Part 2

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It's been three weeks since Veronica joined the Heathers, and I thinks she's liking it. Me on the other hand, I'm still trying to cope with the fact that I might have feelings for Veronica. I mean, I never really felt satisfied with my previous boyfriends. None of them made my heart rush the same way Veronica does. She's really beautiful...

Anyway, Duke came to me and Mac while we were eating lunch and told us something that really made Mac's blood boil, which never actually happened.

"Hi, Heather. Hi, Heather. Want to know something that I found out about Martha Dumptruck?" Duke told the two of us.

"What is it, Heather?" I said uninterested in whatever she had to say.

"Apparently, Martha Dumptruck has had a crush on your boyfriend, Ram, for the past twelve years or so." Duke said directly to Mac.

"And? Who doesn't?" Mac said confused by what Duke was going at.

"Well, apparently, Ram used to hang out with her in kindergarten."

"Yeah. We all did." I said as I started to get irritated.

"We all didn't kiss on the kickball field." Duke said with a grin on her face.

"What!?" Mac yelled in anger.

"That's right. Ram kissed Martha Dumptruck in kindergarten. It was disgusting." Duke said with an evilish smile.

"Heather. Call Veronica." Mac said with rage in her eyes.

Duke then left to get Veronica. I was lowkey afraid of what Mac was going to do. I've never seen her this mad about anything. Duke approached Veronica who was talking to Betty Finn.

"Veronica! Heather says to haul your ass to the table pronto." Duke told Veronica.

"How very. I guess I'll talk to you later." Veronica said to Betty as she got up.

"Ok. Bye, Veronica!" Betty said as she waved at her.

Duke and Veronica then arrived at our table.

"Veronica. I need a forgery in Ram's handwriting right now!" Mac said very angrily.

"Um, ok. Um, I'll need something to write on." Veronica said.

"Don't worry. Heather, bend over." I told Duke.



"Yes, Heather."

Duke bends over and Veronica places the notepad on her back and she starts to write.

"Hello, beautiful. I've been watching you and thinking about us in the old days. I hope you can come to my homecoming party this weekend. Miss you, Ram. Oh, put an "xo" after the signature." Mac told Veronica.

I was surprised. Mac has never acted like me before. I feel proud by it somehow.

"X... O... What's this for anyway?" Veronica asked as she handed her the note.

"Oh, it's nothing." Mac said as she read the note. "Perfect. Heather, would you do the honors?"

"Sure. Why not." I said as I took the note.

Kurt and Ram then entered the cafeteria with their lunch trays and started to walk to their table.

"It would be so righteous to be in the middle of a Heather­ Chandler/­Veronica­ Sawyer­ sandwich, bro." Kurt said.

"Eh." Ram said in disagreement.

"You're only saying that because you already got lucky with Heather McNamara, dude!"

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