Part 5

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It happened. Hunter said that if I continued to act like a bitch, I would end up dead or worse. Well, I believe rape is far more frightening than death...

I laid in my bed. Shaking. Afraid. I had bruises on my wrists and perhaps a couple of marks on my neck. I heard JD light up a cigarette before he got up. He then started walking towards his clothes.

"You know, Chandler. You practically became the second girl that I've done it with." He said as he picked up his white underwear.

I didn't respond. I just stared at him, scared of him. As he put on his clothes, I saw something reflecting from his trench coat. When he picked his trench coat up, I managed to get a better look at it. A gun. He brought a gun with him. I started to breath rapidly when I saw it. I somehow knew he brought it in case things took a turn for the worst and I started to panic thinking about it.

When JD finished getting dressed, he walked up to me.

"This is your final warning, Chandler. Stay away from MY Veronica. Ok?" He said real close to my face.

I just stared at him with fear in my eyes. I could feel them tearing up the more I stared at him. He smiled and passed his cold hand on my cheek. He got up and left my room. I waited until I heard the back door shut. That's when I started to cry. I didn't knew what to do. I just cried  and cried until I feel to sleep.

When I woke up, I didn't quite feel like myself. I felt violated. I saw my red silky robe, thorn apart. I wanted to cry more, but I had to go to school. I got up from my bed and grabbed some clothes. I put on a black T-shirt, a grey skirt, red Converse, and my red blazer. I did my hair, put on some make-up, and walked to the mirror. I looked like I normally looked, but I didn't felt like the mighty Heather Chandler.

I went downstairs and made myself some toast. Hunter and his girlfriend were there, but I didn't bother in talking to them. I ate my toast and then got in my Porsche and drove to school. It looked like a normal day, but it wasn't. Duke's green Jeep arrived and parked next to my car like usual. Duke got off and walked towards me.

"Hi, Heather!" She said and then waited for me to shut her up.

I didn't say anything. I just smiled and nodded. Duke looked at me confused.

"Are you ok, Heather?" She asked.

"Let's just wait for Heather, ok?" I said not wanting to talk to much.

Ram's pickup truck arrived and Mac got off and walked towards us.

"Hi, Heather!" She said to me.

I didn't responded. I just looked away.

"Heather isn't feeling well, Heather." Duke told Mac.

"Oh. Is it a fever?" She asked me as she put her hand on my forehead.

I walked away. I didn't felt like being around anyone today. Mac and Duke looked at each other confused.

"What's wrong with Heather, Heather?" Mac asked Duke.

"I have no idea." Duke said.

I walked down the hallway. Everyone was getting out of my way like usual. I walked to my locker and opened it and I saw the photo booth picture of me and Veronica. I started to tear up. I loved Veronica, but JD is crazy enough to kill me. And I don't want that.

I looked to my side and saw Veronica and JD together. She gave him a kiss and then walked away toward Betty Finn. I saw that JD got mad when she went to Betty. Then it hit me like a flash. I was not the one who had to be away from Veronica, it was JD. I had to protect her from him.

Chandler - A Heathers FanficWhere stories live. Discover now