Part 11

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Dear Diary, This Christmas break changed everyone...

Here I am back at school after our Christmas break. And damn it was packed. Three weeks before the break, Kurt got shot. It was such a big deal that the SnowBall almost got canceled. At the Snow Ball, I convinced Mac that the whole "Veronica blew two" rumor was just that. A stupid rumor that Kurt made up. She then decided to forgive Ram. They're still not dating yet, but I think it's getting there.

Then came the break and me, Mac, and Betty spent most of the time together. We had sleepovers, game nights, girl's night out and all that corny girl stuff. I did want to invite Martha to be with us, but Mac was still mad at her. I did made sure to have movie night with Martha at least once, though. 

And the most eventful thing that happened over the break. Santa finally gave me what I always wanted when I was five: A baby sibling. Yeah. My mom is pregnant. And the father is Dave, who is my dad's best friend whom my mother has been having an affair with. Thankfully, my dad is an idiot and most of my mom's traits are dominant over Dave's. I guess as long as neither of us say anything my dad will believe the kid is his.

So, yeah. I had a pretty eventful break and I am NOT ready to go back to school. But here I am, at school. Sigh. I arrived at school and found out that Chandler is still in France visiting her family. I haven't really spoken to her since the "incident." Thinking about what Duke said makes me sick...

Speaking of Duke, she and Peter Dawson broke up. I didn't even know they were dating. Anyway, Duke's grasp on the school is slowly slipping away. Many people still believe Chandler is the rightful queen of the school. Maybe when Prom arrives, we'll find out who truly is the queen of the school.

I was on my locker getting my stuff when Betty approached me.

"Hey, Betty." I greeted her.


"So, how was the math camp thingy?"

I forgot to mention, Betty and a couple of smart nerds came to school during the break for some math thing. And apparently, Kurt was there.

"It was fine."

"And why was Kurt Kelly there?"

"I don't know. But he's ACTUALLY pretty smart!"


"Yeah. I was surprised as well. I never would have imagined that Kurt would be so smart." Betty said as she played with her hair.

"Someone seems to be crushing on Kurt again!"

"Can we not do this, Veronica? Please?"



Me and Betty then started to walk to our next class and God does it feel good to no longer be a Heather. I'm no longer required to wear mascara, lip gloss, or blush. And I can have my hair like a mess again. Going back to being normal was the best decision that I made.

Lunch came and me, Betty, and Martha sat at the table we sat last year. We were eating lunch when JD approached us.

"Jason." I said to him.

"Veronica." He said.

JD looked different. He was not wearing his trench coat, he had grown some facial hair, and he let his hair grow a little. He was also carrying a little present wrapped in blue.

"I, uh. I wanted to give you this." He handed me the little blue box. "I was going to give it to you on Christmas, but I got caught up on my work and I forgot."

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