Part 14

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Dear Diary, Something is not right here...

Well, where do I start? It's just crazy how this year just flew by, you know? It almost seems like it was yesterday that I became friends with the Heathers and now, Prom is just two weeks away. A lot did happen this year. I really do wish you were here, Vincent. I, uh, I did try moving on like you asked me to. Then again, Jason was the one who wrote that. I don't even know what it is that you wanted me to do. Sigh.

Um. I, uh, have this beautiful blue dress that my mom bought me for Prom. It's beautiful, but I don't even know if I'm gonna go. I mean, I don't have a date to go with. Is it possible that I'm attracted to bad people? Like, Jason is a murderer and Chandler used to torment us in middle school. And if that's the case, then why was I attracted to you? Well, you did have captivating chocolate-brown eyes and a warm smile. I need to go now. I'll talk to you later, Vincent. I love you.

I arrived at school and found out that Chandler was out sick. Said she caught a nasty cold. At this point, I believe Chandler's parents are just going to bribe Principal Gowan to have Chandler graduate because she has lost a LOT of school days now. As I was walking down the hall to my class, I saw Duke putting up some posters on the wall. As I was walking, Duke saw me and approached me.

"Veronica!" She yelled at me.

"Shit!" I said to myself. "Hey, Heather."

"How nice to see you."

"Campaigning for Prom queen?"

"Yes. We'll now find out who's the real queen of the school. Isn't that right, Veronica?"


"I heard you're also a nominee for the tiara. Is that right, Veronica?"

"Yeah. Heather nominated me in her place since she apparently can't run. Turns out you can't run if you're pregnant."

"That's sad. I always thought that me and Chandler would be so focused on ruining each other's lives that Heather would end up beating us both. Anyway, may the best girl win."


We both shook hands and Duke walked away to put more posters up. Honestly, I believe Duke's smoking too much pot. 

When I entered my first class, I noticed that Jason wasn't there either. I got a little worried because now I know that he's capable of killing someone. But if Chandler's sick, her mom would be watching over her like a hawk and I doubt Jason would risk it.

At lunch, I sat with Martha this time because I hadn't spent much time with her. We sat down and started talking about dumb, useless things. Like our favorite movies. Hers is always going to be "The Princess Bride." She has it memorized by now. Mine has to be "Halloween" or something like that.

"So, what are you gonna do after we graduate?" Martha asked me.

"Become a lawyer or something. You?"

"I still haven't figured it out."

"I'm sure you will eventually."

"Thanks." Martha then looks over at Mac and Ram. "I can't believe Heather and Ram are going to have a baby."

"Not just one. Two. They're having twins."

"Sigh. I remember when Ram was my kindergarten boyfriend. But I guess certain girls are just meant to be alone."

"Don't say that! Bet you're going to marry a millionaire someday."


"Of course. You out of all people deserve a happy ending. Both you and Betty deserve happy endings."

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