Part 17

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There I was, facing Jesse James for what I believe is the last time. There was a bomb planted somewhere in this boiler room and JD is the only one who knows where it is. And now, I realize that there's no changing him. It's up to me to save Westerburg High. This is no longer about Veronica, it's about something much more. God, Veronica did ruin my personality.

"Where's the bomb, JD?"

"When did you found out, Chandler?" JD softly said.


"You know what I'm talking about! No woman loses 25 pounds overnight! Where is it!?"

Knowing that JD is an insane monster, I could never let him find him...

"Never! I will never let you touch him!"

"So it's a 'he?' I'll tell you where the bomb is if you tell me where he is." JD suggested.

That's when something in me snapped. I tackled JD and he fell to the ground. I then started to punch him in the face as hard as I could. I just kept punching and punching and punching until my knuckles started to bleed. I broke his nose. He had severe bruising on his brow. I was just filled with rage that if I was stronger, I could've killed him with my bare hands.

As I was beating JD up, I heard a clock ticking down. I look up and I see the bomb that JD placed to blow up the school. I got up from JD and ran towards the bomb. I grabbed the bomb, my dad's gun, and my croquet mallet and ran out of the boiler room.

Before entering the boiler room, I ran across Veronica and I told her to get everybody out of the school. When I got out of the boiler room, I could see Veronica, Mac, Kurt, Ram, Betty, and Martha Dumptruck attempting to get everyone out of the school. As I gazed at Veronica's beauty,  I noticed that JD had come out of the boiler room and was out to get me. I rushed out of there and made it outside.

I needed to get the bomb away from the school as soon as possible. While running, I tripped and dropped the bomb. I turned as white as a ghost when I dropped the bomb. Thankfully, Jesse James must've made it in a way that it wouldn't go off if it hit the ground. Once I grabbed the bomb again, JD fired his gun and it barely hit me in the arm.

"OW!!!" I yelled in pain.

"That's for the hand! Now, hand over the bomb."

"Over my dead body." I said as I hugged the bomb.

"I don't think you should keep a ticking bomb that close to yourself, Chandler!"


"Fine. I guess I'll just pluck it out of your dead body."

JD charged at me and tried to take the bomb away from me. But I made sure that he couldn't get it and so, the two of us struggled to gain control of the bomb.

The bomb ticked down and neither of us could gain possession of the bomb. And then, amongst it all, I see Veronica standing on the stairs in her beautiful blue dress. She was confused, afraid, and shocked. JD and I stopped fighting and stared at her. We were battle-torn and beat up. I realized that I needed to make the ultimate sacrifice...

"Oh my God..." Veronica softly said.

The bomb ticked down and both mine and JD's fate were sealed. There was no turning back now...

"Veronica. Our love is God." JD said to her.

I looked at her and I smiled at her. Veronica Sawyer, the girl who changed the heart of Heather Chandler. How did she do it?

"I love you, Veronica. I truly love you."

The bomb then gave its final tick and I saw a bright white flash. Goodbye, Veronica... I will miss you...

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