Chapter 19

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"I hope you learned your lesson now, my little maid, do you finally realize what your missing? This woman just needs to learn obedience and she would be perfect for me" Vincent says as he slowly closes his eyes and look at us with amusement. "I'll never be what you want, I refuse" I clench my hands as my face turns a light shade of red. "I can't believe woman actually likes people like you" I crossed my arms and looked away from him. But instead, "P-Pfftt!" Vincent lets out the cutest genuine laugh and I couldn't help but just blush, but I refused to look at him "Oh Charlotte, you're running that mouth a little too much for someone who was moaning my name for the past few hours, and call me a villain or whatever, but at the end of the day - I always get the girl, always". I blushed as my covered my mouth "Why would any woman in their right mind, meddle with a mafia?" Vincent scoffs as he puts two fingers on his forehead. 

'Love isn't worth leaving the mafia, my little mouse, but the power I hold will only benefit any woman,' Vincent clicks his tongue with bliss and bites his lower lip suggestively. 'My power helps me protect women and give them anything they desire or even... simply wish,' Vincent continues as he lowers his voice in an almost lewd tone, 'Who wouldn't want money, status, fame, and power? If someone rejects that chance, then they are the ones not in their right mind.' He says as he smacks his desk as he eyes me up and down. To be honest, I knew this man was right... who wouldn't want everything this man offers, not to mention his looks and his body... gosh, that perfectly tanned body. I finally forcefully removed my eyes from Vincent, who has himself leaning back against his chair with one foot on the desk, but his eyes still explored and took in my every curve. 'So, about the payment?' I bring up the question in an awkward manner. 'Huh! It really was about money?' His maid asks, even more enraged than before. 'My maid, please close those lips of yours unless you wish to lose your position, and yes, Charlotte, here, if you want a card, just call me in advance,' Vincent threw me a check.

"4-400K? I thought it was only 200k." My eyes widened as my brain tried to process the information. Vincent's eyes, still not leaving me, let out a deep chuckle. "It was 200k but remember when I told you I'd pay extra to give 'it' to you?". I blush at his words as I try to hide my face with my palms "Ah... right. So, like... um – if I end up pregnant," my flushed face darkened with worry as I finally looked up at Vincent. Vincent smiled gently. "How old are you?" Vincent asks as he taps his desk impatiently, "Um, I'm 19," I said softly. Vincent closed his eyes gently, as if relieved by what I had just said and chuckled softly.

I could tell... this isn't his first time giving his "stuff" away, to say the least. 'I'll provide you with financial aid,' he said with a slight smirk and entertainment in his voice, changing his sitting position, his hands now intertwined with each other as they held his head up high. 'No, I won't keep the child if it truly happens,' I spoke softly, the complete opposite of Vincent as looked at me with wide eyes. His beautiful black eyes grew smaller as he scratched his scar on his eyebrow and nodded his head, his eyes still wide as he parted his lips. 'Right...?' 'I'm going to take my leave now.' Hearing my words, Vincent got up from his seat and called for me as I made my way out of his room, but he didn't make any advances to make me stay. This was surprising for a mafia, but his words still lingered in my mind and echoed through my head repeatedly.

I'll make your body fit just for me

Just as I was making my way out of Vincent's house, I received a call from Elizabeth. She exclaimed, 'Hey girlyy ~ guess what?' Elizabeth sounded much more energetic than usual, which probably meant she had found something that involved the men she adores. I replied, 'Yo, Eliza, what's up?' Elizabeth giggled hysterically before she spoke, 'Soo... me, the school captain, Emilia, and her sister, Eli, are at the gym. Guess what?' Her strolling around in circles really kept me on edge and tested my patience – patience, something I didn't have at the moment. "Just tell me already!" I said with frustration in my voice, my tone sharp, causing Vincent's men to eye me up and down in horror. "I'm not even making this up right now, but, like, girl, Kaiser and Andrew are here working out at the gym, so you better get your ass over here!" Her voice got even louder through the phone as the background noises increased, but her excitement was evident in every word. Even through all the noise, I could still make out our school captain, Emilia, and her sister, Eli, giggling, which seemed like they were a bit further away from Elizabeth. "Here, I'll send you the address, so make it here ASAP; you're missing a free show." I thought about the idea of Andrew and my ex, Kaiser, working out, which really pleased me in a way I never thought it would. Gosh, maybe I'm over Kaiser just yet! Even though I couldn't help but pretend to be mad as I spoke to Elizabeth through the phone, not wanting her to know about my realizations. Elizabeth cuts the call off as I make my way to the car. "Ah, fine!" I walked out of Vincent's three-story mansion and was escorted by one of his men. "Where would you like me to drop you?" Vincent's chauffeur asked; his visible black eyes never left mine as he spoke with confidence. I didn't know where the hell I wanted to go, so instead, I showed him the address on my phone that Elizabeth sent me moments ago. "Just here!" I said in a confident voice, mirroring his own. The same dark-eyed man who opened the door for me when I was first making my way to Vincent's mansion steps up yet again, with his beautiful brown hair, took a step back as he hit the back of his heel on the ground and bowed, showing his utmost respect. I couldn't help but be mesmerized, and my eyes wandered towards him even as he opened the door to take me to the place where I had "ordered" him to take me.

