Part 16

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It was the summer of 1982 or 1983. By that time, my family was not halfway normal, it was actually normal. It had a loving and hardworking dad, a caring mother, a rebellious son, and a sweet daughter. The total opposite of what I live with today.

It was a nice, warm summer day outside and me and my five year old sister, Jessie, were going to go outside and ride on our bikes.

"We're going outside, mom!" I yelled as I opened the door.

"Hold it right there, you two. Don't forget to wear your helmet, Jessie."

"Not fair! Why can Jason not wear a helmet and I have to wear one?"

"Because your brother is older and more mature. Now, wear your helmet."

Jessie mumbled some words before grabbing her helmet. We went outside and started riding on our bikes. Our mom didn't want us to go far, so we stayed in the street right in front of our house. As we were riding, Jessie asked me if she could take off her helmet.

"I don't know, Jessie. Mom would be really mad."


"Ok. Just this one time."

"Yay! You're the bestest big brother ever!" She said as she gave me a tight hug.

Jessie took off her helmet and we continued riding on our bikes. Mom had seen that Jessie didn't have her helmet on.

"Jessica Dean! Where is your helmet!?"

"Jason said that I could take it off." Jessie said as she continued to ride in circles.

"Jason Dean, get over here right now!"

"Crap!" I said to myself as I walked towards my mom. "Yes, mom?"

As my mom was scolding me for letting Jessie ride without her helmet, none of us was keeping an eye on Jessie. Then, the worst thing happened. A car was coming really fast. Neither of us was looking and then... T-The car. It, um. It ran over Jessie.

"Jessie? Jessie!" My mom yelled in horror.

I couldn't believe what I witnessed. I was in shock. Jessie's pink bike was destroyed and covered in blood. The car left speeding. Like if the driver had just passed on top of a cardboard box and left. My mom ran towards my sister and I just stood there, petrified. Everyone in the neighborhood came out to see what happened.

A month had passed and me, my mom and dad were in the cemetery as they put my sister's casket on the ground. We hadn't talked since it happened. My mom was devastated. My dad was distant. And, I still believe it's my fault that my sister is dead.

But the next few months, it was even worse. Mom locked herself in Jessie's room and stayed there, crying and sobbing. Dad wasn't around much. He would often come late and sit on the couch and watch TV while drinking. This is when my family turned to being halfway normal. 

When we had dinner, all three of us were quiet. Mom would barely eat anything and would go back to Jessie's room. Me and my dad then found a way to cope with it.

"Hey, son. Care to pass the salt?" I said.

"Sure thing, pop. Here you go." My dad said.

One day, while dad was at work, I entered Jessie's room to see how mom was doing. When I entered, I saw that mom wasn't there. I then started to search the whole house for her, but I couldn't find her. I decided to check in the basement. I walked down the stairs, I heard someone talking to themselves and it freaked me out a little. I found her, but something was off.

"Mom?" I asked.

She turned around and she had this strange smile on her face. Like the one that the Joker has.

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