References & Fun Facts

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Here's a list of references and some fun facts about the story (I suggest you keep this list open in a separate tab so that you can understand it while reading the story). I know this may be a bit late, but I really wanted to do this for some time but didn't have the time to do it. I also want to say thank you to all who liked this story and I truly appreciate it.


- This story started out with the idea that I wanted to tell the story of Heathers from Heather Chandler's point of view. But it then turned into a Chansaw fanfic.

- This story takes inspiration from the Heathers film, the musical (mainly the Off-Broadway version but it has a couple of things from the West End version), and ironically, the awful TV show.

- There are many references to other things that I like including FNAF, Stranger Things, Rocky, Star Wars, and Mean Girls.

- Fun Fact: Changing lyrics into normally spoken sentences is extremely difficult.

- Parts 8, 9, and 10 are my least favorite parts of the entire story.

- It's hard to believe but the awful Heathers TV show was what inspired me to write this story.

- There's a good chance that Heather Chandler says the most F-word in the entire story.

- There are a ton of typos throughout this story that I ended up fixing when I posted this story in AO3.

- I wrote Heather Chandler's eulogy from Veronica's point of view and posted it on Reddit. I might post it here if people are interested in reading it.

- I originally intended to write a sequel for this story based on Ronny's experience during high school. I ended up not doing it because I didn't know how people would take it and I didn't know how the story would end.

Part 1:

- Fun Fact: September 1st, 1989 was on a Friday, meaning that Westerburg's first day of school was on a Friday.

- Heather Chandler's older brother, Hunter Chandler, is a student at Remington University, which in the Heathers film, is where 'Big Fun' technically takes place instead of a house party.

- Fun Fact: Hattie is apparently a nickname for the name Heather.

- Heather Chandler being rude to her mom is a reference to how most rich kids are rude to their parents.

- In 'Candy Store,' Heather Chandler mentions having a Porsche. It is most likely that she would own a Porsche 911, which was approximately worth $58,000 in 1989.

- Hunter foreshadows what will happen to Heather Chandler later on in the story when he says "You keep acting like a bitch and you're gonna get yourself killed or worse."

- Hunter having sexual relationships with younger girls is a direct parallel to Heather Chandler being attracted to older men in the film. She even mentions having a phase where she only dated older guys later on in the story.

- Again, Hunter foreshadows what will happen to Heather Chandler in the story when he says "This whole act that you put up is gonna stop when you find that special someone that you're gonna love."

- "Go fuck a chainsaw" is a direct reference to Heather Chandler's famous quote, "Fuck me gently with a chainsaw."

- In 'Candy Store,' Heather Duke mentions having a Jeep.

- Fun Fact: I wanted to make an actual reason why Heather Chandler hates Heather Duke, which is why I wrote that she slept with Heather Chandler's boyfriend, Peter Dawson. Peter Dawson is also a character that was in the film but not the musical.

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