Chapter 2

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To be honest, his face may be jaw-dropping with his piercing green eyes and hair painted a beautiful shade of black, but he was just as smart – completely not what I was expecting from someone who looked like a rich kid. He managed to easily answer every question that was asked of us by Miss Makenzie. Finally, morning tea crawled around as the bell struck 11, meaning I no longer have to breathe the same air as Andrew and his little simpy chicks roamed around. But just when I thought peace had finally come into my life again, sadly, it was taken away just as fast. "Charlotte Silverknight, please escort yourself to the office," the speaker called out. All eyes turned to me as it called for me, and my classmates looked at me with judgmental tones as I slowly got up from my seat and dusted off my skirt. My face started to sweat as the tension in the air only increased

Me? What does the principal want from me?

I approached the office with an anxious expression which seemed to be glued to my face, my heart race only increased as I took my very steps towards his office.

What did I do wrong? Wait, did I do something wrong?

"Charlotte Silverknight?" a young-looking woman called out to me, her uniform looked exactly like the school security guards, but her face easily eased the growing tension in the year. The power in her almost girlish voice was one I was not expecting and so I nodded my head as she said my name. "Yes, that's me" I said nervously, trying to not overthink my every movement. Her lips curved up into a smile as she spoke "Please take a seat" the female security guard moved the chair for me and looked at me to sit down. I took in the principal's room ever so slowly, his large chair was pretty long in height, a beautiful black one, with golden and silver handles. Near his chair, there was a fancy fireplace, and his walls were a rich shade of brown, as well as his floor and had a stupidly large tv behind me. His windows were quite long, and I could basically see the whole of the school. why am I even here? Did I do something wrong? Oh my gosh, is my scholarship going to be taken away? At least my heart was at a little at rest after speaking to...? B -? I tried to read her name tag, squinting my eyes to get a better view.

Oh Blair, I heard she's one of the strongest security guard in all of Mordridge High.

All of a sudden, I'm reminded yet again of how I can attend such a prestigious high school like Mordridge High, all thanks to a scholarship. Unlike everyone who attends this school, I didn't have three names, fame, money, or status – hell, I didn't even have parents! I'm just kind of - normal, Charlotte Silverknight, not Andrew Von Claude, just a woman with two parts to my name. My thoughts were quickly disrupted by Principal Smith, who now sat in front of me. "Good afternoon, Miss Silverknight," Principal Smith greeted me with an unusual sly smile, as if he had a deeper motive for calling me up so suddenly. I quickly composed myself. "Hello, Principal Smith. I heard I was needed by you?" I said confidently, mirroring his own demeanour, hiding my every breaking sweat. His smile grew bigger, as if he could read my every thought. "Yes, as you've heard, we have a transfer student in our hands, not to mention one of the richest in all of America, the Von Claude boy, heir of the Von Claude family." My calm expression changed to a perplexed one as my body hit the back of my grey chair and my gaze fell back to his rich brown coloured walls. His large lights and the burning of fire from his fireplace caught my attention, which I quickly snapped back from and faced Mr Smith. What does the new kid have to do with me?

Yes, sir, he's actually in my class, but I do not understand what that man has to do with me. To be honest, if you don't mind me asking, why did a boy like him come to Australia of all places?" I questioned him, not hiding my confusion and breaking my calm demeanour. Principal Smith sat in silence for a moment. "Well," Principal Smith stuttered, "It actually involves you." My face only became more perplexed the more he spoke. "Me, sir? There must be a mistake. I have never heard of this family until today." Principal Smith sighed. "Well, I'm sure you're telling the truth, Miss Silverknight, but the Von Claude's have actually requested me to send you this address." He slid the note across his fancy brown desk and put it right in front of me. I eyed him up and down for a moment and took a deep breath. I reluctantly took the note Smith gave me and was seriously just confused at this point. What do they want from me? Not to mention a family as high class as them! Principal Smith picked up my puzzled expression and gave me a small smile. "Well, my dear, they asked me to tell you to join their little tea party this afternoon. Apparently, they have something very important to tell you... about your family, to be more precise".

My family...? Why would some random rich guy know about my own family?

