Part 15

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The time has come. Today is the Prom. And today, I will put an end to Jesse James' nonsense. I cannot put JD in jail. His hatred is far too intense that he will find a way to get out. I need to do the unthinkable, I need to kill JD.

I was at his house, where he and his dad were having an argument. A pretty heated one. I then heard JD mention a name. A 'Jessie.' Is he referring to Jessica Dean? But, who is she? His mother? Either way, I couldn't stay any longer because then they would see me.

I got in my car and drove back to my house to get something to defend myself. My parents weren't home and Hunter was finally in his stupid college. I entered the empty house and went to my dad's office. I remember that he keeps a 9 mm Smith & Wesson 59 handgun locked in a safe. I found the safe but I needed the password.

I tried every possible combination that I could think of. His birthday, mom's birthday, their wedding, his favorite football team's first win. But none of them worked. I then thought of using Hunter's birthday, but that didn't work either. My last possible combination was my birthday. I entered the numbers on the pin pad and it worked! HA! Guess who's dad's favorite, Hunter!

I grabbed the shiny, silver gun and put it in my pocket. I also grabbed a couple more bullets just in case before I closed the safe and went to my room. I knew there was a chance that I might die, so I decided to write a letter to Veronica explaining everything. When I was done I placed it in a box. I then carefully placed- What was that? I heard a very familiar voice.

"Knock, knock. Sorry for coming through the window. Dreadful etiquette , I know." JD said as he stepped out of the window and into my room.

"What are you doing here?" I said as I hid the box from him. If he ever finds what's in that box...

"I shouldn't do this as it is a bit cliché, but I had a great idea to make sure Veronica never leaves me again. One that the whole town of Sherwood will hear about!"

"What is it, Jesse James?"

"I thought: What if high school went away? So, I built a bomb."

"You wouldn't dare."

"Yes, Chandler. Tonight, our school is Vietnam! And I'll guarantee that those assholes will never try to take away MY Veronica again."

"Then, why are you here?" I asked as I slowly tried to walk away.

"I wanted to personally kill you myself." JD then pulled out his gun. "You're not have the pleasure to experience my beautiful creation."

He pointed the gun at me and I instinctively ran away. JD fired the gun but missed me.

"Get back here, bitch!"

I ran downstairs to the living room. JD followed me and fired his gun and shot my mom's favorite family picture. I ran past the TV, and JD shot at it for about three times. I then managed to run all the way back upstairs and I locked myself in my room. JD followed and started to bang on my door.

"CHANDLER!!! OPEN THE DOOR!!! Chandler! Open the door!" He yelled as he banged on the door.

I quickly hid the box under the bed and I hid in my closet. JD continued to aggressively bang on the door.

"Chandler, don't make me come in there! I'm gonna count to three! One, two, fuck it!" JD then kicks down the door and enters my room.

JD entered my room and started to look for me.

"Where are you, Chandler?"

He wandered around my room for quite some time. When he got in front of my closet, I kicked the door and it hit him. I got out as soon as possible and ran back downstairs.

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