Chapter 23

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I sighed in disbelief. "Is this what it's about? Liking a man who never liked you? And even if you wanted him to like you, why would blackmailing him help the situation?" She was taken aback by my words; I knew that she knew I was right. "B-but you always take what's mine. First, Jake in year 2, Kaiser. When I wanted a mafia boyfriend, you somehow got that. When I wanted to get closer to Andrew, you took that too... What the hell is left for me?" I let go of my clenched fists. "If they don't like you, how could they ever be yours? You're so delusional," I muttered to myself as I argued with my "friend". Suddenly, one of the police officers approached us. "Sorry, ladies. I understand you're going through something right now, but I'm afraid we need to restrict this area for further evidence," he said. I ignored Elizabeth and nodded my head in agreement. "Uh, sorry, we are done with our conversation," I replied. The police officer looked at me with a soft expression as he smiled. "Would you like me to drop you off at home?" he asked. I didn't know whether I should trust him or not, but I knew I was far from where Andrew lived, and I didn't have my phone on me right now, so I had no other choice.

We got in the car; my gloomy expression probably left a bitter taste in the cop's mouth, but what else did he expect? The whole ride was depressing, and I still hadn't come to terms with Kaiser's death. It was all too fast for me.

- Matthew's POV –

I sat alone on my bed. Mother and my big brother went out somewhere, while Charlotte ran off as usual. The girl never stays home; she always has something to do or somewhere to go. And my big brother... I wonder what's up with him lately. He's become so mature. Maybe it has something to do with Charlotte? He really cares deeply about her, huh? I remember when we were just kids.

Twelve years ago, Andrew and I were the closest we had ever been. I was really fragile and basically didn't feel like I existed in the family, while Andrew got all of the glory. He was the perfect boy - he had the looks, the grades, the brain, and everything a mother could want in a child. After all, he was the one set to inherit nearly all of our family wealth. He was a boy with such power. "Mama, can big brother and I go to the park today? Please, Mama?" My own mother looked at me with eyes that hinted she was slightly annoyed. "You know we can't go, but maybe if you get better grades-" I didn't know what difference anything made to her, and why I was never enough for her. I hated feeling like I didn't belong in my own family, the people who were supposed to protect me "B-but Mama, I only got 2 A-'s... the rest were A's!"

"That's not good enough," Mother scolded. "Look at your brother, Andrew! You should be more like him." "But I was, Mother. I was looking at him. I always have been. How could I ignore him when he was so bright, when he was the only one loved?" Andrew looked at me with a saddened gaze. "Mama, can we please?" Our mother sighed and let out a soft smile. "Of course, we can, sweetie! Now run along and take a butler with you." "But, Mama, I want to play with Matthew!" "Ah, honey, you shouldn't meddle with people who don't deserve it..." "Please, Mama? I want to play with my brother!" "Okay... fine." That was one instance of my mother's favouritism, but Andrew was the only one who kept me sane. Another time, our cousins came over, and I was humiliated for not being 'enough.' I pretended I was alright, that I was okay, but somehow, I couldn't act fine. That day, I locked myself in my own room. "Matthew, may I come in, please?" There was a sense of urgency in his voice, which was cut off by my angry tone filled with annoyance. "GO AWAY!" But Andrew still persisted. "M-Matthew, please...?" I sighed, knowing this boy never gives up.

I unlocked the door for him with an annoyed expression as he patted my hair softly. 'It's alright, you're perfect just the way you are. Don't change for anyone, okay?' My brother came in, and that whole night, he kept me company. No matter what would happen, he was always there to defend me and help me—the only one who cared when no one else did. When everyone else forgot me, he was always there, the very thing that made me look up to him even more. He just became brighter in my eyes when I thought that couldn't even be possible. We were so young, but he was always so courageous yet shy. My reminiscing was cut short when I heard a knock on the door. I looked downstairs and realized Charlotte came back from running away again. I rushed downstairs and met her gaze on mine. Her eyes lingered on mine for a while as her expression became almost... sad.

