Part 3

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Ram's house, thirty minutes earlier.

Kurt and Ram were setting the house up for Ram's homecoming party. Their dad's walk down the stairs ready for their fishing trip.

"Okay, Ram, have fun tonight but I expect you to act your age. If the neighbors complain about the noise, Paul and I are going to march in here and knock the sand out of your vagina. Do you understand me?" Ram's dad, Bill, told him.

"Dude, what am I, like five?" Ram responded.

"Hey! I'm your dad, not your dude." Bill said while pointing at Ram.

"That goes double for you, Kurt. You're a guest at Bill's house and you will treat it with respect." Kurt's dad, Paul, told him as he got the fishing rods.

"Sure thing." Kurt started saying while smirking. "Dude!"

Paul then grabs Kurt in a headlock.

"Gah! I'm just kidding! I'm just kidding!" Kurt started yelling.

"Who's a great big sissy? Who's going to prom in a bright pink dress?" Paul started taunting him.

"You are." Kurt said while trying to get out.

"Who's a great big sissy?" Paul said while tightening the headlock.

"Gah! You are! You are!" Kurt said while running out of breath.

Paul lets go of Kurt and he falls down to the ground.

"No wonder you couldn't beat that kid up." Paul said while looking down at Kurt.

"Nice." Bill said.

The two dads then started to walk out the door.

"Enjoy the party, son! And watch over your sister!" Bill said as he closed the door.

"Will do!" Ram yelled.

Ram then looked at his twelve year old sister, Rachel, sitting at the top of the stairs.

"I'll give you a cup of beer if you don't tell dad about this." Ram told his sister.

"Yay!" She yelled as she jumped up and down.

"And once the party starts, you better lock yourself in your room."

"Ok, Ram." She said as she ran to her room.

Back in the present, me and Veronica are in the middle of the party. The music was blasting and the lights were off. People were drinking, getting high, and making out left and right. Nobody was home tonight, meaning that it was time for some big fun!

The three of us and Veronica were in the kitchen making a couple shots of tequila. We decided to let Veronica make the drink by herself. And as the loud music was still pounding.

"Okay, okay, okay, so it's salt, lime, then... Shot!" Veronica said while slightly slurring.

"No, salt, the shot-" Mac started saying saying before I cut her off.

"YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG!!!" I yelled as I had already drank six full bottles of beer.

"Wait, really? 'Cause I feel great." Veronica said while drinking a shot.

Some drunken guy and girl then passed by.

"Veronica! You are looking good tonight!" The guy said.

"Yeah. You're looking smoking!" The girl said.

"Whoa. A hot guy and a hot girl smiled at me, Without a trace of mockery!" Veronica said with a huge smile on her face and blushing.

Mac and Duke started to giggle while I got really pissed. The party continued on. Ram and Mac started dancing which later turned to them making out in the couch. I then lost track of Veronica. I started looking for her and then found her with a group of stoners.

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