Part 10

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I woke up to the smell of smoke and the fire alarm going off. I sat on my bed wondering why the fire alarm was going off. Then it hit me.

"RACHEL!!!" I yelled as I rushed downstairs.

I accidentally tripped on Rachel's NES, but quickly recovered and ran towards the fire extinguisher.

"For the love of God, Rachel! How many times have I told you to wake me up to make you breakfast!" I yelled to Rachel as I put the fire out.

"Jesus Christ, Ram! If you broke my NES, I'm telling dad!"

"Are you seriously worrying over that shit instead of the fact that you almost burned the house down!?"

My sister really needs to get her shit together. I went back upstairs and got dressed. After that, me and Rachel got in my truck and drove to a McDonald's drive-thru and got me and Rachel breakfast.

"Here." I gave Rachel her breakfast.

"Ew. I don't like this shit."

"That's what you get for almost burning the house down. Now, eat up."

"Asshole." Rachel said under her breath.

"I heard that!"

I drove up to the middle school and dropped Rachel off.

"Have fun at school."

Rachel didn't say anything and just flipped me off. I then went to the high school and parked my truck in my usual spot. I got off and I went inside. I was met with weird looks from everyone. I was used to it, but this time, something was off...

I went to my locker and once again I forgot my locker combination. I tried every code that I knew, but none of them worked. Great! People kept passing by giving me weird looks and I was starting to get pissed. I saw Peter Dawson passing by and I decided to ask him what was going on.

"Hey, wuss. What's going on? Why is everyone giving me weird looks?"

"Well, why don't you ask your buddy, Kurt?"

For the love of God, what did Kurt do? I went to the cafeteria and found Kurt with a huge crowd around him. I pushed myself through the crowd to get to him, and he was saying a bunch of nonsense.

"It was like a big swordfight in her mouth!" Kurt was telling the crowd.

The crowd gasped and started to whisper to each other.

"And she allowed it?" A student asked.

"Oh, she did! And after that, we both went south and planted our flags!"

The crowd gasped again, this time in disgust.

"Kurt! What the hell is going on?" I asked him, confused by the situation.

"I was just telling everyone of the threeway that we had with Veronica last night."

"But there was no threeway."

"I remember differently, dude. There was a big swordfight in her mouth. Bigger than Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader's duel in Return of the Jedi."

"God, Veronica blew two. If her mother only knew." Duke said while she smirked.

I could feel everyone staring at me, judging me. Normally this wouldn't affect me, but for some reason, it did. I then realized something...

"Kurt? How many people know about this?" I asked Kurt.

"I told the whole school, man." Kurt said with a smug look on his face.

"Everyone knows that Veronica blew two, Ram." Duke said.

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