Part 7

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Dear Diary, My eighth grade boyfriend is back...

The last time I ever saw Vincent was in 1985. I was in eighth grade and by that time, I still wore glasses. Seeing Vincent again takes me back. Back to a time where things were somewhat simpler. I even remembered when we first met. 

It was late September and we had just started the eighth grade. At that time, me and Betty were extremely close. I considered her my younger twin sister since we both wore glasses at the time. I remember walking down the hall with Betty towards pre-biology when I saw Kurt pushing Martha, which caused her to fall.

"Martha Dumptruck! Wide load! Ha! Haha!" He yelled as he pushed Martha.

Everyone started laughing. I felt bad for Martha. So I decided to stand up for her.

"Hey! Pick that up! Right now." I yelled at Kurt.

I could hear everyone go "Oooh" when I said that.

"I'm sorry, are you actually talking to me?" Kurt said.

"Yes, I am. I want to know what gives you the right to pick on her!" I said.

Kurt just stared at my face for a long while before responding.

"You have a zit right there." He said as he pointed at my face.

Everyone started laughing at me and Kurt started to walk away. I got mad, so I ran towards him and pushed him, which caused him to fall on some random puddle of water. Everyone stopped laughing at me and started to laugh at Kurt. He got up and started running towards me. He was just about to punch me until someone stepped in to save me. A cute guy with messy brown hair and chocolate brown eyes.

"Hey! You're not supposed to hit girls, Kelly!" The cute guy said.

"Oh, yeah? And what are you gonna do to stop me? Huh?" Kurt asked.

"Look! Ms. Stevenson is wearing an extremely tight shirt!" The cute guy said as he pointed to somewhere.

"Where?" Kurt stupidly said as he turned around to see.

The cute guy then grabbed my hand and pulled me away. We left the school and ran towards the football field. We then hid under the bleachers.

"Safe at last." The cute guy said.

"T-Thanks." I said as I could feel my face heat up.

"No prob. I'm Vincent, by the way. Vincent Ryder." He said as he extended his arm.

"Uh, Veronica. Sawyer."

"That's a pretty name." Vincent said with a warm smile.

And that's how we started dating. I can't believe it's been that long. Seeing Vincent again in front of me after all this time, I-It's something...

"W-What are you doing here?" I asked Vincent. "Last time we talked, you were moving to-"

"Seattle. I know. Um, stuff happened." Vincent then looked at Chandler. "And she is?"

"Oh! Right. Uh, this is my friend, Heather."

"Chandler. Pleasure to meet you."

"Wait. You're Heather Chandler? THE Heather Chandler?" Vincent asked Chandler.

"Yeah?" Chandler responded.

"And you're friends with her?" Vincent turned to me.


"Damn. I-I actually used to have a crush on you. Back in seventh grade." Vincent awkwardly said to Chandler.

"I guess everyone did." Chandler said while she blushed.

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