After the brief and concerning chat with the principal, Blair escorted me out of his office. "Take care," Blair said with a soft smile. I returned her kindness with a genuine smile of my own and left. As I walked across the pale school grounds, I marveled at the long, spacious hallways adorned with beautiful, fancy lights at every turn. Every time I saw a female around me, her eyes would linger on me for quite a while, and she would whisper as I turned my attention away from her. Sometimes I would catch them laughing at me with sly smiles and mouths covered. I felt weirded out by the sudden and unusual attention because, unlike them, I'm not some rich kid, and I'm only known around here because I have no money nor status. Trying to ignore their gossiping, I finally managed to step into my classroom. My mind was still filled with speculations about the sudden stares of the girls. But before I could enter my classroom, I was met with girls whom I wasn't acquainted with, running up to me, as if I were a prize to be won, as if they had just run a marathon for me. "Oh my, Charlotte! I heard you were invited into Andrew's bedchambers. Is that true?" The girl looked at me with her hand over her mouth, wearing a sarcastic expression. "I can't believe you, of all people, are already trying to flirt with Prince Charming." Their whining only grew louder as they agreed, "I don't even know who Andrew is; this is a misunderstanding!"

It hasn't even been a second since I left the principal's office, just how fast does news fly around?

"Slaves, give it a rest," one of the girls demanded as she hid behind the others. She then appeared in front of me while the rest of the girls backed away. The leader turned out to be Melissa Min Monroe, holding her elbow with one hand in front of her and the other hand resting on her cheek. "Charlotte, honey, sweetie, what the actual hell?" Melissa smiled, obviously having her sarcastic undertone with each breath she took. "You know when I call dibs on a man, he is clearly mine, but you, ohh you," she laughed hysterically. "You just had to be a fucking slut, didn't you?" Her eyebrows nearly touched her own eyes. I could literally see her face fuming and knew if I didn't clear things up, it could get ugly. "No, you've got it all wrong. I just got invited to a tea party, which I have no idea why I did, but..." My hands were in the air, moving around trying to calm her as if she were an animal. Melissa gritted her teeth as her eyebrows were literally touching her pitch-black eyes.

She then tried to compose herself as she flipped her long black hair at me which I barely managed to duck "Don't play dumb with me Silver- slut" she crossed her arms proudly, which signalled a cue for her group to start cheering

This idiot is really getting on my nerves

"Okay, I'll play your dumb little game" I said in a cocky tone as I picked myself up which made Melissa click her tongue in response "so what if I tried to go for Andrew? Come on Melissa Min Monroe, get real" I stepped closer towards Melissa with a viciously large smirk "we both know you have nothing else to offer besides your used body" shocked, Melissa stepped back having her one hand behind her and the other frozen in front of her "W-what the hell?" her hands clasped against each other as she cracked them trying to act like she could do something "Cat got your tongue missy? Or are you just deaf?' I wrapped my arms around my chest and stood right in front of her. "W-what the hell did you just say you slut?" her words had many stutters as she spoke "Do you know who I am?" her voice wasn't as confident as her usual self. "Nah, but let me take a guess, the real slut who fucked all our classmates? Please, correct me if I'm wrong" Melissa bit her lips as if she had nothing else to say "Y-you bitch" In a fit of rage, Melissa swung her arm fiercely. Her flying hand was easily caught by me and for a moment, just death stared her for a split second. I didn't have time for her bs and especially not enough time for her to throw a fit, and for a guy who doesn't even know her! Just because I'm not rich like her and her friends, she this she can pick on me whenever she wants? Tch

I roughly let go of her arm, not wanting to make things any messier, and decided to let her go. "Leave, Melissa, before I change my damned mind," I said with a demanding tone as I eyed her down. Melissa frowned and glared at me before she left. But just as she did, she whispered something under her breath, which pissed me off. I watched her as she walked off. No way I'm letting a rich girl keep running her mouth.

My body moved on its own as I leaped after her, and my hand reached for her shoulder, slamming her against the wall. My hands were raised, and I slapped her pale cheeks. Her face turned peachy red, which now looked no different from a pig. I watched her as she held her cheeks as she moans in pain 'H-how dare you, a commoner, touch me?' Melissa cried out to me. I only glared at her before taking a few steps away from her. At the corner of my eye, I saw a dark figure standing and watching me. I turned my head to face the man, who turned out to be Andrew from a distance, with a weird expression on his face. 

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