I want to be with you; I want to protect you. I don't ever want to be apart from you. I care for you so much it hurts, and these past few days have felt like hell itself without you—without your mesmerizing face to say good morning or goodnight. So, Charlotte, let me be by your side. Let me protect you." My eyes widened in shock at his "confession." This man had said all that without his usual stuttering. His emerald, green eyes were filled with urgency and desperation. What could I possibly say to this man? The corner of my lips curved up into a slight smile. I lifted my head to meet his desperate gaze with my own ocean blue eyes, and my lips opened to finally say, "Andrew—," but I was quickly cut off by Andrew's phone ringing. Vincent let out a sharp scoff. "Come on, pretty boy, they're calling you" He grinned as he spoke those very words while he eyed me up and down, taking in every inch and curve of my body. But I didn't hate it; how could I? His beautifully coloured eyes followed my every gaze. Before leaving, Andrew fixed his cold, hate-filled pupils on Vincent, filled with distrust for the mafia.

"Fine, but you better not lay a hand on her unless you want a full-out war with my family," Andrew said. He swayed his body to face my door as if to leave, but before he did, he turned sharply back to Vincent. Vincent was leaning against my bedroom wall with a disgustingly proud smirk that almost made my heart jump out of my own chest. Andrew clenched his fists tightly, as if he were holding back and trying not to pounce at Vincent.

"I don't know what the hell you, a mafia member, would want from the Von Claudes, but I won't let you do whatever you please," Andrew's eyes glowed a radiant red for a brief moment before his phone rang again. His face almost immediately returned to its usual perfect self. However, Vincent's eyes continued to roam over Andrew's body, further increasing the tension between them. Their perfectly built bodies faced each other as they locked eyes. Then, Vincent finally spoke up, still not backing down from Andrew's menacing gaze. "I don't need to explain myself to you, your majesty, and do not fret; I'm no idiot to start a pointless war unless it benefits me."

Andrew ignored Vincent's obvious words intended to agitate him. Instead, he walked out of the door silently and slammed my bedroom door violently. The force he exerted made my perfect white walls, adorned with different shades of pink and red flowers, shake. The noise would have honestly made my ears bleed if I weren't safe and sound under the comfort of my bed. However, my room was quickly filled with dead silence, just as quickly as the tension had risen earlier Vincent's eyes were still locked onto the forcefully shut door from which Andrew had just left. Vincent then sighed breathlessly as he jumped off the wall, saying, "Now that we're alone, you're coming with me." Hearing his words, I rolled off my bed aggressively, retorting, "No way! I still want to sleep. Go annoy someone else. It's too early for this." I continued as my voice lowered the more I talked, "Good grief, it makes me mad that your own bed is making sounds like that and not mine. Now get up. I'm not here to entertain you but myself. It's an order. Don't make me get physical, my little mouse. Do it while I'm still being nice."

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