Part 6

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It's been about two months since I lost control of the school to Duke and I'm already regretting it. Still, I had to give up my power in order to focus on protecting Veronica from JD. And I can always find something to ruin Duke's reputation later on. But now, protecting Veronica.

Veronica has been hanging out a lot with JD lately. Holding hands, making out in secret, eating lunch together, all that stuff. Yet, Veronica CLAIMS that she's not dating him. Well, she may be good at forging signatures, but I'm good at reading faces. And I know she's lying. She has a thing for him and she's denying it or something.

Although, I really can't complain. I noticed that she's spending an equal amount of time with me and every time she's with me I feel she's safe. And it sometimes kills me when I don't have her around. This is a weird feeling...

School went by like normal and it was time to leave. Me, Mac, and Veronica were going to go to the skating rink to celebrate Ram's younger sister's thirteenth birthday. He had invited half of our grade as he thought it was a pretty big deal. Me and Mac walked outside and were walking towards my car when Duke approached us.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the mighty Heather Chandler." Duke said with a grin on her face.

"What do you want, Heather?" I asked with a done look on my face.

"Just wanted to know where you two were heading." Duke said.

"We were gonna wait for Veronica to go to Rachel's party, Heather." Mac said.

"Who's Rachel again?" Duke asked while checking her make-up.

"Ram's younger sis-" Mac started until she was cut off by Duke.

"Don't care. I have a lot of important things to take care of. Adieu" Duke said as she got in her Jeep.

The audacity of this bitch. Anyway, Veronica finally arrived and the three of us decided to go to the mall before going to the skating rink. When we arrived at the mall, we went to pick out some new clothing for the party. We ended up getting off-the-shoulder t-shirts in our signature color and a type of short bottom. I got a black leather mini skirt, Veronica got jean shorts, and Mac got a gray mini skirt.

After our little shopping session, we went to get ice cream and wander around the mall until it was time to go to the party. We wandered around for about two hours until I had to go to the restroom to throw up. I swear something was up with that ice cream.

"Are you ok, Heather?" Mac asked as she held my hair.

"Yeah..." I said as I continued to puke.

Twenty seconds later, Me, Mac, and Veronica were in different stalls puking. Yeah. There was definitely something up with the ice cream...

When we finished, we decided to go to the party. We arrived at the skating rink and there was loud music and lots of people skating. We ordered our skates and went inside. Veronica really didn't know how to skate so she was holding my hand the entire time. I didn't mind. I was happy that I could hold Veronica's hand in public without it looking weird. Mac was with Ram who was with his sister.

"Hey, babe." Mac said as she approached Ram.

"Hi." Ram said as he gave her a kiss.

"Ew." Rachel said in disgust.

"Hi, Rachel. Are you having fun?" Mac asked Rachel.

"Sure." Rachel then looks at me and Veronica, who has wrapped herself around me.

"Don't judge me." Veronica said to Rachel.

"Wasn't gonna." Rachel said as she skated away.

Ram then spotted Kurt and approached him.

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