Part 8

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Today might be the hardest day for Veronica. Sigh. Last week, Veronica's first boyfriend, Vincent, committed suicide. And today is the day of the viewing. I had to be strong for Veronica given the fact that she was the one that found Vincent. God, I can't even imagine what must be going on in Veronica's head.

We arrived at the funeral home for the ceremony. Both me and Veronica were wearing a black dress, but I had a black blazer on while Veronica had a black coat on. There were a lot of people there, mostly friends of his parents. I saw Vincent's mom and his stepdad and I asked Veronica if she wanted to talk to them. She said yes and we both approached them.

"Hi." Veronica softly said to Vincent's mom.

"Hi, Veronica." Vincent's mom said as she gave a comforting hug to Veronica. "How have you been?"

"Struggling. You?"

"Devastated." Vincent's mom said as her voice started to break.

I cannot imagine what she must be going through, losing her only child? Not even I could handle it.

It was then time for Vincent's mom and his stepdad to enter and have a time with their son. The rest of us waited in the lobby. While waiting, we could hear Vincent's mom wailing and screaming. And who could blame her? She's staring at her lifeless son. 

Then it was time for Veronica to see Vincent. Veronica asked if I could come with her and they allowed me to go. We entered the room and across was the casket containing Vincent. We approached the casket and there he was, lifeless. Not like when I first saw him. I turned to look at Veronica, who was trying her best not to cry.

"Do you want to say something to him, Ronnie?" I asked her.

She then got closer to him and started to pass her hand on his hair. I heard her whisper something to him, but I couldn't make out what she said. Veronica then said she was done and we both walked back to the lobby. The ceremony continued. It became time for Vincent's mom to give a speech, who gave such an emotional speech. Then his stepdad gave a speech on how proud he was of Vincent. And finally, it was Veronica's turn to give a speech.

While Veronica was giving her speech, I noticed that JD was there. And it got me thinking. JD was jealous of Vincent. Vincent is known as Veronica's first boyfriend while JD is still stuck in the friend zone. And knowing JD, he's crazy enough to kill someone in cold blood. When Veronica finished her speech, I approached Jesse James.

"Chandler." He said when he saw me.

"You shouldn't be here, Jesse James." I said as I got really close to his face.

"Why shouldn't I?"

"Because you're the one that killed Vincent."

"And what makes you say that, Chandler? I mean, you saw Vincent's note. He killed himself because he couldn't move on."

"You are forgetting one crucial thing, Jesse James."

"And what is that, Chandler."

"Vincent taught Veronica how to forge handwritings. And knowing you, you would also want to know how to do that. I believe you smooth-talked Veronica into teaching you how to forge handwritings and you killed Vincent, made it seem like it was suicide, and faked his suicide note with his handwriting. Or am I wrong?"

"You're truly delusional, Chandler."

"Am I?"

"Well, you can't accuse someone unless you have proof, Chandler. I never killed Vincent. And if you excuse me, I need to go and comfort Veronica." JD said as he started to walk away.

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