Chapter 15

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"Why, princess? They have such sad lives!" the brunette's eyebrows lifted in surprise and passion. I couldn't help but laugh quietly at her pouting face, with her cheeks slightly red. In that moment, one of my teammates passed the ball towards me with 100 times the normal force for someone hitting his teammate as close as me. "W-wait!" Distracted, my legs moved on their own as I tried to dodge it, but instead, the ball hit a part of my foot and quickly switched directions, bolting straight towards the outside of the soccer field. I watched the ball fly through the air, heading straight towards the two girls sitting under the big old oak tree... hitting the blondie right in the face!

The girl's face immediately flushed with tears as she cried hysterically, but even so, I felt as if she cried way more than she should have. I sighed and turned my attention to my friends, who were busy laughing at her, wiping tears off their faces. My focus was abruptly interrupted by my teammates, thanks to a loud, squeaky voice that came from behind me: 'HEY YOU!' The brunette called out to me, smiling confidently, as if she were mocking me with judgmental eyes, which immediately made me dislike her a lot. The girl effortlessly kicked the ball into the air with her foot while sitting down. I rolled my eyes at her, as if I weren't impressed. The girl continued to snicker as she got up, her tiny foot connecting with the ball and kicking it right at me, landing straight on my face! 'Ouch!' I cried in agony as I held my bleeding nose and looked at her with a look of hatred. 'Have a taste of your own medicine,' she said, flipping her hair, which billowed high thanks to the wind's assistance. The ball fell off my face, leaving a mark. My usual confident smile was easily kicked off my face, quite literally. The girl seemed to not care about her own insolent actions and twirled around swiftly, joining her friend to comfort her, who still managed to have enough tears left to cry.

The blondie, still sitting with her legs slightly parted, sniffed loudly. "Charlotte, sissy, he is such a meanie!" The blondie crumpled her lips, her glimmering eyes reaching out to the brunette's shirt and holding onto a piece of her clothes tightly. But my eyes refused to leave her at that moment. "Charlotte... huh?" My eyes sparkled with joy. "Charlotte." Her name rolled perfectly on my tongue: Charlotte. The girl's sniff yet again brought me back to reality. "What?" the brunette one said, her piercing, ocean-like eyes meeting my own grey ones. I could tell she had some fire in her. "Oh, uh, nothing, never mind." I scratched my hair awkwardly and picked myself up. A part of me wanted to impress her, but I knew I couldn't accomplish something like that by just looking at her. However, I still knew I had to introduce myself to this beauty. "Sorry about that. My name is Kaiser. Do you guys sit here all the time?" Charlotte completely ignored me as she grabbed the waist of the blondie and fixed her clothes gently. "Yeah, we do, well, at least we plan on it, right, sissy?" The girl's eyes collided with Charlotte's, with eyes that looked no different than a puppy's. But Charlotte had an indifferent expression on her face, yet slightly blushing. "Uh, yeah, sure, I'll try." Ever since that day, we would talk and hang out. I found out that Charlotte doesn't actually attend Mordridge Primary School, but she comes from a nearby orphanage.

We were once innocent kids, nothing more than friends, until we entered high school. Charlotte and I got closer than we had ever planned. We were seen together all the time, standing up to bullies and making subtle moves on each other. The loving stares we exchanged in the middle of class practically felt illegal. Time passed quickly, and I cherished every moment with her. In year 10, we started dating, finally able to confess our love openly. I could hold her in my arms, taste her with my lips, and proudly call her mine. However, in year 11, I publicly humiliated her in front of everyone during my speech to become the school captain. I had the opportunity to inspire others and take control of the school, but instead, I used that platform to hurt the person I loved the most. For what? For a bit of attention, perhaps? That moment still stands as the biggest regret of my life. But it's not as if I had a choice. If I could, I would choose her a hundred times over. I would sacrifice everything for her because I love her. Yet here she stands before me, crying hysterically, all because of a jerk like me. I don't have the heart to tell her the truth. I can't bear to break her even more and further ruin her life, as I've already done too much damage. "Can I touch you?" I had nothing else to say; I only knew one thing—I wanted to hug her, make her feel as if everything was okay. Even if she rejected me a hundred times over, just as I had shattered her heart into a hundred pieces.

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