I make It into the gym and hurry myself inside. The gym was a huge place, of Corse this is why people like Elizabeth and Andrew are here, because they can afford such luxury, I'm glad I have a friend like Elizabeth... she paid everything for me! The walls white as snow and the floor were a light shade of black and a hint of grey, gym equipment's were everywhere, I didn't even know what half of these were used for. I stood near the entrance as I searched for Elizabeth and the other 2 girls but with no luck. "BOO!" I felt my heart almost pop out of my chest and I literally just forgot how to breathe but before I could squeal, someone covered my mouth and hid me behind one of the leg presses. I faintly opened my eyes and saw Elizabeth smiling at me, her hands still over my mouth.

This idiot! She nearly gave me a heart attack

I bit her hand in defiance. She squeaked in pain as she tried to hold back her tears. 'Sissy! What was that for?' she asked as she looked at me with tears in her eyes. 'Eliza, why don't you explain YOURSELF?' Elizabeth quickly wiped her tears and looked at me innocently with her deep blue eyes as she opened her mouth. She then held my cheeks and made me face two men, whom I assumed to be Kaiser Di Alter and Andrew Von Claude. 'I, Elizabeth Saint Solace, am urging you, Charlotte Silverknight, to look...' Elizabeth's serious, yet cute face turned into a blushing, smug look. '...look at that body... oh my gosh.' I groaned as I turned my head. Elizabeth let out a small moan. I took a peek at where she was looking at one more time – to get a better look for... educational purposes. They're stood Kaiser and Andrew, both wearing men's compression shirts. We really could see everything right now. The black-haired boy with dirty blonde ends and beautiful grey eyes caught my attention. Kaiser's big body and slightly darker skin than Matthew's—well, that's to be expected. He plays basketball as well as soccer and works out almost every day. His rough hands and solid body, along with surprisingly soft abs and broad shoulders, were just an amazing combination. This was in contrast to Andrew, who had that pale, slim, elegant body with a waist much smaller than his upper body—basically, the perfect ratio. He was a bit taller than Kaiser, and his long legs accentuated his waist and thighs. His big Adam's apple went back and forth as he drank his water, his black hair all wet and sweaty. His emerald, green eyes, focused, just made him look absolutely gorgeous.

"Look at those hotties go. Too bad he's your cousin," the captain, Emilia, spoke up. Her sister behind her nodded her head in agreement. "Nah, but like, I'd still let him hit, cousin or not," Emilia giggled at Eli's statement. "Okay, but like, he's a 10, but he is your cousin," the girls whistled as the question sparked laughter. I just sighed. "Can we actually work out?" Eli looked at me with a smug look. "Ah, Charlotte would know a lot about having handsome cousins. We don't blame you for having an eye for them~" Eli said in a playful tone. I smacked my lips together before I spoke. "Literally, Eli, he is my first cousin. That's weird". "Bro, with that body, I don't care who they are... I'll jump on him any day. What about you, Elizabeth?" Emilia called out to Elizabeth who's attention were focused somewhere else

Elizabeth's cheeks flushed red as she forcefully yet painfully tore her gaze away from Kaiser. 'I dunno,' she mustered, 'Kaiser seems a bit more manly and nicer in my eyes.' I couldn't help but give Elizabeth a look of shock and disbelief, though somehow, she didn't notice, as her view was obstructed by Kaiser's godlike body. She watched him in a dream-like state, continuing, 'Andrew is too pretty; Kaiser looks like he can be rough with those hands...'

Yeah... that's where she was wrong. Andrew could play both sides, but those words I never thought I'd hear from Elizabeth.

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