Part 13

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Four months have passed since I arrived here from my trip and today, two important things are happening. The first, Mac is going to get her first ultrasound and the second, I'm finally going to check my weight after nine months! The last time that I checked, I was about 115 pounds. I just hope that I'm not WAY over that.

I woke up early today and got in my red sweatshirt and sweatpants and I went outside for a jog. To be fair, I looked a little like Rocky running this early. It was super dark outside, but I gained a lot of weight in the past months and I need to be in shape to fit in my Prom dress.

I jogged all the way from my house and made it to Veronica's house. I knocked at the door and was welcomed by Veronica's mom.

"Heather? What are you doing here?"

"Water." I said with a hoarse voice.

Mrs. Sawyer pointed me to the fridge and I ran towards it. Veronica then came downstairs as I chugged the gallon of water.

"Hey." Veronica said, still sleepy.

"Hi. You excited for Heather's ultrasound, Ronnie?"

"Yeah. I wonder what gender the baby will be."

"If it's a girl, I'm going to be the godmother. If it's a boy, you're the godmother."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa." Mrs. Sawyer interrupted us. "Veronica is going to be no one else's godmother."

"Right, I forgot that you're pregnant as well."

"Yeah. And by the time he or she is ready, Veronica has  already graduated and is a legal adult."

While we were talking, the phone rang and both me and Veronica ran to pick it up knowing it was Mac.

"Yes?" Veronica asked as she got to the phone first. "Oh. Hey, JD. What's up?"

Why is Jesse James calling? And at this hour? What is he trying to do?

"Sorry, JD. I can't go. I already promised Heather that I was going to be at her ultrasound. No. Yes, McNamara. Ok. Love you. Bye."

"I'm not even going to ask. Come on. We need to get ready."


Me and Veronica then went upstairs and before we started to get dressed, Veronica pulled out a balance scale to weigh my body.

"You ready?" Veronica asked.

"Yeah." I said with determination on my face.

I took my clothes off to get the most accurate results. I still had a bump on my belly, which got me a bit worried about my weight.

"Jesus, Heather. Did you eat a watermelon seed?"

"Shut up, Sawyer."

Veronica chuckled. I stepped on the balance and the needle started to move. It moved a lot until it settled on a number.

"Ronnie, you look. I'm too afraid to do it." I asked Veronica.

"Um." Veronica said as she looked. "140! Not bad, Heather."

"Well, fuck me gently with a chainsaw! I'm not fat!"

"Congrats, Heather." Veronica said as she gave me a kiss. "Now come on. Let's get ready."

Me and Veronica got ready and waited for Ram to come and pick us up. He and Mac arrived and we then went to the hospital. At the hospital, Mac was taken to a room and laid on a bed. The doctor then gave us a little chat about what she was going to do and what it was for. The doctor then spread a gel onto Mac's belly and with a weird machine called the transducer, she started to move it around the belly. Me, Veronica, Mac, and Ram started at the monitor as weird black and white waves moved around.

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