- Charlotte's POV –

I saw Matthew welcoming me back home as usual, but tonight was a lot different from the "usual." The moon's light made his golden blonde hair, with hints of brown, almost glisten. His sky-blue eyes smiled at mine, but I couldn't physically force a smile back. I knew this man wasn't up to date with my life. I stepped closer toward him, and just as I did, tears—like a dam had just burst—came falling down my face. I bet I looked so darn ugly right now, but that didn't matter to me. "Oh, gosh, they won't stop falling... s-sorry..." Matthew looked down as his face darkened. He inched closer to me and pulled me into an embrace. I could feel his every breath tickling my ear as our heads rested on each other's shoulders.

"What happened, Charlotte? You look so devastated," he said. Hearing his words only summoned more tears that I never thought I had within me. "M-Matthew... I – I've been getting stalked this whole year and was attacked a couple of times." "But... but this time... I got attacked, and Kaiser protected me, and he got stabbed. I tried to save him, no, I was completely useless. A-and it turned out my friend of 12 years actually betrayed me." I knew Matthew had no idea who Kaiser was, but I didn't have enough energy in me to tell him. Instead of Matthew actually asking, he pulled me into a tighter embrace. "Why don't you ever ask for help? Don't you know that you're not alone? I might not know those people or know much, but please, please don't ever fight on your own. I'm not going to tell you to forget about that friend, but it'll be alright, and I will be with you every step of the way." My breathing was still unstable, and my cheeks were painted red as my face was drenched with tears. I nodded my head in response and held him tighter in my arms. "T-thank you." The city lights were a beautiful sight, the moon illuminated its light on us as if we were in a theatre.

A gust of wind passed by as our hair followed the same direction. His light, sky-like eyes collided with my ocean blue eyes as we stood under the dark clouds. Matthew fixed a bit of my brunette hair that was poking out from the side of my ear. Matthew's eyes wandered beyond me; his cheeks started sweating profusely as he bit his lips ever so lightly. I turned my gaze to where he was looking and realized he was looking at Andrew, who had just pulled into the garage. We both let go of each other slowly. Andrew spun his keys for his G wagon around his finger. "Where's mom? I thought she was with you," Matthew asked in a nonchalant tone. "I-I dropped her off at dad's," Andrew answered as his gaze kept switching between us and his car keys. "Let's head inside; it's a bit chilly."

We all headed inside, except Andrew, who said he needed to check on his car. The room was warm compared to the weather outside. I sat on the couch, scrolling through my phone and looking at pictures of Kaiser, while Matthew made something to eat. Just then, I saw my stalker running through the doors and into our house. I screamed when I saw him, but instead of coming after me, the man ran to the kitchen. I think he was going after Matthew. But why would he go after Matthew? 'Matthew, he's here! My stalker is in the house, and he's coming to the kitchen!'

I ran towards the kitchen as I saw my stalker holding a knife, and Matthew, who was against the wall. My stalker ran towards Matthew as he swung his kitchen knife around, which looked exactly like the ones we had. Matthew didn't move an inch but didn't look afraid either. The knife was closing in on him, but he managed to catch the knife with both of his palms. "Charlotte, run upstairs and hide, leave this bastard to me!" "B-but Matthew - I can't -" "Charlotte, I love you, but you really have to listen sometimes." I was standing behind them and grabbed a pan. Before I made my escape, I threw the pan at the man, hitting his head dead centre. He turned his attention to me as he kept inching the knife at Matthew, but Matthew managed to push him off. The man's head started dripping blood as he stood menacingly, his eyes on the ground as his face darkened. He then reached for the back of his head and looked at his own hand

It was blood-red, his hand was. The man's eyes turned around and clashed with mine as I ran towards the stairs, ready to hide, but his eyes never left me. He looked like he was in disbelief or even... baffled that I would hurt him. Why is he shocked? Does this man really think I would have mercy on him after he stole a loved one from me? I kept running up the stairs and hid myself in Matthew's room. His walls were painted a light blue colour, and his floor just the same. The room was absolutely spotless as well as spacious. The side of his room obviously had his bed, which was a beautiful golden colour with hints of black. Ultimately, I decided to hide in his large closet filled with branded clothes. Loud noises came from downstairs, and I covered my ears, trying not to hear any of it; they just kept reminding me of Kaiser yet again. I could hear struggles and things being thrown that made loud sounds that echoed through the house, and then a loud BANG sound that was later followed by dead silence.

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